Early request: Multilanguage on release, please!

How TT will handle multilanguage this time?

I know there will be some chances to have multilanguage after "Tales from the Borderlands" season is finished and put on a DVD (often 1 year or so, and EFIGS is not mandatory - see JP & BTTF).
But I'd like to have multilanguage on release.

Am I asking too much? Ok, I lower my request: can I hope for a language patch for each episode, before the subsequent is released?


  • It would be nice, but I highly doubt something like this will ever happen on release. Through patches sounds more likely.

  • Since they are not doing it...

    Maybe someone who knew what he was doing should programme a patch himself (or a group of someones) and translate to, at least Spanish, French and German.

    I volunteer to be a Spanish translator.

  • Nah its totally ok. I am coming from Germany and the english i learned in the school was enough to understand everything in the games. ;) But would be nice if there would be good german subtitles. The ones they have in Season 1 of Walking Dead are really...shity :D

  • edited January 2014

    BTW the ITALIAN version of Cognition game on PC, which got each episode traslated 1 month after their english release, was on the top 3 best selling adventures on Zodiac Store on 2013.
    (Source - as you can see all the 10 best selling adventures are the translated ones...)

    Phoenix Studios had an agreement with the Italian store: they had the exclusive for the italian version (and maybe they covered also the translations costs?), so Phoenix can release each episode in english and then Zodiac updated it with the Italian translation patch after one month.

    Why Telltale can't do it?

  • Telltale have to keep in mind that those foreign "virtual" customers doesn't post here, for obvious language limitations.

  • This is a stupid suggestion. Multilanguage will ruin the game. The best choice is to have one language (and brilliantly used) and probably subtitles in 5-10 most common languages.

  • it would be great

  • DaemonToolDaemonTool Banned
    edited February 2014

    BTW the Borderlands 2 game was released as MultiLanguage from the day it came out.

    It's a lot of foreign customers, right?
    Why do TT want to lose them?

  • [removed]

  • Yes you are. You are single handedly responsible for every release delay due to localization. It is getting tiresom to have to wait for translation just to play.

  • Me responsable? LOL.

    I'm asking a translation through a patch AFTER the episode is released (but before the next one, so players can be worldwide at-par during the whole series).
    How this can delay an already released episode? :-)

    angrykurd posted: »

    Yes you are. You are single handedly responsible for every release delay due to localization. It is getting tiresom to have to wait for translation just to play.

  • How would it ruin the game?

    gupy01 posted: »

    This is a stupid suggestion. Multilanguage will ruin the game. The best choice is to have one language (and brilliantly used) and probably subtitles in 5-10 most common languages.

  • The ignorance in this comment, moreover the majority of this thread, is astounding. Blaming one single person for the delay of any game for simply requesting multilanguage for a game, or at least after the game is released; is easily the stupidest thing I've read on this forum, and I've been coming here for a little over 5 years.

    angrykurd posted: »

    Yes you are. You are single handedly responsible for every release delay due to localization. It is getting tiresom to have to wait for translation just to play.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2014

    I strongly doubt that is the case. Please don't start drama by pointing fingers at innocent members for a very small request.

    angrykurd posted: »

    Yes you are. You are single handedly responsible for every release delay due to localization. It is getting tiresom to have to wait for translation just to play.

  • edited March 2014

    I did go a bit overboard on that comment and for that i am sorry. Unfortunatly, (to me) useless localization work tend to affect releases. With that said localization work is not just about translations. Of course its not one members fault.

    I strongly doubt that is the case. Please don't start drama by pointing fingers at innocent members for a very small request.

  • edited March 2014

    When Clem talks you want to hear Melissa Hutchison (Clem's voice actor) or some random german girl? Same in Tales From The Borderlands.

    How would it ruin the game?

  • edited March 2014

    Yes because TT games are not already released late enough already, lets give them the added stress of multi language on release. [insert sarcasm here]
    Also what he said

    When Clem talks you want to hear Melissa Hutchison (Clem's voice actor) or some random german girl? Same in Tales From The Borderlands.

    Multi - language is best left for the game of the year edition IMO. And even then, subtitles not actor changes.

