walking dead tv show, do you think terminus is legit or bad news?



  • edited March 2014

    Yes, TV Glenn is so much better than Comic Glenn at this point. In fact, most of the stuff from S4 is better than the original comic stories in my opinion. Lizzie and Mika was done better than Ben and Billy, the group being scattered v. finding each other immediately, etc.

    Also, Steven Yeun is an amazing actor.

  • edited March 2014

    Oh, "Still" was actually my least favorite episode of the Season so far, but I still like Beth's character. Unfortunately, it looks like it's leading up to her death, but hopefully that won't happen.

    ceekyuucee posted: »

    Maggie used to be my top fave, but then Still aired and Beth became my all time fave. Rivaling Clem's awesomeness, which was only completely

  • edited March 2014

    There's a character confirmed called "Gareth", and Kirkman said that he'd be a mix of a few characters, so some people have been predicting a mix between Chris(the guy they cast looks incredibly similar to him), the leader of the hunters, and Gabriel. So basically a creepy cannibalistic priest. Personally, I really like Gabriel, so I hope that isn't the case, but it would be a great set-up for a villain.

    And gabriel stokes has an agreement with them?

  • I'm hoping it's Michonne because I don't like her that much... But it's probably Maggie, because the other options are basically Rick and Carl. It can't be Eugene or Rosita though, because both of them and Abraham have been confirmed to star in S5.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Someone who's still alive in the comics will apparently die in the finale.

  • Question, do you think those pictures are directly linked to Terminus and Mary, or do you think it was just clever foreshadowing?

    PeelzMan posted: »

    Yup, it is definitely the Hunters. Every single piece fits together. Issue to Show time it is just about time for them to show up, the pictu

  • edited March 2014

    There's been a character confirmed for next episode named "Gareth". The guy they cast for him looks exactly like Chris, the leader of the Hunters from the comics... I'm betting that him and Mary are the leaders of Terminus.

    Also, I don't think that Beth will die... but she's definitely going to be missing a body part of something. I'm just sad that we don't get to see the "Tainted Meat!" scene in the TV show. That would have been great.

  • At least we've got Telltale's to tide us over for a little while...

    twobears posted: »

    Terminus just looks too good to be true. I agree with the cannibal theory too. It's AMC screwing with us again! Leaving us on the edge of our seats until October with another cliff hanger!

  • edited March 2014

    Well, it seemed like Comic Glenn and Maggie did nothing but just have sex in the prison and there wasn't much importance with them beyond that. At least, not with Glenn, plenty with Maggie though. TV Glenn had the whole thing with being kidnapped, then trying to be the leader, and now in Season 4... It's close, but I think I like TV Glenn better.

    Plus, the actors can add a lot to the roll. David Morissey I think was the main reason that TV Governor was better than Comic Governor, Morrisey is a fantastic actor... Shame he can't get the accent right.

  • edited March 2014

    Whenever you feel any amount of sympathy for the guy who ate your friends legs and tried to feed them to you... That's great writing/acting right there. While it wasn't like "All is forgiven!"... I actually felt a little bad for Andy by the end of it. Wasn't he voiced by Adam Harrington(Bigby, Woodsman)? Maybe, or am I totally wrong on that? Regardless, fantastic acting and writing.

  • Bad news, although I hope that we at least get a nice reunion before it all hits the fan. Im dying for Carl and Rick to see Judith.

  • edited March 2014

    I mean... I think it was a southern accent? Honestly, I don't really care. Good acting is good acting.

  • Im scared for Beth too. Who the heck took her and why? If it was for nefarious reasons, then she might not make it back.

    The one thing I learned in The Walking Dead show and game is that no place is safe. The pharmacy was surrounded by walkers, the motor inn ha

  • (?) You let Larry eat human flesh.

  • Yeah, thats the part that really got me. I mean, no matter how hungry you get, your first instinct is to protect your children, not eat them. Kirkman has a sick mind, lol.

  • The topic says its about the show and you chose to come into it. What is that about? Ignore the topic if you dont care.

