Would you leave the game if ......... dies? Seriously?
After reading so many threads and messages about keeping characters alive, how much this character is awesome, and why others should die I am convinced that we have a community of very passionate hardcore fans myself included.
My question applies to our favorite character. Me? It's obviously Clem. I recall in a recent discussion with Viva-La-Lee that said he would quit if Clem suffered an amputation (assuming a major limb). So what does this mean? It's not death but it tells me that the emotional attachment with our favorite character is so powerful that their death in the game would trigger enough to forsake the game altogether. Yes that much.
Okay so what if Clem dies? What would I personally do? To tell you the truth, I really hope it does not happen but if it did I don't believe I would leave the game and/or the community forums permanently but I would take a long break away just to digest and recover from the shock of losing what I consider one of the greatest video game characters ever created. The game and any future seasons would never be the same for me. I can honestly foresee myself going through the 5 stages of death (Kübler-Ross model: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally Acceptance) before coping and moving forward. I actually went through it before when Lee died in Season 1. Took a long time before accepting it.......
So would you leave the game/community forums if your favorite character (i.e. Clem, Kenny, etc...) dies?
Death? Yeah, I'd be gone with the wind.
What about the community boards?
I'd be pissed off at first yeah but i wouldn't leave the game or forums they are to good to leave I'd probably just be depressed for awhile. i admit if clem died I'd be really depressed because we have been with her since the beginning but like i said i wouldn't quit.
BTW my favorite characters are Clem, Kenny, Luke, and Nick.
Probably not, but I would be just as depressed if not more than when Lee died in the End of Season 1, I was depressed for almost a month after my first play-through.
If Clem dies I wouldn't be able to get over it for months...but I wouldn't just stop playing, I'll always love The Walking Dead!
I would be crying but i wouldnt leave the game
I'd have no reason to stay if I wasn't playing the game. I'd vanish.
Well, I wouldn't leave permanently, but I would be in absolute shock and just take a break while I dealt with the emotion of it all. It took me a while to get over Lee dying, but, if Clem were to die, it would be so much harder.
I totally hear ya bro. It would never be the same.
It would definitely be a very depressing character death. I'd have to see where they intended to take the series and give it some consideration on whether or not to continue, for sure. At this point no other character could take the protagonist spot in my eyes, so they'd have to start elsewhere.
My favorite characters are Clem, Nick, Kenny, Luke. Same four, but a different order ,
I wouldn't just stop playing but I would probably cry in a corner for months.
i love nick don't know why but i just feel for the guy lost his family and made a mistake he regrets but I'm trying not to get attached to him because of him being Determinate i feel he may die for sure now
maybe telltale will surprise us
Not to mention everything leading up to her death (the entire first season and probably entire second season) would be completely meaningless. Not only would I stop playing and leave because her actual character died (which I honestly couldn't take) but also because of terrible story telling. All of my work for 2 years rendered completely wasted in one moment? No thank you
From the very first episode you are molding Clem based on your actions. I just can't see her not being involved in the story. She is the heart and soul of the game.
Yep. Take her away and ya got nothing.
I hope they do branch his story out beyond the Carley/Doug type scenario.
ya if he has to die atleast develop him a little more. Carley/Doug didn't really develop they were missing from pretty much all of starved for help and was in long road ahead for like one scene
Carley still managed to be my third favorite character behind Lee and Clem though, but yeah, Nick definitely deserves more screen time.
Totally agree. I hope TTG is listening because I know we're not the only ones who feel this way. Investing all that time to create what became a franchise cornerstone character only to terminate it makes no sense.
If Clementine dies, yeah, I'm out. That's the one thing I can't even mentally handle, in addition to it rendering the entire game non consequential.
I would be really upset if she died but i wouldn't leave this community, it took me about a week to get over the end of season 1 but i still couldn't stop thinking about it for longer as i was really upset about Lee's death and the fact that Clementine was alone and the shadows could have been anyone.
I have never been this emotionally attached to any characters so losing them feels like losing a real person.
Yeah I'm not worried about it. If telltale can do one thing right its tell a great story. And if they are stupid enough to pull this one well..... I'll go play season one again and convince myself it was a stand alone game, season 2 was just a bad dream.