    EDIT -

    Nah its totally ok. I am coming from Germany and the english i learned in the school was enough to understand everything in the games. ;) But would be nice if there would be good german subtitles. The ones they have in Season 1 of Walking Dead are really...shity :D

    forgot about this, we get taught here (Scotland) the basics of French and German. And many other countries teach in schools the basics of English (and probably a few other languages aswell). Just enough to understand Clem if you added some subtitles.

  • Any news from GDC or SXSW about languages or subtitles?

  • edited April 2014

    I think this kind of news generally are not given in such events...
    But my hopes are still high for Italian! :D

    Any news from GDC or SXSW about languages or subtitles?

  • A translated version of something is rarely better. The only game company I know that translate the text of the games to the language I speak is Ubisoft and their translations makes It hard speaking about the games on forums and such because everything has a different name and there is a lot errors.
  • Can someone who's going to E3 ask about languages, translations or localization?
    Pleeeease... ^^

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Also aforementioned E3 person, tell us how good the pinball was.

    Can someone who's going to E3 ask about languages, translations or localization? Pleeeease... ^^

  • Any news from E3 about languages?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Also aforementioned E3 person, tell us how good the pinball was.

  • Or any news at all? :D

    DaemonTool posted: »

    Any news from E3 about languages?

  • edited July 2014

    Sadly no news, neither from Comic-Con 2014.

    DaemonTool posted: »

    Or any news at all?

  • edited August 2014

    Well taringa already made "patches" for spanish subtitles in both TWD seaso 2 and TWAU

    but still the help is appreciated thanks :)

    (and before anyone asks i know both english and spanish)

    -jqp- posted: »

    Since they are not doing it... Maybe someone who knew what he was doing should programme a patch himself (or a group of someones) and translate to, at least Spanish, French and German. I volunteer to be a Spanish translator.

  • Same here with French sub'.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Nah its totally ok. I am coming from Germany and the english i learned in the school was enough to understand everything in the games. But wo

  • Butt-headButt-head Banned
    edited September 2014

    What, no speaka de english?!

  • that's the point of multi-language, not just german... genius.

    Hector13 posted: »

    When Clem talks you want to hear Melissa Hutchison (Clem's voice actor) or some random german girl? Same in Tales From The Borderlands.

  • Well, subtitles wouldn't ruin any voice actor.
    And it's cheaper too to make!

    Hector13 posted: »

    When Clem talks you want to hear Melissa Hutchison (Clem's voice actor) or some random german girl? Same in Tales From The Borderlands.

  • edited September 2014

    ...y los subtitulos en castellano??? Telltale Games, los juegos los necesitamos con subtitulos para disfrutarlos mas!

  • ****Es fundamental que los juegos tengan subtitulos en español. El publico de habla hispana es gigante; no entiendo porque no editan los juegos sin los subtitulos en esa castellano. El lenguaje de habla castellana es compatible en todo el mundo, como el inglés americano; el español tipico de España es mas reducido, como el ingles sajon.
    Estamos ansiosos de jugar estos estupendos juegos, pero los subtitulos son fundamentales.
    Y les recuerdo amigos de Telltale games que nosotros no hackeamos los juegos, los compramos incentivando la empresa notable que tienen. Escribo esto en español, puesto que si no pueden entender lo que digo menos podran entender lo que procuro solucionar.
    Saludos! ****

  • Now that's coming soon... are there any news about the languages?

  • edited November 2014

    It seems it's only english (as usual). :(

  • Well I hope it too.
    But nothing is appearing...
    Even Italian fans are pissed, and no fan-group has intention to translate TFTB right now.

    It would be nice, but I highly doubt something like this will ever happen on release. Through patches sounds more likely.

  • edited December 2014

    Well I don't know about other countries but the german voice actors for most of the games I've played are horrific compared to the original voices. Like claptraps german voice, it's a new level of annoying...
    But anyway, I think subtitles would be more fitting.

    Edit: And also, I'm german and we learn english at school so unless you missed school you should understand what everyones saying, especially with normal subs turned on. I play most of my games in english anyway.

    How would it ruin the game?

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