If you could bring one person S1...

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

If you could bring back one person from the dead, from season 1 only, to accompany clementine this entire season, who would you choose? Omitting Lee of course. Clem had to have met them, or known about them.

-My choice
~Duck, he'd be more mature and they would make a good team.



  • Carley

  • edited March 2014

    My hobro, Chuck.

    Dude obviously cared pretty deeply about Clementine's survival. I think he would have been a good person to have.

  • I would like to bring Larry back. He had a charm coming out of his ass.

  • Why hasn't anyone said brOmid!?

  • edited March 2014


    Just kidding... i would bring back my hobro Chuck, i would have liked to have more interactions and character development with him.

  • edited March 2014

    Ben. I saved him and should have lived longer. If anything happened to Kenny, or Omid and Christa then I would have wanted Ben to watch over Clem. He didn't really get enough time to redeem himself. In the period of 2 years I would have hoped that in season 2 he would have matured and got his priorities straight. Sadly for me he died because a balcony was "malfunctionall."

  • I'd say Carley because she could continue Clem's shooting practice.

  • edited March 2014

    I will choose Doug, weird lovely nerd who knows everything. He would be awesome asset to the S2 group He would have rig all kinda booby traps around the cabin. When Carver shoved up in Ep2 at the cabin, he would have fell into Doug's super death trap he made out of licence plate and apples, would destroyed him. The End!

  • edited March 2014

    I considered this one too. I think he would do the best job second to lee for caring for her.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I would like to bring Larry back. He had a charm coming out of his ass.

  • Lee, the badass urban.

  • Ben? You meant THE Ben? Guy who got killed 75 % of S1 cast killed? YEAH, totally he could have taken care of Clementine. Im pretty sure it would have been other way arond.

    Ben. I saved him and should have lived longer. If anything happened to Kenny, or Omid and Christa then I would have wanted Ben to watch over

  • If he didn't give bandits supplies then 100% of S1 characters would be dead. If he didn't give them supplies then the bandits would keep on attacking. The group would be trapped at the motor inn and would die fighting and cannot escape because they would be outnumbered and surrounded. His intentions were in the right place and that's all that matters. He made a lot of mistakes sure, but he never meant to hurt anyone and always tries to help even though it makes things worse. I know there are Ben haters so I understand if you think my answer is invalid and stupid .

    Ben? You meant THE Ben? Guy who got killed 75 % of S1 cast killed? YEAH, totally he could have taken care of Clementine. Im pretty sure it would have been other way arond.

  • Carley duhh (let the haters hate)

  • That's just speculation, lets say he didn't give those meds to the Bandits. Okay, they keep attacking and lets say Carley/Doug got hit and now she/He is dead and once again Bandits retreat and now we can all agree with Lilly, it's time to leave and then we hop our little RV and find our seves a train ETC. We can always say what COULD happen but it does not make it fact or 100% sure.

    Ben maybe tries to help but that does not make him capable of taking care of Clementine. Im not say He's evil or anything, but he still is one big fuck-up.

    If he didn't give bandits supplies then 100% of S1 characters would be dead. If he didn't give them supplies then the bandits would keep on

  • edited March 2014

    Why would bandits retreat? They want our supplies so they would keep on attacking probably until the death because all they can do is kill people for stuff.

    Anyway I agree that Ben can be a fuck-up but in my play through he really wanted to make up for what he did. He is a good person and wants to do whatever he can to help. In my eyes that's good enough for him to be with Clem. You may think he is not capable to take care of her but this is my opinion and disagreeing with it is fine.

    Also... This is not much but its something. Skip to 0:40


    That's just speculation, lets say he didn't give those meds to the Bandits. Okay, they keep attacking and lets say Carley/Doug got hit and n

  • Probably Carley for me. Or Chuck, he was a good guy and sacrificed himself for her.

  • Kenny!

    Oh wait...

    I think Chuck or Omid, because they both were cool and I was sad to see Omid getting killed of just for shock value :'(

  • edited March 2014

    Either Carley or Molly :P. also does 400 days count as season 1?

    EDIT: nevermind sorry I misread

  • Again, speculations, they retreat before so why not now? Remeber those bullet holes on the fence, so they attacked and RETREAT!

    And i know, its cute that Ben saves you if you fail at easiest QTE ever. You don't need to try convince me, he's a good guy, a screw-up, but a good guy.

