Business project for school, mind helping me out?
Note: Participating in this is strictly voluntary, if you can help in any sort of way with this project, it would be much appreciated. If you are uncomfortable with answering some or all of the questions, you do not have to answer them, only post what you feel comfortable posting, any sort of info will go a long way. Thanks in advance.
So for a business project, I was told to create a "business website blog" on Wordpress where you try to sell a product or service, and as part of the project, I have to find a certain audience that would be attracted to what I am providing. It doesn’t have to be a product or service that you yourself have made or provide, you just need to create a blog about it to try and attract new people that have never heard of it to that product. After thinking of several different ideas for the blog, I finally came up with what my blog could be about…Telltale. However, as mentioned, I have to find a certain audience. As taken directly from the instructions:
Submit a PDF with a precise definition and description of your target audience. Tell me something about this group based on your own customer research – what are their unique characteristics, what do they read, what do you compete with (i.e. what other sites do they read), what is the demographic profile of your audience?
This is where you guys come in.
If you could answer a few easy questions, it would help me get an idea of what sort of demographic I’m looking for.
Geographical location (what country you live in, if in the U.S., what state, nothing to specific)
What do you read (comics, book, newspaper, magazine, any specific genre)?
How did you first learn about Telltale Games/What attracted you to them (was it through social media, TV commercial or other advertisement, they made a game based on a series you enjoy, etc.)?
What was the first Telltale game you played?
What is your favorite Telltale game?
If you want to provide any other information that you think could be useful, feel free. I completely understand if you don’t want to participate in this and are uncomfortable with giving up some of this information, but if you could help in anyway, it would be much appreciated. Thanks again guys.
Happy to help.
1) 16 (almost 17)
2) Male
3) TA, Israel
4) some comic books, all genres of books.
5) Saw a YouTube commentary of TWD S1, the characters and the dialogue choices intrigued me most.
6) TWD S1
7) TWD S2
Thanks for the help so far guys, so far what I'm seeing is the target age is around late teens to early 20's, most people learned through YT videos and/or play throughs, and (not surprised), the first game that most people played was TWD S1.
Before I answer, perhaps you do a Google form so you can have the data there? That's just my suggestion:
What Dojo said. (Under 18 I can PM you more information gracias)
Virginia, United States of America
I read the newspaper, in fact just read some earlier today. Comic books, the Walking Dead is the only one I really read, I have all of the volumes except the newly released Life and Death. Some Fables comics. I read books too. Pretty nice.
ZackScottGames, a favorite channel of mine, had Jurassic Park: The Game and the Walking Dead Season 1 playthroughs. I've watched all of his TellTale playthroughs now, even finding the Back To The Future one he had released before Jurassic Park.
Jurassic Park: The Game
The Wolf Among Us
Fuck I clicked the wrong button lmao
Saya punya teman-teman di Malaysia. Adakah Anda berbicara bahasa melayu? saya perlahan-lahan belajar bahasa Indonesia.
I'm not going to answer your questions, but I will make some remarks about Telltale demographics.
Telltale normally attracts people by creating games associated with popular licenses. The kinds of customers it attracts are the same as those attracted to the licenses it makes the games for.
Early Telltale had lots of former LucasArts employees, and they made puzzle-style adventure games similar to the old LucasArts games. This attracted older adventure games fans such as myself.
Then Telltale started going after some more popular licenses. First with older but recognizable properties, and now they've got modern TV shows. This attracts a wider demographic but one that likes more storyline-driven games than puzzle-driven games. That drove away many of the puzzle fans, but everyone likes a good story, so more joined than left. Modern stories will attract a crowd that trends younger than older stories will.
So far this strategy has been working for them. It remains to be seen what Minecraft: Story Mode is going to do, though.
1) 24
2) Female
3) Long Island, NY (USA)
4) law school stuff (casebooks and newspapers) but if I ever do read for fun I either like trashy celebrity gossip (like Perez Hilton / People Magazine / US weekly) or I am currently reading the ASOIF series (just starting book 2)
5) I absolutely love Game of Thrones (probably my favorite television series of all time - definitely in the top 3) and was so excited when I saw that there was a game out for it
6 & 7 (considering they are both the same) Game of Thrones (it is the only game I played and probably will ever play with Telltale because I am not as invested in the other series as I am with GOT)
Yes I do speak English
Do you know any Indonesian? It's supposed to be pretty much mutually understandable with Malaysian.
Under 18
Comics, books (mainly Fantasy and Adventure/Action Adventure)
I remember clicking on a The Wolf Among Us video on YouTube thinking "this looks cool". (To be honest, if I hadn't decided to watch it I don't think I could have been introduced to Telltale in any other way. I've not once seen any sort of advertisement regarding their games or talked with somebody about them outside of the Internet)
Tales from the Borderlands
Tales from the Borderlands
I remember one that was shown on AMC during TWD for (then the upcoming) TWD S2 game, and believe it or not, that was how I was introduced to Telltale.
enter link description here
I don't know Indonesian and the amount of knowledge I have in Bahasa Melayu in the first place is rather limited anyway. But yes, they are very similar to each other.
I came to know about Telltale games by just seeing The Walking Dead Season 1 on sale on steam. I liked the show, and it looked interesting. Though, would Telltale qualify for your assignment? Telltale is a company, not a service or product in and of itself. It sounds like you could mimic a campaign for one of Telltale's games, but can you do that for the whole company?
Also, I think moreso than focusing on demographics, whenever you're trying to market a product, you think need to come up with a unique concept for your product. You've learned SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analyses right? Even though Telltale is a comparatively small company with smaller budgets (weaknesses), they are known for taking, especially in recent years, popular franchises and turning them into games with compelling narratives. More importantly, they take a narrative-driven franchise and, rather than simply adapting it into a video game, expand on that franchises's universe by taking a story which is, for all intensive purposes, tangential. That way it is less confined by the intellectual property and offers a great way for players to interact with the source material. The Walking Dead offers an alternative narrative which doesn't conflict or overlap too much with the orignal work, but nonetheless appeals to fans and benefits from the attention derived from the original media. Game of Thrones may be an even better example (though my computer is too old to play it, so I'm talking about the little I know), where it takes a portion of the original material that is sort of happening in the background and allows the player to explore that aspect of the text. It expands upon the original, popular franchise without stepping on its toes. You can compare it to a lot of the Star Wars games (specifically Knights of the Old Republic and Republic Commando) in they way that they add more content, being in a sense a form of transmedia moreso than a simple adapation or even a sequel/prequel (though some Telltale Games are sequel/prequels).
The big thing you'd have to worry about is the number of developpers who are taking on Telltale's formula, namely games like Life is Strange, and, to my knowledge, Dark Dreams Don't Die. Though there are a number of ways to do that - appeal to Telltale's ability to benefit from existing franchises, the amount of media garnered for Telltale when one of its competitors gains attention (since they are invariably compared to Telltale), bolster the image of Telltale as the original, etc.
My professor gave me the green light when I proposed the idea, it's more about the games they have produced, not so much as the company itself, I should have been more specific in my description. Quoted directly from the instructions:
So what I'm aiming for is more along the lines of recommending their games to visitors of the blog, not the company itself. And yes, we have discussed SWOT, we have to do a few SWOT analysis's later in the year. I am also taking into consideration about what other companies and games are doing, such as Life is Strange, and what you suggested was exactly what I was planning. When I originally proposed the idea, my professor said I needed a "So what" factor (his words exactly), what is it that will attract people to what you're selling. I figured the existing franchises would be a perfect "So what" factor.