Twin Peaks - I'd love to be able to explore the small mountain town with its quirky cast of characters.
The Killing - I'd enjoy being able to solve cases along side Holder & Linden.
Silent Hill - I agree with the OP that SH would be a good idea. It'd be interesting to see what kind of puzzles, story & characters Telltale would come up with.
* Twin Peaks - I'd love to be able to explore the small mountain town with its quirky cast of characters.
* The Killing - I'd enjoy being a… moreble to solve cases along side Holder & Linden.
* Silent Hill - I agree with the OP that SH would be a good idea. It'd be interesting to see what kind of puzzles, story & characters Telltale would come up with.
* John Carpenter's The Thing.
* Friday the 13th or something slasher related.
* Some espionage shit like Mission Impossible, James Bond, T… moreom Clancy.
They all play on issues of trust and difficult time-sensitive decisions, which are the strengths of TTG's gameplay.
I feel like TellTale Games would be the perfect studio for creating an adventure game series based on Lloyd Alexander's book series "The Chronicles of Prydain." So far the only game adaptation I know of was The Black Cauldron by Sierra back in 1986, and Disney did a less-than-good animated film version of part of the story back in 1985. It's a wonderful coming of age story that spans five books, set in a medieval fantasy world loosely based on Welsh myths. There's humor, magic, battles, creatures, romance, fear, and issues of serious decision-making all wrapped into it. I think it could translate into Telltale's adventure game format in an amazing way, maybe with a T Rating. Are there other fans of the books out there who think the same?
Hells yeah, I'm down for that. Those books were awesome! I have a soft spot for the Disney film too because I saw it in the theater as a kid. Finally saw it again years later when they took it off moratorium and you're right, it wasn't that great. But it got me to read the books and its notable for being the only PG rated Disney animated as well as the only non-musical as well as the last thing Walt personally worked on. Those are all vaguely recalled factoids that may or may not be true, but I'm just going to blithely post them anyway.
I feel like TellTale Games would be the perfect studio for creating an adventure game series based on Lloyd Alexander's book series "The Chr… moreonicles of Prydain." So far the only game adaptation I know of was The Black Cauldron by Sierra back in 1986, and Disney did a less-than-good animated film version of part of the story back in 1985. It's a wonderful coming of age story that spans five books, set in a medieval fantasy world loosely based on Welsh myths. There's humor, magic, battles, creatures, romance, fear, and issues of serious decision-making all wrapped into it. I think it could translate into Telltale's adventure game format in an amazing way, maybe with a T Rating. Are there other fans of the books out there who think the same?
I'd be amazed to see an adaptation of the Sandman series from Neil Gaiman. It's my favorite comic and i think Telltale would be the only company at the moment with the creative resource to make it happen.
It's has one of the most well crafted social/political design for dialogues and it is beautiful, it would be great to play such a piece of art from capable hands.
Well, a second season of The Wolf Among Us would be nice.....But other than that, I'd love to see some other comic series turned into a game. None of those super hero ones though, that subject is worn out in my opinion.
I telltale could do their own version of heavy rain that would be cool.
Now i know this one sounds weird, i read it from another user but i cant remember who, he said GTA. How would it work? telltale could find a way..a lot of GTA players focus a lot more on the violence is free roaming a lot more than the story, and it's sad because the GTA games have a pretty good story.
Giving GTA players the option to change more in you're story than just the ending would be great.
I think they would be great at making a Sherlock Holmes game series because they are always good with little details. But all I really care about is a season 3 of The Walking Dead Game.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Adventures of Tintin (it's about time they did something light-hearted again)
The Walking Dead seasons all the way man. The game's just so emotion and amazing.
o i'd luv sum twau 2
Firefly (we could never get all the actors together for a live action show/movie, and I think Joss may be busy, so this is the only way)
Evil Dead (Bruce Camplbell + Telltale = Pure Gold)
Discworld (This may be the only medium that could possibly pull off Pratchett and the world could always use more Granny Weatherwax)
Aside from franchises they've already done like The Walking Dead and Sam & Max?
1.The thing
2. Alien
3. Saw
My little pony
The Walking Dead S3
Cause why not??
Yeah, Doctor Who would be nice
The walking dead seasons 3-885676854244512.
Bioshock DEFINITELY. Imagine having to win a QTE fight against a big daddy.
The Walking Dead Season 3
Silent Hill
Star Trek
And Doctor Who
The Adventures of Tintin shaped my childhood. Tintin FTW!
