So when Royland led the raid on Sea Dragon Point, was he leading Forrester men?
Title basically says all.
If you didn't know,
Royland Degore became a soldier in the Forrester army after his family was raped and murdered by Ironborn during Balon Greyjoy's rebellion. As the story goes, Degore led a nighttime raid on Sea Dragon Point, where he cut the moorings of a dozen Greyjoy longships and burned the drifting ships to ash - along with all the Ironborn on board. Degore was given charge of a battalion, and eventually rose to be Ironrath's Master-at-Arms. He's known for his natural military expertise, and his legendary temper.
I must know help me @ArthurV you're my only hope.
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fuck off grammar nazi
You know nothing about grammar, Jon Snow.
And mary poppins needs to bust a motherfuckin cap in your ass
i didn't just plow your field m8,
i plowed your woman
Rude :< but sexy at the same time :^)
Well forresters are stark bannermen and starks fought the grejoys so that might be what happened
Okay, I was lying.
I didn't know where to put it tho.
You got 'em though!
I assume he led some Forrester smallfolk as well as any surviving soldiers from House Degore.
Wrong. Forresters are House Glover's bannermen. The reason all the characters mention that the Forresters serve the Starks is because House Glover's plotline was cut from the show.
I'm pretty sure bannermen to a great house's bannermen are still bannermen.
Deepwood Motte WAS captured in show continuity, so yeah. It's can even be mentioned in Episode 2.
Yes that's true, House Glover and its bannermen all serve the Starks. However, Telltale has the game put emphasis on the Forresters being "Stark men" because show goers might not know or care about House Glover.