    Pszt... This is an gaming community and i don't care about the show.

  • edited March 2014

    Here's the thing, the Hunters had no redeeming qualities, I actually felt bad for Andy at the end of Starved For Help. The Hunters may have been worse, but the St. Johns were better villains because they had a much more human element to them. It made them harder to hate.

    KCohere posted: »

    Yeah, thats the part that really got me. I mean, no matter how hungry you get, your first instinct is to protect your children, not eat them. Kirkman has a sick mind, lol.

  • I dont think its a bad thing. It fits her character. If you like to sing, you sing whenever and wherever you feel like it She probably does it to soothe herself and its not like they have working radios.

    PeelzMan posted: »

    Beth really has started getting to me more lately, just please, stop with the constant singing. Sometimes it fits the mood, sometimes it doe

  • edited March 2014

    They'd better not kill Judith. Her arm sticking out form under Lori's body in the comics just broke my heart... q_q

    KCohere posted: »

    Bad news, although I hope that we at least get a nice reunion before it all hits the fan. Im dying for Carl and Rick to see Judith.

  • If you want to compare them, yeah I agree the St. Johns were more interesting characters. I felt a little bad that I messed up Andy's face so there was that. There were planning to eat Clementine and Duck but I feel they would draw the line at eating their own children.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Here's the thing, the Hunters had no redeeming qualities, I actually felt bad for Andy at the end of Starved For Help. The Hunters may have

  • No! I like Michonne a lot more now that she has let down her guard. She seems a lot more human and sympathetic. She smiles and jokes and is forming a little family with Rick and Carl. Yet, she is still a badass when she wants to be. Thats what I like, characters who show more than one side of themselves.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I'm hoping it's Michonne because I don't like her that much... But it's probably Maggie, because the other options are basically Rick and Carl. It can't be Eugene or Rosita though, because both of them and Abraham have been confirmed to star in S5.

  • edited March 2014

    Well of course, otherwise it would have only been Brenda then, right?

    Kirkman is good at writing just downright awful, inhuman characters, but that's the problem, none of his villains have that trace of humanity that makes them just truly fantastic characters.

    KCohere posted: »

    If you want to compare them, yeah I agree the St. Johns were more interesting characters. I felt a little bad that I messed up Andy's face s

  • ...So don't discuss it? I mean, was it really necessary to come here specifically to say you didn't want to come here?

    Pszt... This is an gaming community and i don't care about the show.

  • edited March 2014

    Yup, I heard about him. I'm betting that he's going to be AMC's version of Chris too. Although I didn't think or hear anything about them merging characters, which I saw you mention in one of your posts above. When did Kirkman say that? That could be an interesting twist. With the candles that scream "cult", and the car that had a cross on the back of it driving away with Beth, it's a definite possibility that they may make "Gareth" similar to Gabriel Stokes (the priest) as well.

    Alt text

    On your thoughts on Beth's fate, I hope you're right that she won't die. Her personality is refreshing after all the doom and gloom attitudes that most characters have. It's plausible that she could just end up losing a body part or something. Though depending on the outcome, that could be worse than death... And didn't someone from behind the scenes say that Rick will face brutality? Maybe they meant that he will witness it, rather than have it be inflicted on him...

    Zyphon posted: »

    There's been a character confirmed for next episode named "Gareth". The guy they cast for him looks exactly like Chris, the leader of the Hu

  • I saw that Toy Story/Walking Dead comparison video on YouTube. That was just golden... And surprisingly true.

  • There we agree. Ive been rooting for Judith to make it every step of the way. It bothers me that people want her killed off. She survived her horrific birth and almost starving and all these attacks. She deserves to make it and be reunited with her family. Plus, Ive never seen a child be born in a zombie apocalypse and actually grow up. I think that would be fascinating to watch. She has no other frame of reference but this shattered world monsters everywhere. How would she deal with it when she gets older?

