Clem or Carl

Title says it - Comics v Game

Carl v Clem


  • You know what people are going to answer don't you?

  • clem, clem all the way.


    Clem's a badass never read the comics but judging from tv show just so annoying nearly pick Ben over him

  • Read the comics. He's so awesome in them. He kills one of the brothers (who Lizzy and Mika are based off) in secret because one of them killed the other. He shot Lucille which is Negan's baseball bat. He almost got away with killing Negan too in the night.

    Markd4547 posted: » Clem's a badass never read the comics but judging from tv show just so annoying nearly pick Ben over him

  • I loved the Carl from the comics, knew him before Clem and all... but the fact of playing as Lee and as her has made me build a special bond with that cute lil' face... so you know my answer already (;

  • Cool thanks definitely have a look soon

    Bubadoo posted: »

    Read the comics. He's so awesome in them. He kills one of the brothers (who Lizzy and Mika are based off) in secret because one of them kill

  • Game Carl? Did we meet Carl in the game?

  • Clem no question.

  • edited March 2014

    Clementine wil be always the best of them.
    Alt text

  • Clem is a nice middle ground

    TV show carl is just a whiny useless twerp

    Comic carl is a sociopath

  • Based off of the show or the comics? He is pretty cool in the comics.

  • Carl can jam a log up his ass, I pick Clemy.

  • This is a question?

    I mean I like Carl too but I would choose Clem over him in a blink of an eye.

  • Carl can go and die for all I care. And yes, I read the comics.

  • Clementine still has her morality yet she's more capable than most adults. From what I hear, the comic version of Carl is also very capable, but....kind of not moralistic or very nice. So my vote goes for Clementine. :D

  • ???....i clearly stated in the title COMIC carl, don't mean to be rude but i really can't see where your getting caught up here???

    Hector13 posted: »

    Game Carl? Did we meet Carl in the game?

  • I thought about this for a while and im still not sure iv'e came to a conclusion.Carl was pretty bad ass, he killed Ben (after he killed billy) when nobody else had the nuts to do what needed to be done (ben was a risk to the group after all, kid or not), he saved his dad when Shane went cooku, and survived a bullet to the eye. But then again Clem is also bad ass and saved alot of people (lets face it the new group wouldn't have made it this far without her) and she's also quite sassy. Whereas Carl could be a bit of a sociopath at times.

    Anyway iv'e concluded Clem is awesome :) .

  • Carl can jam a log up his ass, I pick Clemy

    XD.....Ok....... whatever floats your boat

    Carl can jam a log up his ass, I pick Clemy.

  • Ask the same question in the comic forum and they will prefer Carl over Clem, obviously.

  • Carl is likeable, he is just like Clementine in most aspects (aside from the insanity) I hate tv-Carl, not Comic-Carl. Dude, if anyone should become the new protagonist of The Walking Dead Comics, it should be Carl.

  • Clementine all the way!!
    But comparing Comic Carl and TV Carl I prefer the comic version.

  • edited March 2014

    Carl or Clem... is that even a question?

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  • Lee would proud. They'll graduate her to propane tanks one day. XD

    Carl can jam a log up his ass, I pick Clemy.

  • If she can fit one in her pocket like Lee can.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Lee would proud. They'll graduate her to propane tanks one day. XD

  • Technically a sociopath is someone with a disorder causing them to feel no emotion or empathy for other people. They never make friends like non-sociopaths, but they have VERY strong family bonds. Carl very visibly shows fear, and sadness, and other things like that when they lose people (at least for the first 70-80 issues of the comic) he isn't a sociopath.

    Clem is a nice middle ground TV show carl is just a whiny useless twerp Comic carl is a sociopath

  • When I am reading the comics, I feel a lot of sadness and empathy for Carl. I feel bad (SPOILER) that in the show Carl put down his own mother, but, HE DID NOT HAVE TO. Maggie was right there with him, it made no sense. In the comic however (SPOILER) He is forced to watch his own mother and little sister blown away in front of him. Carl had to go through some of the same loss of innocence as Clementine, and is very similar to Clementine in almost every way. He is a survivor, just like Clementine, he had to watch almost everyone he knew and loved die around him, he lost his mother, his sister, everyone. I also feel that Carl shooting his mother in the show is a replacement for the innocence he lost when he shot Shane (not his zombie) in the comics, there had to be that kind of trauma that you only get from KILLING another human being. Carl is still eight when he leaves the prison in the comics (not fucking 14). Anybody who read the comics had to watch the unfortunate transformation of a little bright eyed boy, into a hardened partially psychotic survivor, and for that, I empathize more with Carl, than I (currently) do with Clementine. SURE Clementine has gone through a lot, but nowhere near the mental trauma Carl did.

  • Lizzy!

    Just kidding, Clem obviously!

  • She learned from the best.

    If she can fit one in her pocket like Lee can.

  • People choosing Clementine just because she is your favorite game bout a little agnosticism! :D

  • adorable, well written little girl, or Kirkman's shitty one-dimensional self-insert character?

    Definitely Clem.

  • edited March 2014

    Carl is more badass

    But clem is more likable and I am more attached to.

    Both are awesome though carl is like 9 in the comics and clem is 11 so little kids rule in the walking dead I guess lol

  • Clementine. Without question.

  • In a fight? Carl wins.

    Who do I like more? Clementine. I like her so much more than Carl, that in a choice between these two I'd pick him third.

  • Depends on the setting.

    Rock114 posted: »

    In a fight? Carl wins. Who do I like more? Clementine. I like her so much more than Carl, that in a choice between these two I'd pick him third.

  • edited March 2014

    Clementine to me, will always be that sweet, adorable little girl from season 1.
    As Lee I did my absolute best to protect her, as well as teach her good principles, particularly helping her to hang on to her humanity.
    With people like Lee, Kenny, Walter, and Luke in her corner, she'll grow up just fine.

    Carl, he's a good kid, who's been through a lot, the loss of his mom being at the top of the list.
    And his Dad being absent during that time didn't help things!
    Like Clementine, he's growing up in a world that's gone to hell.
    Yes he did commit murder, but he's still a good kid at heart.

    To be fair, Rick lost his wife, the greatest loss a man can endure, next to the death of a child.
    Something Kenny knows all to well!
    And Rick did step up and has tried his best to do right by Carl, inspite of all the stress he's under on a daily basis.

    If Carl's around people like Shane, he'll grow up to be an asshole.
    With the right people to influence him like Rick, Daryl, Herschel, (who's sadly dead now), he'll grow up to a good man.
    When it comes to children, who they're around, will to determine how they act.

    Since I've never read the comic book series, I'm referring to Carl from the tv show.

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