Favorite Music thread
Hi! It's me, Ohyoupokedme, and I am here with another thread for the love of music! This time, I'm focusing on music in general rather than Video Games. Here is my favorite songs:
What about you? What's your favorite tunes?
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| A---> |
| <---A |
A Idle Wanderer/Self-doubter/Questions
--- Steps
> Vision
| Barrier/Old Ways
Daft Punk - 'Voyager' (Aimedeuxhaine Remix)
| A---> <-|--B---
| <---A<---B A---><---B
| B--A--B--A---B---A---A---B--B--A--->
B Dormant Adventurer/Challenges
B--A--B-- Off to the Races/Discovery
Röyksopp - 'Don't Go'
AB Oneness
∞ Limits
Nujabes - 'Modal Soul' (feat. Uyama Hiroto)
The whole is other than the sum of its parts. -- Kurt Koffka
How can I forget this band?
We turn our hands to guns, turn in our thumbs for ammunition. I must forewarn you, of my disorder, or my condition, cuz when the sun sets it upsets what's left of my invested interest, interested in putting my fingers to my head. The solution is that I see a whole room of these mutant kids; fused at the wrist I simply tell them 'They should shoot at this'. Simply suggest my chest and this confused music, it's obviously best for them to turn their guns to a fist.
We need MOAR!
I shall contribute to dis post. Here's this song for now!
I absolutely love this band and their lyrics. They put so much meaning into their songs.
I ponder of something terrifying, cuz this time there's no sound to hide behind; defined over the course of our human existence, one thing consists of consistence; and it's that we are all battling fear, oh dear, I don't know if we know why we're here; oh my, too deep, please stop thinking! I liked it better when my car had sound!
Wow. I really liked that. I mean, I really liked that.
That band means A LOT to me. This song helped me get through a really tough time in my life (I had been struggling with depression). Amy Lee (the lady who sings this) is very inspirational. :') Concrete Angel, by Martina McBride is a good one, to, and the Jackie Evancho cover is amazing.
I'm glad to hear that. I too was changed by music. Twenty One Pilots really gave me a different viewpoint on my life, especially with some of the messages he puts into the songs he creates. One of his lyrics says (Song: Car Radio):
"There are things we can do, but of the things that work there are only two, and of the two that we choose to do, peace will win and fear will lose. There's faith and there's sleep, we need to pick one, please, because faith is to be awake and to be awake is for us to think and for us to think is to be alive and I will try with every rhyme to come across like I am dying to let you know you need to try to think."
Another one says (Holding onto you): "Remember the moment, you know exactly where you're going, because the next moment time is slowin' and then it's frozen still, and the window sill looks really nice, right? You think twice about your life, it probably happens at night, right? Fight it! Take the pain, ignite it! Tie a noose around your mind, loose enough to breath fine and tie it to a tree, tell it 'You belong to me!' this ain't a noose, this is a leash, and I have news for you, you must obey me!"
That's deep.
Yes it is... :')
I should have posted the vid for "Holding onto You" so here it is.
I really like keeping conversations like these, especially when it comes to lyrics interpretation; it gets really meaningful.
We both have good taste.
You are surrounding all my surroundings, sounding down the mountain range of my left side brain. You are surrounding all my surroundings, twisting the kaleidoscope behind both of my eyes.
You might like this, since you liked Evanescence (although that song didn't contain all of the band members, only the lead singer). No promises.
Oh nice, Nightwish.
Hmm... my two favourite bands would be...
Machinae Supremacy, from right here in Sweden!
...and Iron Maiden. Especially their newer stuff.
Powerful music and worthwhile lyrics from both bands. And Bruce Dickinson is the second best singer ever. After Freddie Mercury of course.
Edit: Also, yay, Africa! Makes me think of Chuck.
I kinda like this as well! Thanks!
Another classic song! Oh, and I curse the person who had the tenacity to actually thumbs down the Duran Duran video I posted way earlier, shame on that individual, shame.
Everyone gather around for a show. Watch as this man disappears as we know. Do me a favor and try to ignore, as you watch him fall through a bleeding trapdoor.
Thanks for posting, I appreciate it.
I love this piece as well. Got me into more of Anadel's stuff.
I shall contribute as well! Please excuse my "unpopular" taste in music? Even though i'm decently young i believe what's old is gold.
Also a classic rock'n'roll song is in order!
I don't need to excuse anything: If you like the music, why should I excuse putting it in this thread? Thanks for contributing.
Why, thank you! Anyway, your thread about the general chat brought me here. I think i'll lurk this part of the forum for a while. And the reason i said that is because people brand me sometimes for some of my music choices. But as you said, as long as the person likes the music... The rest doesn't really matter. I hope this thread remains active! Will be nice to see other people's choices as well.
At my kitchen sink. You don't know what that means, because a kitchen sink to you is not a kitchen sink to me.
Fuck it, can't get it to work.
If you can't get a video/audio clip, feel free to just say who/what it is. There's some really interesting unlinkable stuff in the world.
I don't want to be that guy.
I think I'll take my own advice. I've thought about posting in this thread, but I have a problem identifying a favorite song or band, because I like way too much stuff.
So I'll say what's currently on my mind is The Pretty Reckless, which is releasing a new CD this month (finally after many delays). They have several songs/videos that can be linked to online, but I hesitate in choosing one, because there isn't a really good iconic one that you can say represents the band. They all make really strong statements, but they're all different enough that if I post one or two, you might think the band is focused in that direction, when it isn't. Anyway, they've said the new CD is also meant to be listened to as a whole without picking individual songs out of it, so I guess I'll see for sure when I get it.
As Evanescence has been mentioned, I thought I'd also mention that another band named Within Temptation is on my wish list, but I haven't listened to them much yet. They are supposed to be appealing to Evanescence fans, though some warn that after listening to Within Temptation, you won't like Evanescence as much anymore. I don't know but will find out someday.
And for those disappointed that I didn't include a link, fine.
Q: What do you get when you cross an opera singer with a rock band?

...And now I will post something weird, since you seem to like weird.
Some of my favorite bands include Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Led Zepplin, Eels, Keane, and Lifehouse.
.O. A mod commented! I feel so happy!
Good ol' Led Zepplin.
I wish I could give you two likes for Tool and Infected Mushroom.
I have quite a weird taste in music, at least that's what my friends tell me... Anyway, I mostly listen to Heavy metal (Avenged Sevenfold) and a little bit of folk music (Alela Diane) A great band and an amazing artist
What exactly is weird about those bands? Anyways, what is your favorite song by Avenged Sevenfold? My favorites are Dancing Dead, Bat Country, and Unholy Confessions.
It's nothing weird about the bands, the weird part is listening to nothing but Heavy metal for 4 years and then suddenly realize that I like Folk music. It's quite a difference between those two genres. Anyways, my favorite songs from Avenged Sevenfold is Coming Home from their latest album and Thrashed and Scattered from the album City of Evil. And my favorite songs from Alela Diane is There's Only One and Like a Summer Thursday.
I am loving Poets of the fall and Imagine Dragons at the moment
http://Poets of the fall - carnival of rust
who we are - imagine dragons
I'm a metal head. These are probably my favorite songs from my top 10 favorite bands. Picking a single song is rough, but here it goes:
Other than metal I like some classic rock, and I love baroque, classical, and romantic era music as well; especially German military marches.