Do you think they should start treating cancer patients with cannabis now?
The American Government have finally decided to put it out and admit cannabis kills cancer cells so do you think they should start treating patients now? I personally believe they should, millions of people suffer from loads of different types of cancers and as this is the only known way to kill it, it has to be done. They shouldn't legalize though, only for the people with cancer that actually need it, sorta like a prescription and it could potentially save them money too.
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They should legalize it entirely.
Of course.
They should. My father actually had cancer and smoked cannabis at home, and he actually felt alot better (I'm not surprised) What i'm trying to say is that it can actually ease the pain of people who have cancer, it eased my father's pain so, i'm grateful for that.
I can't believe people are still supporting its opposition.
EDIT: Though, to my knowledge, pot doesn't actually kill cancer cells. It is used as a pain manager and to help improve appetite.
Definitely. A doctor actually recommended it when my granddad was diagnosed with brain cancer and didn't have the appetite to eat much food, causing him to become so weak that eventually he couldn't handle chemotherapy anymore. I guess the "munchies" ended up being a good thing.
....oh, I thought it said cannibals.
But yeah, they probably should let cancer patients take some of it to kill those cancer cells.
Its great for my PTSD. It keeps me from exploding at people. I don't know what i would do without it. Sometimes it gets me in trouble though, with people/relationships. They don't understand.
Though if you want to treat cancer, people should be trying to develop working Quantum Computers. Imagine the possibilities when we have them.
Cannabis kills cancer cells, so why not?
Cannibis oil should definitely be legalised. I have heard of a case through a mutual friend of a cancer victim where was given a year to live on acount of cancer (I cannot recall the type). With this, he started to use canninbis oil to assist the cancer. Now, here in Australia, the possession of canninbis oil is not prohibited, yet the cultivation and sale of it is, so he was acting illegally. A few months later, the doctor said that the cancer had stopped advancing, and that, if anything, it had regressed a small degree.
It is the cannibis oil within the plant that actually kills the cancer.
If it has medical benefits, then I see no reason not to legalize it.
Link? I've never heard of this.
As J-Master said, At first I thought this said "Cannibals" and I was gonna be like "Bruh...."
If it helps with the pain at least then definitely
Here are three:
enter link description here
enter link description here
enter link description here
And here is an additional one to point out further why the laws should change:
enter link description here
The first link mostly says that cannabis could treat cancer, not that it does.
The second is anecdotal, so I won't be looking into that.
The third is advertising for a store on the same site. If that's not bias I don't know what is.
As for changing the laws? I completely agree. I think laws banning even recreational use of marijuana are idiotic and need to be reevaluated. I just don't think it "kills cancer cells". But, I could be wrong.
On the first one, that is the thing. If it does become legalised for medicinal use, pharmaceutical companies cannot make money out of it due to it being a natural substance, thus rendering it impossible to patent. Because of this (and legal reasons concerning the substances legality), little money has been put into its research.
You can find a thousand other anecdotes similar to that, INCLUDING within that final link at the bottom.
The third one is very biased, I shall admit.
Also, the entire thing about this thread is that the US government has said that cannibis does indeed kill cancer cells, so that seems like reason enough to me to believe these anecdotes for now.
Medical marijuana is great, even if you have to get it illegally. It really helped me when I was being treated for autoimmune disorder. Interestingly enough, less than a week after my disease went into remission and I quit, the gangbanger I bought from went down as part of a huge drug bust.
Okay? I don't see how that's relevant.
I can find hundreds of anecdotal stories about alien abduction, or how vaccinations gave "enter child's name here" a mental handicap. That doesn't make it true.
Someone saying "The American Government have finally decided to put it out and admit cannabis kills cancer cells" should not be reason to believe cannabis kills cancer cells.
If I open a thread that says "The American Government has finally put it out and admitted that the moon is made of cheese," would you believe the moon is made of cheese?
Lucky timing. With these ridiculous minimum madatory laws you might have ended up in the clinker yourself
No, I would not believe the US government if they said the Moon is made of cheese because that would be completely absurd. Having the oil of a plant being able to kill cancerous cells is not.
The first point I made in the previous comment is pointing out the reason why it is only said to possibly treat cancer is because of a lack of scientific knowledge in it. This comes from a lack of studies into its effects by the medical establishment since if it was able to cure certain cancers, it would cost the pharmaceutical companies, and by extension, the medical sector, much money.
enter link description here
On the topic of cancer, I found this interesting.
So if I told you that common oak tree root cures Huntington's disease, would you believe that? Since I gave you a plant and a disease that it cures? What is your criteria for believability without corroborative evidence?
In addition I did not give you any reference to the "government" saying these things, I only said that they said so. As did the OP. The government didn't actually say the moon is made of cheese, I said they did.
Maybe. Or maybe those effects do not exist. Being dogmatic doesn't make something factual.
