Who do you think is more bad

Stranger,Carver, Andy or Danny ? They are all bad people but who do you think is the the worst out of all of them ?
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Stranger,Carver, Andy or Danny ? They are all bad people but who do you think is the the worst out of all of them ?
I'm not sure. I'd say Carver? What do you think?
Danny - crazy, cannibalistic, and possibly a pedophile
Danny is the worst in terms of morality, but Carver is so far the best villain.
I actually didn't think Andy was such a baaaad guy, Between Danny and Carver I would say Carver ! What Danny and his family did was sick sure but it was all for survival and you could see they didn't enjoy what they were doing so its not like they were just eating people because it tasted like chicken , Carver on the other hand just seems like a bad dude I just saw him Shoot two people in the head and one of them wasn't even aware of the whole baby situation.
Danny. Andy seemed to have a few redeeming features, even though in the end he was a bad person all around. Campman was just some guy who was driven insane by the loss of his family and projected his own failings as a father on to Lee. Carver seems cool for a villain, and we don't know enough about him to know if he's as bad as Danny. Danny had pretty much no redeeming characteristics at all. He was half crazy, obsessive to a disturbing degree over his rifle Charlotte, and enjoyed being a cannibal.
Either between Carver or Danny
Why were most of us able to realize Andy wasn't as sick as his brother ?
I never really agreed with the idea that the Saint Johns did it because they absolutely had to. It had only been a few months after the infection started, and they were trying to justify butchering children for food.
Who knows who knows...
I think Andy was the worst because he was so creepy..
And I agree, Im not justifying what they did I just think the fact they actually showed remorse over their actions and at times showed they could have actually handled things different puts them slightly below Carver here He just shot two guys in the head and didn't even blink
I just don't understand why people surrounded by corn fields would need to eat humans. They had a cow for dairy products, and probably acres and acres of corn.
You mean Danny ?
They needed meat and they didn't wanna eat Maybelle :P So they decided to go nuts and at people
Pedophile ? Why ? I didn't notice any hints of it.
Nope, I mean Andrew..
I thought Danny was alright.
I think Carver and Danny are realy very similar.
1. they do not care to kill anyone if that gives them some benefits
2- both could suffer that it would be wonderful
The motor inn group was surviving on processed cheese and apple halves though. The St. Johns were a bit drastic I think.
Carver for sure. He reminds me a lot of the governor.
I guess I perceived Carver to be a more calculating villain, and the Saint Johns as more insane. They didn't show any semblance of regret when they hacked up Mark over a shoulder wound and started feeding him to his friends , they just acted like it was the logical thing to do.
Bottom line, You either choose a crazy cannibal or a creepy 40 years old murderer, Right ? I take Carver.
he seemed to be unreliable compared to his brother
It was indicated in lines that were cut from the game.
Possibly a pedophile. When Andy tells Danny to pick one to keep and kill the rest (at the meatlocker), he specifically tells Danny he can't keep the kid. I also heard there is unused dialogue in which someone says something about Danny enjoying the company of the kids who came to the farm.
Ben...he's the worst!
At least Carver (that we know of) doesn't drug people, and mutilate them for food. I'm sorry but I can't trust a cannibal. Carver is a murdering ass, but the St. Johns were putting people on tables, sawing off their limbs, stripping those limbs, and eating the flesh. Then giving them painkillers so they could keep them alive, and saw off more of them later. I'll have to see a lot more than a retaliation murder from Carver for him to be worse in my eyes.
That list needs to be updated, one of em is still alive.
2 actually...Kenny and his will to live!
The real villian!
Danny was a bad guy, What they did was terrible and sick, We all know that did they have to resort to cannibalism ? Absolutely not, But ALL they did was to survive and as bad as it sounds that's just how some people would react to being in that environment, Carver isn't doing anything for survival he's obsessed with a child he doesn't even know if its his or not and innocent people have died because of that obsession. He tortured a guy in front of his daughter just to get to Rebecca, My point is, despite Danny's actions being horrendous the fact they were done out of necessity to survive instead of an obsession that's getting people killed makes me put him below Carver on this list.
Well, we still don't know Caver fully, so I'll say that the St. John brothers are the worst
I see where you're coming from, and I know Carver's ridiculous obsession is going to be the cause of even more death to come, and that it's already caused awful things up until now. It's just, every time I think about Mark lying there begging for help, with no legs, I can't help but think of Danny as a worse guy. Maybe this will change in episode 3, but for now this is where I'm at.
Edit: It's just, every time I think about Mark lying there begging for help, with no legs, while his legs are being fed to his friends, I can't help but think of Danny as a worse guy. Maybe this will change in episode 3, but for now this is where I'm at.
When Andy told Danny he can't keep the kid, he later said that "she doesn't have enough meat on her".
Yes, but why does he even need to say that to his brother unless he thought Danny would pick the kid.
Hell I agree with you Those fuckers killed the nicest guy in the group and they deserved what they got. It all just depends on you really Im really a pragmatic guy so if someone does something for survival I will understand that more than any other reason including Carver's obsession, Nice chat though good back and forth to support our opinions !
I would agree with you if they weren't living on a farm. As it was, there was just to much food around for me to consider it pragmatism. I do agree that this has been a good discussion though.