thoughts on lilly?
at first she was fine but with the whole ben incident and shooting carley/doug i left this crazy bitch. My thoughts on her are mixed i would find it awkward if she was in carver's group and just didn't go with them to secure the place but i doubt it. Can't wait for episode 3!
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She's meany!
Lilly won't come back in Season2. Her character was originally planed out, to be the Lilly from the comics.
Oh, haven't there been enough Lilly threads recently?
That means that they can bring her character back if they want to, as she is no longer the one in the comics.
Makes no difference to me.. If she comes back, I'll deal with it however the game allows.
In my mind, Clem and the group have been kidnapped by Carver and any chance that comes to escape, i'll take it even it if means shooting Carver and/or Lilly and/or Bonnie or anyone else.
I would go out of my way to shoot Lilly whether it was necessary in order to escape or not.
Wouldn't that make you just as bad as - nay worse than - her?
No? Its very arguable that she deserves to die (if shes not already dead).
I think killing people in cold blood is always wrong.
Seriously? I'm a Lilly fan but all these Lilly threads are getting annoying. If you like her fine. If you hate her fine. Lets just leave it at that please.
So if someone close to you got shot in the face at random you wouldn't want the perpetrator to be dealt with in some fashion?
Obviously there isn't a justice system in TWD universe, so it's not like Lilly could just be thrown behind bars. I'm not cool with her just walking away like nothing happened. Its called justice.
Of course I would punish them. Perhaps I would give them extra watch duties or give them more ways to help around the camp.
I would probably kick them out of the group.
But I sure as hell wouldn't murder them.
By now our society has progressed past 'an eye for an eye' justice, and I think we should aim to retain that progress instead of slipping back into animalistic and retributive punishment.
I really hate this kind of moral. "If you kill Hitler you're not better than him. Just let him gas every jew, involve in wars that killed up to 50 million people and destroy Europe's economy for many decades. At least your hands will stay clean and you'll go to heaven :-D"
Wait, since when did Lilly commit genocide?
Did I miss something?
Sarcasm aside, do you really believe what you say? Do you think that every single murderer in the world should face the death penalty? Should we break the legs of a woman who did the same to another person? Should we run over a person who was drink driving?
Give them extra watch duties or give them more ways to help around camp? You're joking.. right? If someone you truly cared about got murdered by someone, you wouldn't just punish that individual with something so ridiculously slight as that.
If you don't want 'an eye for an eye' kind of justice what do you want? Murder is essentially the most inhuman thing you could possibly do, and there needs to be heavy justice to keep people from doing it or repeating the offense. I'm really not even talking about this from a government perspective, just a logical one. If someone hurts someone I care about, they will pay. In reality, I highly doubt I would kill them (even if I was in a world gone to hell reality), but it would be pretty close.
Agreed. I hate when people are so black and white about this type of thing.
Nah dude, should probably just let them off the hook.
Seriously, the type of punishment is questionable, but the idea that you would want them to face punishment, even severe punishment, is not out of the question.
Do you just want anarchy?
edit: Replied to the wrong post.
She's a god damn Nazi!
Can you please stop all those Lilly threads. You guys are doing it on purpose knowing that it's gonna be full of hate towards her.
As a fan of her i find it fucking annoying ...
Umm.. ok? Where did I ever say anything about you not wanting to punish her? I didn't. I think you're the one not reading here
I think she will return, but in a non-important way. Like maybe she is part of a group that you encounter and she dies at war with Carver's group.
i miss lilly that sexy ass
I really don't understand why you hate Lilly her personality added sourness to the plot itself
Yeah at first I kind of understood her even tough I sided with Kenny most of the time. Still, at times, she made some really good points but I never liked her being a bitch about everything with no reason. Same goes to Larry. I get he was trying to protect his daughter and all but that's no excuse to be an asshole. When Lilly killed Carley/Doug I was done with it. I wanted to go through the screen and rip her head off myself.
Gah, sorry, I replied to the wrong comment
Dude did you not read my post?
I DO support punishing Lilly in some way, just not necessarily by slaughtering her.
I NEVER said that we should punish people who, for example, break others legs. But I don't think that means we should break THEIR legs as the punishment.
Nor do I think we should rape all rapists. 'Eye for an eye' does not apply for most individuals. Eye for an eye is punishment that mirrors the deed.
Surely saying 'If you kill then you should be killed' is black and white?
I think rape is more inhuman than murder, as murder can be spurred by 'spur of the moment rage' whereas rape is sustained, but anyway.
So what would be wrong with forcing them out of the group as opposed to murdering someone?
Furthermore, Lee can optionally directly cause Ben's death. Should he have been killed?
Said it before, will say it again: she shot Doug! NOT cool
When have I ever said that?
Lily was originally planned to be the lily in the comic ,After they released ep.3 Robert decline for some reason and TT got screwed about his decision and they dropped the idea and make her a different Lily .Now Lily might be dead or roaming in the pines trying to survive on her own.
Idt will be seeing Lily in the game
You're making up your own arguments here. I have never taken a specific eye for an eye stance in this debate. Its pretty simple, if you do something terribly wrong to an innocent individual, you should face punishment. The severity of that punishment doesn't necessarily have to be a fixed thing, but it can justifiably fit the severity of the crime.
Lets look at this in TWD context. If a group leader beats the crap out of someone for taking extra food rations, that's really extreme and uncalled for; but if that same group leader beats the crap out of someone because they shot another group member in the face, that isn't uncalled for at all. Substitute "murders" in the place of "beats the crap out of" and it's still the same thing. Its not a matter of strictly "an eye for an eye", its a matter of appropriate justified response.
Forcing them out of the group could be taken as letting them off the hook. If that's the punishment the group/person chooses though, then fine, but harsher actions would be justified.
The Ben example doesn't make any sense here considering he was literally telling Lee to let him go. Even if he wasn't and Lee had straight up murdered him, no, he doesn't necessarily have to pay the penalty of death. Could he though? Sure. This is what I meant when I said you were being "black and white" about this..
My thoughts on Lilly!
I don't hate her but she isn't in my top five characters either. So... I'm not that bothered whether she comes back or not.
i wonder how it feels making sex in zombie apocalypse hhhhhhhhhhhhh scary and shorty
Also, I hate that bitch