Exactly, nothing! There would be nothing left......
I got over Lee moderately fast. I still cry when I reach No Time Left, but the fact that I saved Clementine and gave her weapons to help her survive in this new world made the part of me that was Lee "die" in peace. In the end, it felt worthwhile. Now, we are that little girl a bit more grown-up and it is absolutely maddening to know that no matter what you say, choose or want, you may have to see her die a few months from now, or what is arguably worse, watch the world defeat her. It makes last season feel worthless.
I am a quite emotional person, it is -I believe- as much a virtue as it is a flaw. I care for these bunch of pixels more than I should, and it would be like losing an old friend. One that is not real, yet feels so to me. I would have to spend some time away to cope.
I don't think I'd leave TWD game, but I'd feel it would be too cheap if Clementine dies. Lee's character and story arc was about redemption and eventually earning some redemption through his sacrifice for Clementine. His death, while tragic, made sense and fit in the story, and Lee had mentioned several times throughout S1 that he'd do anything to protect Clementine (Kenny in the barn, Vernon in the mansion, etc.)
But with what TTG has set up for Clementine, I don't see her death in the games making sense. Unlike Lee, she's been setup as a tough little survivor, who, well, survives. I agree with what others above have said in that regard; with her character setup the way she is now, I'd feel her death would serve as nothing more than shock value that could be spent in another way with more lasting effect than a protagonist death, again.
And yeah, if Clem dies, I would be depressed for awhile too.
If they can kill Lee and possibly Rick Grimes in the comics soon then unfortunately this is possible too. The rock star would die in their prime!
Honestly surprised how few people would jump ship if telltale committed this atrocity. Interesting...
Well said.
I'm the same way buddy! An emotional connection like you and I get makes the game so much better! And sooo much worse...
I disagree. Clementine is a revolutionary character. Hardly comparable to Lee and Rick in my honest opinion. Lee and Rick are there to serve a purpose, a very important purpose but a purpose none the less. Clementine is the purpose.
Well they still make other games, they'd just be ruining my favorite of their collection. At this point it would be utterly pointless to kill off Clem, and with the cast of characters we have now, I honestly don't think there's a good replacement protagonist. They'd have to literally start from scratch, not only destroying continuity, but also probably skewing the timeline. I still would like to finish TWAU though.
I agree. I'm just surprised not more people would abandon the game if telltale did (for whatever reason) kill Clem. I might have stayed around the community to play their other games but to be honest I don't find their other games that appealing. I bought TWAU and it's 'meh'. I wouldn't call it bad, but I'd never call it good
it just doesn't have emotional ties like twd does (for me at least).
I wouldn't leave if Clem died. But in any case, she's not going to die. I am 100% certain of that. The fates of all other characters are anybody's guess (as it should be) but Clem will not be killed off. It just doesn't make sense on any level to do it.
You're right. She is definitely the purpose. The straw that stirs the drink. Everything revolves around her. Also good point about Rick Grimes. I know if Rick dies as speculated the comic will still move forward and a new protagonist will emerge but if Clem dies then what next? Clem is irreplaceable IMHO.
I agree, it's not on TWD's level. I think it's a good game, and it entertains me, but like you said, the investment with the characters is not on the scale of TWD. I don't find their other games that appealing either, but TWAU is one that I would continue to play. I wouldn't continue using the forums for it though. In conclusion, if they destroy TWD, I'll probably disappear same as you.
while walking dead is by far TTG best series so far i wouldn't call TWAU meh i thought i was pretty great obviously not on the same level as walking dead but im confident in saying it maybe TTG second best game yet. im definetly excited for Game of thrones
You and me think a lot alike
I think more would actually leave but would do so quietly. The message board community is a sample population of the fans out there so the ramifications could be much more than we think.
I did not play season 1 and therefore I am not emotionally attached to Lee and other characters. I wondered if I wouldhave the balls to play the game but I bought it at steam sale anyway after watching episode 1 and 2. So when I control clementine I do not think that I have to protect her, I think like how I would think for anyother game : I am her.
So my young heart is not scartched yet but it could be by Luke's death..thats all I can say at this time I guess.
If Clem dies we riot!