    Zyphon posted: »

    They'd better not kill Judith. Her arm sticking out form under Lori's body in the comics just broke my heart... q_q

  • edited March 2014

    I'll admit, I like the new Michonne. I think I didn't like Michonne in the comics because she doesn't really have much of a personality, and when she was basically mute when she was first on the show, I worried the same thing would happen... but I do really like Michonne now. Still, between her and Maggie...

    Though, it does make a lot of sense. Maggie will be the one introducing the baby story line into the comics now, but since they've decided to keep Judith alive... Yeah, it's most likely going to be Maggie. But I'd still rather see Carl die than Maggie even. Of course, that won't happen either.

    This sucks when you practically know that a character is going to die, although I would like to be proven wrong.

    KCohere posted: »

    No! I like Michonne a lot more now that she has let down her guard. She seems a lot more human and sympathetic. She smiles and jokes and is

  • edited March 2014

    I don't think they so much said that they'd flat out be merging character, it was more along the lines of when talking about Gareth they said he'd be a "re-mix" of a certain character. So Chris with a bit of a twist is what I got out of that. Then with the car with the cross... I don't think that Gabriel would have kidnapped Beth, and I don't think that she'd have left Daryl(and her supplies), so I kind of drew the conclusion that "re-mix" meant merging, and that Gareth would be a mix of Chris and Gabriel. Also, yeah, those candles kind of support my theory a bit, definitely "cult-ish".

    S-Rose posted: »

    Yup, I heard about him. I'm betting that he's going to be AMC's version of Chris too. Although I didn't think or hear anything about them me

  • Yeah, my brother is one of those people that wants Judith to die. It's ridiculous, the show doesn't have to be exact, and it's better off not being exact, you get some really interesting story lines because of it... Like this one where Judith survives!

    KCohere posted: »

    There we agree. Ive been rooting for Judith to make it every step of the way. It bothers me that people want her killed off. She survived he

  • That video isn't available in the US. ._.

    I don't know much about this guy that they've cast as Gareth, rumored to be the next big villain. Andrew J. West. Hopefully he'll be able to fill Morrisey's shoes for playing a horrible heartless human being.

  • S-Rose posted: »

    Yup, I heard about him. I'm betting that he's going to be AMC's version of Chris too. Although I didn't think or hear anything about them me

  • Ah, I understand now. That is an interesting theory you've got there! I bet we'll be left with some sort of dark cliffhanger regarding Gareth as to who he is and what are his real motives. If AMC does good on the finale, this could lead up to an exciting Season 5.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I don't think they so much said that they'd flat out be merging character, it was more along the lines of when talking about Gareth they sai

  • edited March 2014

    Whoa, whoa, whoa... You people think Terminus is not what it seems? Come on!

    What's not to trust when Sela is your welcoming committee?!!! ;D

    Alt text

    Just look at those eyes... Totally safe place! ;P

  • Yeah, I'm super excited for Season 5 already because Scott M. Gimple is staying on as the show runner. As far as I'm concerned, he basically saved the show and brought it new life. This finale will be insane.

    S-Rose posted: »

    Ah, I understand now. That is an interesting theory you've got there! I bet we'll be left with some sort of dark cliffhanger regarding Garet

  • I agree. Thats why I like the show. They flesh out the characters more. I know some people find that boring but I think its essential.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Well of course, otherwise it would have only been Brenda then, right? Kirkman is good at writing just downright awful, inhuman characters

  • edited March 2014

    True, though I also give a lot of credit to the actors. Each of them have their own take on their characters, and it adds a lot of depth to characters like Carl or The Governor.

    Or, with characters like Andrea, it totally ruins them. I really didn't like the actress who played Andrea. Worst character in the main franchise(TV, Comic, Telltales) as far as I'm concerned.

    KCohere posted: »

    I agree. Thats why I like the show. They flesh out the characters more. I know some people find that boring but I think its essential.

