3 People you would keep alive in ep 6



  • edited September 2015

    Asher and Talia, I can' really think of a 3rd character in which I would care that much about dying

    Beshka I don't really care about so she can die for all I care.

    Mira while I enjoy playing as her because it's in Kings Landing I find her to be extremely dull much like I do Sansa and I HATE Sansa.

    Gared I wanna see what the North Grove is but after that I don't care about him.

    Elaena She's alright but I won't be upset if she dies, same goes for Gwyn.

    Ryon I wouldn't like him to die because he's a child but shit GOT made me immune to that in Episode 1 killing Ethan so...

    Now characters I'd like to see die would be really easy but it would be all characters that are in the show so wouldn't happen such as Danys, Ramsey, Sansa, etc

  • I love that you're so distrustful of him yet want him kept alive. I really like his character too.

    Abeille posted: »

    Someone else wanting to keep Morgryn alive? Can I hug you?

  • enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Ludd, Gryff, Gwen

  • I just love this kind of character. He has me wrapped around his little finger (ha!) every time we talk.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I love that you're so distrustful of him yet want him kept alive. I really like his character too.

  • Morgryn

    You beautiful cinnamon roll.

    * Mira * Eleana * Morgryn

  • 1) Gared

    2) Asher

    3) Morgryn

  • Where did you find that image of Beskha?

    * Beskha * Beskha * Beskha

  • Mira, Elaena, Tom

  • I think I looked up "Beskha the Basilisk" when I found it. I saved it onto my computer a while ago though, and just now recently found it on my computer and uploaded it as my gravatar, so I don't really remember.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Where did you find that image of Beskha?

  • It looks cool.

    I think I looked up "Beskha the Basilisk" when I found it. I saved it onto my computer a while ago though, and just now recently found it on my computer and uploaded it as my gravatar, so I don't really remember.

  • Gared, Talia, Tom

  • He's great on all counts. An excellent antagonist overall. My reaction is mostly out of shock anyone wants him alive. But I do get it.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    How can you not like Ludd?! Lmao he's perfect

  • All hail the Bastard of Ironrath! It is fervently wished known. ;)

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Yes! I also want Elaena to be preggers.

    1. Eleana - Love: companion, (possible) future wife.
    2. Beshka - Friendship: late brother's best friend and his only family across the sea.
    3. Ser Royland - Honor: Loyal to the family, able to protect what is left of House Forrester.

    I would be heartbroken if Eleana dies in the next episode. Beshka's death would truly hurt as well.
    Unfortunately, I do expect Ser Royland to die. Though, I really hope that he does not.

  • Personally, I would keep Asher, Garred, and Beshka alive.

    Same, they're my three favorite so far now that I'm keeping up with GOT again.

    1. Rodrick and Eleana, since you didn't say anything about couples.
    2. Gared
    3. Ser Royland

    I could care less about everyone else dying.

  • Rodrik, Royland and...I don't know?

    Ryon? Talia? I honestly don't care for any other characters.

  • edited September 2015

    Mira's stares are ridiculously powerful.

    I'm positive her stares can actually physically hurt people.

    LOL YES (when she's with Sera and Garibald and she sees Morgryn and Andros arguing)

    Abeille posted: »

    Don't forget delivering sick burns to fat merchants and staring at people. Mira's stares are ridiculously powerful. During the coronation

  • Asher, Mira, Gared

    1. Jon Snow
    2. Hottest guy in game
    3. Smartest guy in game
      Wait....all of these are Jon Snow!
  • Mira, Talia and Beskha!

    I want them to survive, but I don't have high hopes for Asher/Rodrik, Royland/Duncan, Cotter and Ryon, unfortunately.

    1. Eleana
    2. Royland
    3. Mira

    Mm.. I've got the feeling of Gared being the only survivor :X

  • Asher, Beskha and Gwyn.

    (I'm only counting those who I think could possibly die; otherwise Morgryn would be on that list.)

  • edited September 2015
    1. Gared. I will cry. I'm preparing myself-- but I'll never be prepared enough.
    2. Asher. I mean, I saved him for a reason, y'know?
    3. Talia. I doubt she'll die, but I wouldn't be happy if she did.
  • Smartest guy in game Wait....all of these are Jon Snow!

    [?] Jon Snow knows nothing.

    * Jon Snow * Hottest guy in game * Smartest guy in game Wait....all of these are Jon Snow!

  • 1-Tazal

  • You pulled the quote thing on me. Ok, but he rescued a baby wolf so he obviously has some brains behind that hot face of his.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Smartest guy in game Wait....all of these are Jon Snow! [?] Jon Snow knows nothing.

  • enter image description here

    alikir34 posted: »

    1-Tazal 2-Gryff 3-Ludd

  • Mira, Mira, Mira lol

  • Talia


    Mi-Gar-Bes-well...fuck this is hard

  • Ttg style:No one.

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