Fuck one, Marry one and Kill one
- Seeing how people are trolling all over the forum and people are losing patience.
- Though i'd do something different and funny.
- Men and Women welcome to post on here.
- Both genders, who would fuck, marry and kill.
- Men: Season 1: Lee, Shawn, Chet, Hershel, Kenny, Glen, Larry, Doug, Ben, Mark, Andrew St John, Danny St John, Chuck, Omid, Vernon, Stranger, Clive.
- 400 days: Vince, Danny, Justin, Wyatt, Eddie, Russell, Nate, Leland, Roman,
- Season 2: Luke, Pete, Nick, Alvin, Carlos, Carver
- Women : Season 1: Katjaa, Jolene, Brie, Carely, Lily, Irene, Brenda St John, Beatrice, Christa, Anna Correa, Molly
- 400 Days: Shel, Stephanie, Dee, Bonnie, Tavia
- Season 2: Michelle, Rebecca,
- If i was a woman: Fuck Stranger (so mysterious), Marry Kenny and Kill Russell
- Women: Fuck Stephanie, Marry Brenda St John and Kill Dee
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Really Nice game You came up with ...
Ok i guess.... Fuck Lilly, Marry Carley and Kill Rebecca
Fuck Carley, marry Kenny (and cheat on him with Carley:) and kill Ben!
This is what people did in 5th grade. Oh god what happend to the forums
Nice one. Fuck Shel, Marry Carley, Kill Brenda (stupid bitch).
Fuck Carley, marry Shel, kill Michelle.
Why would you want to marry the cannibal? O_O
Fuck Molly, Marry Carley and Kill Brie
Jesus are you (f-word) kidding me!? I wouldn't fu, i wouldn't marry and i would kill walkers lol
Of all the people you could choose to kill here...Larry/Ben/The St Jons/Vernon/Campam/Rebbeca/Michelle you decided to choose Brie?
Jesus are you fucking kidding me?
Fuck Molly Marry Carley Kill Stranger
Fuck Lily, Mary Katjaa and Kill Michelle
Well I was only choosing between woman, I thought that was the point of the game, only choose men or woman.
And I forgot about Brenda St. John, I guess I would kill her instead of Brie
Oh...yes your right, i'm an idiot...i wrote that i would marry Kenny:D
Ok, so having a little fun is bad.
Yet people writing troll posts and fighting over cartoon characters is mature?
Seems legit.
This game is very discriminating...what about the gay and lesbian people on this forum/this commuity? And what about people like me that are straight but have a general Mustache fetish?
Mein Gott,dis thread! XD (#dying)
How old are you all again? Wait, don't answer that.
Hell fucking yes,Adventure Time.
and this is what ruins a fun thread like this when people say something is offensive, if it's offfensive then leave no ones asking anyone to stay
Wow.You're only,like,4 years older than me.Fuck yeah.
This is stupid but I guess:
Must kill Brie!
Downvote troll...This one's for you...(notice the dedication,you're welcome for that)
If I was a women in Season 1: I would fuck Lee, Kill Chuck and marry Omid.
Since I am a man in Season 1: I would fuck Molly, kill Katjaa and marry Carley
Women in 400 Days: fuck Vince, kill Rusell, and marry Eddie
Man 400 Days: fuck Stephanie, kill Dee and marry Shel.
I would engage in coitus with Molly, initiate a civil partnership with Kenny (not gay, but damn, dat 'stache) and I would commit homicide against Michelle.
Guys, I just checked InHarmsWay's post history. ImaWarrior made a back up account. He keeps saying "BOOMBOX CHEETOS". Blind Sniper, we need you again.
To answer your question directly,the dude's the Ice King.He's forever-searching for prostitutes...
Erm..... Thanks! I guess....:)
I know my reactions are hard to read sometimes,sorry! I was saying that i totes agree with you,and that's what this whole thread is technically about.
Kill Chuck?! I would kill the stranger!
Okay,well...Maybe not PROSTITUTES,but close enough,i think.They're supposed to be some fucked-up princesses the Ice King wants to...You know...
You don't have to be so aggressive,you know.We,humans,can also speak calmly,as to not ruin a thread like this,kay?
This is one of the most random threads I've seen...
Oh no...
God save us.
Yeah,check it out!