Juice Box Easter Egg in Episode 2
Anyone notice it! I was so happy! I can't believe Telltale saw my Juicy thread and decided to throw a little reference in there! Thank you Telltale, for listening to the fans! I hood Juicy's fate will explored further throughout Season 2!
Alvin said something along the lines of "Damn. Wish we still had those juiceboxes"
Do you know what this means? JUICY HAS A FAMILY. WHY THE F*CK DID THE CABIN GROUP LEAVE JUICY! He's gonna die there!
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Juicy is dead! Deal with it man.
What about beans.
I can see it now. Luke comes back to save the day and tosses Clem a juice box and goes, "Hey i think you forgot this."
You forgot about peaches.
Eeey, your thread? I made the original thread. </3
Everyone seemed to notice how much the girl on the can looked like Clem
There was also the box of apples in the shed. I laughed my ass off at that, much more than I should have.
Not to rain on your parade, but I don't think they were referencing your thread. Maybe he only says that if you accept the juice box from him.. It was a nice "easter egg" either way.
I watched my friend play after I played and he never talked to Alvin at the window. He still got the dialogue from Alvin. TT knows about the #JuicyRevolution
i didn't find the juice box (not a clue where it is) and he still said it in ep2.
No mourning for hammie the hammer? He fell off a bridge! He might return in episode 3 though...
Well on my playthrough Alvin says " Wish we hadn't finished all those juice boxes" maybe because he gave me one.
Alvin drank all them shits. Greedy bastard never contributed. That's why I had Carver kill his ass.
God damn it, spoilers in the title! I was waiting so long for juicy's glorious return and you had to ruin the impact of the moment for me.
I'm so sorry!
Doubt it, it was a good run while it lasted but the only thing he'll be exploring is the bottom of that lake.
What? Oh I'm sorry. I hadn't realized. I made the original thread "Official Juicebox Discussion Thread" as well as many others? What was your threads name?
god...let this juice joke finally die, please...
Haha, really! Woah
He can't be!
I made the ORIGINAL thread about Juicebox being the person we thought was dead, which sparked all the juicebox conversation. I'm just sad to see someone else take credit for the idea. ;-;
We need a meme of this!
It was a nice refrence, but that Alvin is the one who makes it proves my theory right.
Lee is Juicy and is working with Alvin to protect Clem... Its a shame Alvin is dead now in my run, looks like Juicy B will have to find a new proxy to help him in this world.
Telltale loves a running gag, maybe juicy will become TWD's "Banang"
I'm guessing people can finally move on from this "juicy" thing? Actually, keep it! Unless you plan to make a new thread about beans.....
Hammie is comforting Matthew now
Rip in peace, Juicy.
Juciy has sacrificed so much, and yet, he just keeps going. For Clementine, for Alvin, for the group that loves him. He never asked for this, but he won't ever stop, can't ever quit, because even though hes easily earnt a break...he still can't face the group being at a loss. This is why Rebecca's child will at least be named Juicy Jr.
He can't be dead
I love troll threads...when theyre actually funny that is.
you're better than this Omid...