  • He's doing an immensely better job than Mazzara did previously, I'll give him that. Season 3 was awful in my opinion and almost turned me off completely from the series. I was especially upset when they wasted Andrea's character and killed her off. But Season 4, more so the second half, has been amazing. And since they're keeping Gimple as the show runner, I'll stay tuned for sure. I agree. He did save the show.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Yeah, I'm super excited for Season 5 already because Scott M. Gimple is staying on as the show runner. As far as I'm concerned, he basically saved the show and brought it new life. This finale will be insane.

  • edited March 2014

    Am I the only one who thinks that Terminus might be Alexandria? Think about it. The TV production is set up to shoot in Georgia. They can't leave Georgia, or the whole production has to leave and set up somewhere else, so taking the story to Virginia is out of the question. So they have to set up the Alexandria story in Georgia. I also realize that it's a little early for them to be finding Alexandria, but also that shooting on location is much much more expensive than shooting on a set, so the TV producers would be in a big hurry to get them to Alexandria as quickly as possible. The Hunters story line is likely to still happen but it will just be based out of Terminus instead of the church. The church would have just been one more location they'd have had to find and shoot at. I really highly doubt that the Terminus people are cannibals though. We people who are very familiar with the typical zombie apocalypse narrative are conditioned to think anyone who is friendly and cooking meat is a cannibal, but I don't think so this time. Those are just my thoughts on the matter.

  • I think it will be a mix of Crawford and the St. John's

  • I think it will be a mix of Crawford and the St. John's

  • edited March 2014

    I think a lot of the criticism I see about keeping Judith alive is a matter of realism and practicality (I know, I know... how realistic is a ZA). Still, just having a baby around creates a lot of issues when it comes to filming (and "business" things like insurance, industry regulations, etc.). For example, I read that the reason that Judith was covered in the baby carrier on Tyrese's back at the very end of "The Grove" was because it allowed the crew to film that day without a baby on set (which I guess requires special safety measures and limitations on how often the child can be on screen). I'm probably wrong, but there are things like that which make having an infant on camera difficult and costly.

    I don't mind her being there, but I agree that there are some legit complaints about how to keep her quiet if she just won't stop crying (hopefully the Lizzie method wouldn't be the only way)... how to feed her (the fact they conveniently have powdered formula and keep finding potable water so easily is a big stretch)... and just the liability of having to carry around and care for such a "fragile" package in a harsh environment.

    Personally, I don't think the harsh environment thing really works (human beings have coped with dangerous environments for thousands of years as hunter gatherer nomads, children often in tow during moves through dangerous terrain). The noisy baby thing seems pretty legit, but there are babies that possibly really don't cry that much (which would be a trait that improved survival in TWD's world, therefore natural selection would likely favor babies who are somehow able to stay relatively quiet during a ZA).

    The one thing I find too unbelievable is the baby formula thing, mostly because potable water would be hard to find (just look at what Rick said about only having one day's worth of water when walking with "Coral" and Michonne). However, I let it pass because in some circumstances, infants are "nursed" by women other than their mothers (the very origin of the word "nurse" and "nursery" are based on this relationship between medieval ladies and the common women who often breast-fed the noble woman's children, then raised them as a nanny). This doesn't apply to the show (for one, it is just too much "biology" for a mainstream show...), so I just suspend my disbelief and allow little ass-kicker her somehow plentiful baby formula and conveniently consistent supply of potable water.

    If she dies though, I won't be devastated. I am glad they surprised us and kept her alive, but I can see how it will prove impossible to keep her around as a character over time. At some point, she either dies, disappears somehow, or the series ends before she grows up. Otherwise, they are going to have to hire some toddler to be her... and can we really expect a young child's limited "acting" to pass muster when dealing with things like ZA? People complain enough about Carl, Lizzie, Mika... imagine a 4 year old who was just barely able to do what adults off-screen were prompting her to do. And what kind of parent would even let a toddler act in an IP with such graphic/disturbing content?

    I know it's heartless to say, but kill her off already!!! ;P

    KCohere posted: »

    There we agree. Ive been rooting for Judith to make it every step of the way. It bothers me that people want her killed off. She survived he

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