Cops in Ohio don't care about MJ, its been decriminalized, its one ballot vote from being legalized. They're more concerned about drugs like meth, which i agree and support 100 percent.
Yeah, same in PA. But these guys were from a serious Dominican gang and were into other drugs to, like heroin. Not my dealer, but some. They recently won a pretty bloody turf war, so it was buy from them or not at all.
They had it coming, heroin is destroying that city,
I guess I misread your statement about the moon.
The US government says that while cannibis does kill cancer cells, they question the safety of human consumption. As shown by this article from the Telegraph. There would be NO evidence in support of your oak tree claim, whereas there is some proof within the medical establishment (not much, granted, but still more than the former) of the latter.
I guess you could call me something of a cynic. I find it rather odd, that cannibis oil has been praised by so many as a treatment for cancer, and that so little research has been put into it in spite of this. I remmeber you saying something about vaccines causing autism anecdotes not being true? The thing is, many studies have disproven this since. Wheras the Cannibis oil issue has had little research given and the study mentioned (the only one I have heard of that focused on cannibis oil) was conducted under flawed conditions (e.g. The cancer was of a severe type and was in its late stages). The substance is a natural by product of a natural product, and thus cannot be monetised efficiently due to patent laws. The amount of money the medical establishment and pharmaceutical sector make on cancer treatments is phenomenal. If this were to introduced, as I said previously, this would lead to a drop in profits for pharmaceutical companies.
Anyone else that was waiting for the Illuminati music to play?
There is not much evidence to support my claim because money is not being invested into research to test oak root's effects on Hutchington's disease. See how easy it is to just say things?
I'm also fairly cynical. My cynicism makes me think that it isn't true, because despite it being so widely used by the medical community to treat the symptoms of chemotherapy I've yet to hear anything remotely concrete in regard to it killing cancer cells. I think it's laughable to say that the effects of marijuana are not being tested, effects on cancer or otherwise.
In any case this covers at ion is useless. You think it does kill cancer cells without evidence to support the claim, because reasons. I think that it doesn't because there is no substantial evidence to support the claim, even though it is widely used and, despite what you may think, widely experimented with. We both agree that it should be legal to use in the treatment of cancer patients. Until next time, adieu.
You mean this one?
enter link description here
It makes everything much more dramatic.
Yes. I think its best we leave it at that.
I think they should start treating rush hour with cannabis...
If you sell heroin it should be a life sentence on the moon. I hate that shit, if i was president things would change. If I had to invade mexico to stop the drug trade, i would.
I have seen the devastating effects of heroin on families in my own life. We need to take back our community from the criminals and either deal with them, or get rid of them by any means necessary. I have zero sympathy for anyone who sells hard drugs like heroin, or meth or PCP. Those drugs destroy lives, but Cannabis, i think should be legal, but kids really need to know that, too much of a good thing is always a bad idea.
If only it was that simple. Mexico and the cartels are only a small part of our problem. Most of our coke originates from Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. Mexico's main problem is that it's stuck between the hard drugs and the Americans who consume it like candy. Likewise, much of our illegal opiates come from Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Drug dealers are the symptom, not the disease. If you grow up in a place with no opportunities, no hope and no way out, that's just what you do. A lot of them grow up without father figures and the closest thing to mentorship they have is gangs and dope dealers. It's not acceptable, but it's also easy to see why people do it.
Clearly something has to change though.
I don't know. I heard it can help them, but it can end up killing them.
I really hope we find a cure for Cancer...
What? That sounds like pure disinformation. Find me the sources that say pot can kill cancer patients.
It most definitely can kill you. It's dangerous stuff. Eating 22 kg (48.5 lb) can be enough to kill you, and smoking just 680 kg (a little shy of 1500 lb) can end your life. Careful next time you grab that dubbie!
Here's a link, don't know if its true or not. (By the way, I should edit my comment, because I mean that I heard it can kill them.)
Here ya go Max.
That... Makes sense, yeah.
I was always bad at science though.
Yeah, but cannabis extracts in extremely high concentrations might be another story.
Thanks, it's an interesting link. A lot of the 'danger' comes down to common sense.
1.) THC, like any other chemical, can be dangerous in extremely high concentrations.
2.) Marijuana is not an adequate substitute for professional medical intervention.
3.) Breathing in a lot foreign bodies might not be great for your lungs. (Though certainly no worse than cigarettes)
4.) You should NEVER trust dealers you don't know.
Is it worthwhile to take marijuana to alleviate the discomfort and misery of long-term Illness? Absolutely, in my personal experience. Is it a wonder drug that single-handedly cures cancer and has no chance for negative side effects? Certainly not.
I didn't have a easy life, and i made it. You can either do , or die.
In the end the choice is always yours, you can blame the world, you can blame your upbringing, but how long are you going to blame others, and take control of your own life. I did it. Anyone can do it.