Wallace & Gromit issue XBLA - missing Cheese?

edited July 2009 in Game Support
Haha -
Act 3:
yeah well I had never picked up the cheese that the officer left on the floor as I was challenging myself to get that achievement and think of an alternative way to complete the puzzle.

So after I realized I had to drop the cheese through the cellar door, go back to the basement and get into the sniffer and go to the top of the hive by the record player.

Now as I got the lullaby record and went to put it on, the bees attacked me and I couldn't play the record. So I figured I could get the sniffer to come back by getting cheese from the town again.
That worked, but when I got back in the sniffer (with the cheese still on the hive) the stupid mouse won't go back on top of the hive. So I decided to go back to the town and pick up that "gorgonzola cheese" the cop left, but it was gone.

Now I'm stuck with having to go back early in the game to a much earlier save and I just don't want to do that. Chances are i'll have to leave the game alone for awhile till my interest is peaked enough to play it again. With this bug and the freezing bug it just keeps killing my enjoyment with the game.

Dev's please read your customers posts with the problems we're having. I've been enjoying this game and look forward to all the upcoming episodes for download on XBLA - but with these bugs I'm finding it hard to justify paying for these games.
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