Minecraft vs. The Walking Dead
I want facts people.
I want respect people.
Or my name isn't the Blue Friggin' Turtle!
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I want facts people.
I want respect people.
Or my name isn't the Blue Friggin' Turtle!
So, uh, what are they competing in?
Maybe because both of these games have zombies but that doesn't make any sense
Two things:
You need to be specific.
Minecraft isn't even out yet.
Ok I guess your name isn't the Blue Turtle
The game that has 2 seasons out and season 3 announced(TWD)
The game that only has a teaser trailer(MSM)
Seems fair...
What do you want exactly?
Minecraft is obviously better. Pfft. What a question. I mean Minecraft EP. 3 was so epic with that one-shot scene. And EP. 4 was soo emotional. I Cried! But riding the Enderdragon in EP.5 was the best thing, TTG has ever Done.
When they blew up my wood cottage it was way sadder than Lee dying RIP.
Oh man. Did you ship wood cottage with Esteban the Cow too?
i cri evrytiem
And then Wood Cottage says "Keep that coat short" and Estaban lights the TNT. Such tragedy!
Can't see the keyboard from all these tears.
Stop it, please. I Cant take it anymore
I have proof Minecraft and The Walking Dead are the same game! They both have zombie in them. CASE CLOSED
So just because they both have zombies, they are the same game? Hmm alright then.
Smellmeh, I have respected you the entire time you've been on these forums. But did you seriously not pick up on that sarcasm?
Oh great now i feel like an idiot. Thanks a lot. :P
Well... I'd give Minecraft more time, But I'll try and see how both of them weigh out.
The Walking Dead - The more I replay It, the more I grow closer to hating it. While it's fun to Go back and make new choices and see how Characters react, The writing is shit, the Acting is B-movie quality, and The whole "You're choice matters" thing is bullshit. Saying "Fuck you" to somebody Mattered more in Until Dawn than Saving someones LIFE mattered in TWD. (Btw, Until Dawn, Fan-fucking-tastic game. So much better than TWD) Anyway, While I disliked TWD on many fronts, It was still a playable game. Nothing was really broken aside from the Occasional face model glitches and Background bugs, And it was overall a decent game, But only on the First time I played it. It has no replayability. And that makes it much worse.
Minecraft: Story Mode - Now, where TWD fails at Replayability. Minecraft itself, does not. It's got randomly generated worlds, So many secrets, and if you play with friends and mods, It's so great. That's what makes Minecraft so great, So no MC haters it's not just "Autistic 12 year olds" you arrogant pricks. (sorry for the language) Also, Autism isn't a joke, Just saying. Anyway, The Story you make for yourself gives Minecraft that adventurous feeling, and Playing it differently each time Gives it that same feeling.
Now, If we've learned anything From Telltales GREATEST games Like The Wolf Among Us, Sam and Max, and Tales from Monkey Island. It's that Telltale does not let people down when it comes to Replayability and playing differently each time. Something Minecraft has that's being brought to life by Telltale, a Game company that specializes in that. Not to mention, Story. If you look around Telltale games, I'm damn sure you won't find a Mindless shooter game in their ranks. You'll find story, Story so big that when you entire the site, It slaps you in the face, Kisses you on the cheek, apologizes, and Coaxes you into buying it's games. So, let's do some math here, Minecraft + Telltale = 100% pure, unadulterated, badass.
Overall, Neither one is Better than the other. It's just opinion when it comes down to it. And in My opinion, Minecraft wins.
Sorry! Just pointing it out. XD
May I point out that your name isn't 'the Blue Friggin' Turtle', but 'theBlueTurtle'
The only right answer is yes btw
No worries mate.
The Walking Dead had more letters than Minecraft, so on that basis The Walking Dead wins
Like in a foot race or somethin?
Well is hard to say which is better. Because TWD has a emotional story and minecraft has no story. (yet)
I am gonna wait until Minecraft: Story mode comes out because right now, they both have no comparison. (except zombies)
Minecraft Story Mode looks very promising, I shall comment on this again when it releases.
Kappa wins.
...yeah, but Minecraft: Story Mode has more letters than The Walking Dead.
yeah i thought of that, but "The Walking Dead: The Game" has more letters than that :P
Minecraft Story Mode: A Telltale Games Series has more letters than The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series. Checkmate.
The Walking Dead: The Game. A Telltale Games Series. checkmate times infinity +1
Stop comparing a finished product to a unreleased product (especially when the information your giving out to the unreleased product isn't even accurate).
Is that even a question?
Okay, First of all, You can't tell me what I can and can't post about. Second, Please, Enlighten me on the Information in my post that was inaccurate. Because all I see is my opinion, and Some facts about the games release.
The information you used to back up story mode is just how you feel about Minecraft (which isn't anything like story mode).
Seriously? It's not going to be just like normal Minecraft. Did you even watch the Trailer or people's impressions on the game? Look, giving false and inaccurate information on a unfinished product (you haven't played or watched) just makes you look pretty silly.
Your comment made me hit my face very hard.
When did I say it was going to be? I was listing off things about Normal Minecraft itself, and How elements LIKE that can Be implemented into Story Mode. I never once said directly, "DURR, STORY MODE WILL BE THE EXACT SAME AS THE ORIGINAL"
We've got a Hypocrite over here! Did YOU even Thouroughly read my comment? I'm guessing that's a No.
Did somebody Resurrect Nikola Fucking Testla?! Because there's clearly a Genius in here guys! Ugh... I was NOT giving information or False information on anything, And the fact that you can't get that makes YOU look pretty silly. You know what? Let me rephrase my entire comment. I think that Minecraft: Story Mode will be awesome, And incorperate some of the awesome Elements that Made Minecraft awesome. I Hate the Walking Dead game, Therefore, I'll probably like MCSM a lot more.
Are you seriously upset with my comment. Are alright? Are you having a shitty day or something.
Shitty day is putting it extremely lightly.
The way you phrased your comment wasn't helping your argument too well, and it's not your opinion i'm annoyed about, its the fact that people are trying to compare a complete game season with a game with a trailer and a 15 minute beta. Feel free to express your love for story mode when episode 1 comes out, but as of now all we have is itsy, bittsy, microscopic pieces of reasons why story mode is better than a finished product. If my comment irritated you, i'm sorry I guess.
To be honest, there's not much replay ability for Wolf Among Us either, and playing differently doesn't amount to much aside from a few different scenarios since you get the same kind of ending anyways.
That's fair I guess.
No dude, I should be sorry, I took my bad day and unleashed my pissy mood on people who didn't deserve it. I apologize.