Dark Knight bring the king of villains the joker to telltale with his psychology and genius make such quality story
Nightmare on Elm Street bring Freddy back to ruin our dreams such creativity in dreams anything is possible be so fun to play
Silent Hill Such great story disturbing and be cheap as recent games are awful a definitely buy
There is Deadly Premonition for your Twin Peaks experience.
I've played Deadly Premonition & Alan Wake. :P But, I'd like a Twin Peaks game where you get to interact with the characters from the show.
Telltale should make a crime/business-oriented game. You know, like a mix of Mad Men, Wolf of Wall Street, and American Psycho.
TTG needs to buy the license to The Thing IMMEDIATELY.
I feel like TellTale Games would be the perfect studio for creating an adventure game series based on Lloyd Alexander's book series "The Chronicles of Prydain." So far the only game adaptation I know of was The Black Cauldron by Sierra back in 1986, and Disney did a less-than-good animated film version of part of the story back in 1985. It's a wonderful coming of age story that spans five books, set in a medieval fantasy world loosely based on Welsh myths. There's humor, magic, battles, creatures, romance, fear, and issues of serious decision-making all wrapped into it. I think it could translate into Telltale's adventure game format in an amazing way, maybe with a T Rating. Are there other fans of the books out there who think the same?
Hells yeah, I'm down for that. Those books were awesome! I have a soft spot for the Disney film too because I saw it in the theater as a kid. Finally saw it again years later when they took it off moratorium and you're right, it wasn't that great. But it got me to read the books and its notable for being the only PG rated Disney animated as well as the only non-musical as well as the last thing Walt personally worked on. Those are all vaguely recalled factoids that may or may not be true, but I'm just going to blithely post them anyway.
I'd be amazed to see an adaptation of the Sandman series from Neil Gaiman. It's my favorite comic and i think Telltale would be the only company at the moment with the creative resource to make it happen.
It's has one of the most well crafted social/political design for dialogues and it is beautiful, it would be great to play such a piece of art from capable hands.
Are you from Telltale?
I wish
Ideas For a New Telltale Game
It can be a Tv show, Movie, Game ect.
You guys listed some great ideas! Let's carry them out!
Keep the ideas coming and I will edit them in!
Doctor Who

Idea submitted by CathalOHara
You could either play as the Doctor or the Doctor's Companion
The story could take place on New Earth
The Doctor could be the 10th Doctor?
The plot could involve the Dalek or Cybermen
Breaking Bad
Idea submitted by Bubadoo and VinceOrKenny
or it could be about what happened to Jesse after Walt's story
Grand Theft Auto
Idea submitted FireZenoel
This one has endless possibilities.
Plot could be about what happened to Niko, Tommy, or CJ and Grove Street.
I would really like to see how Grove Street lost there home turf. Would make a excellent game.
Idea submitted by Jeremy Jahns? and DaveTheArakin
I'm not familiar with the Firefly series. Can someone think of something?
Blade Runner
Idea submitted by pata1with1butter
I'm not familiar with the Blade Runner series. Can someone think of something?
Harry Potter
Idea submitted by Grable424
This would have so much potential
-You could answer questions and get put in the corresponding house
-Setting would be Hogwarts
-Time period could be after the movies
The plot ideas are endless. Have any ideas?
TWD Season 3
Before anyone else, Breaking Bad
Nightbreed, Nightbreed, Nightbreed, NIGHTBREED!
Imagine playing as Mike Ehrmantraut back when he was a Philadelphia police officer.
I would love to see Telltale model these Monsters.
Well, a second season of The Wolf Among Us would be nice.....But other than that, I'd love to see some other comic series turned into a game. None of those super hero ones though, that subject is worn out in my opinion.
The Wire or something based on blair witch project or silent hill.
No more because they can't get the release dates done quick enough for TWD and TWAU. Not only that but the episode we get are shorter.
I telltale could do their own version of heavy rain that would be cool.
Now i know this one sounds weird, i read it from another user but i cant remember who, he said GTA. How would it work? telltale could find a way..a lot of GTA players focus a lot more on the violence is free roaming a lot more than the story, and it's sad because the GTA games have a pretty good story.
Giving GTA players the option to change more in you're story than just the ending would be great.
I think they would be great at making a Sherlock Holmes game series because they are always good with little details. But all I really care about is a season 3 of The Walking Dead Game.
A guy on Youtube suggested that they should make a Firefly game. I think that would be awesome
Breaking bad of course, that show is just epic
Blade Runner. It definitely had a bigger emotional impact than I thought
Jeremy Jahns?