    Why would bandits retreat? They want our supplies so they would keep on attacking probably until the death because all they can do is kill p

  • Or, he could have supplied the bandits once just to get rid of them, and then told everyone else. Then 0% of S1 characters would be dead.

    If he didn't give bandits supplies then 100% of S1 characters would be dead. If he didn't give them supplies then the bandits would keep on

  • cause he died in season 2

    JonGon posted: »

    Why hasn't anyone said brOmid!?

  • edited March 2014

    Well Lilly would probably kill him. If not then they kick him out and he would die by himself. If he stays they still leave in the RV so they can escape before the bandits attack because they won't get their next package, leading to Ben's death in Crawford, or the alley.

    Or, he could have supplied the bandits once just to get rid of them, and then told everyone else. Then 0% of S1 characters would be dead.

  • Only people Clem met or have heard about directly in S1, So even lee's dead brother/parents.

    Either Carley or Molly :P. also does 400 days count as season 1? EDIT: nevermind sorry I misread

  • edited March 2014


    "For some reason, I tried to save that fucking shitbird Ben."

    "YOU DID." Ben jumps out from behind the Christmas tree

  • Uh, no they wouldn't? He would have given them a heads up and bought them time to plan an escape/attack. They would have thanked him. Saying nothing is what nearly got everyone killed.

    Well Lilly would probably kill him. If not then they kick him out and he would die by himself. If he stays they still leave in the RV so the

  • Do they need to be from the dead?

    If no, and just a return of a S1 character will suffice, then Molly by far

    If yes, and death is a stipulation, then I would say:

    Omid. He did die in S2 but your wording allows for my choice

    Or if they had to die in S1, which could be how you intended to ask the question, then I would probably go with Chuck.

  • I am saying that someone dies if Ben tells or not. Even if they do leave Ben still dies in Crawford. And your wrong 0% of S1 characters would not be dead because of Ben. Ex. S1 E2 Kenny kills Larry.

    Uh, no they wouldn't? He would have given them a heads up and bought them time to plan an escape/attack. They would have thanked him. Saying nothing is what nearly got everyone killed.

  • Carley! Carley!

  • Fine. All I'm saying is that I think he is capable to protect Clem. If you disagree fine. I'm done arguing about this because obviously there is no convincing you and the others who down voted me. If you agree fine if you disagree fine. Doesn't really matter anyway since Ben is dead.

    Again, speculations, they retreat before so why not now? Remeber those bullet holes on the fence, so they attacked and RETREAT! And i kno

  • Muh




    Knowing Ben when he jumped out from behind the tree it would have fallen and killed half the group.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Ben. "For some reason, I tried to save that fucking shitbird Ben." "YOU DID." Ben jumps out from behind the Christmas tree

  • Idk if 400 days counts as season 1, but Nate

  • Definitely Mark, he was a true bro ;(

  • And I'm saying no, nobody would have died if Ben warned them. I already mentioned why. 0% of the bandit raid related deaths, then.

    I am saying that someone dies if Ben tells or not. Even if they do leave Ben still dies in Crawford. And your wrong 0% of S1 characters would not be dead because of Ben. Ex. S1 E2 Kenny kills Larry.

  • edited March 2014


    We shouldn't argue about something like this. We are both wrong. We cannot know what would have happened if Ben didn't give those meds, or if he'd told us a true, maybe it could have been worse alternately?

    Fine. All I'm saying is that I think he is capable to protect Clem. If you disagree fine. I'm done arguing about this because obviously ther

  • Now i feel sorry for you Blades, you got out of argument where's cannot be winners, and landed into the another pointless argument. You're complete awesome.

    And I'm saying no, nobody would have died if Ben warned them. I already mentioned why. 0% of the bandit raid related deaths, then.

  • edited March 2014

    Are you being sarcastic?... I have been in so many pointless arguments when I try to protect Lilly and now Ben.... Its so annoying I just want to give up now. I feel the opposite of awesome :(.

    Now i feel sorry for you Blades, you got out of argument where's cannot be winners, and landed into the another pointless argument. You're complete awesome.

  • Other then Lee, I would choose Omid.

  • No, im being honest here, keep up the good work.

    It does sound like im being sarcastic douche, but the fact is i'd never shouldn't start this pointless shit.

    Are you being sarcastic?... I have been in so many pointless arguments when I try to protect Lilly and now Ben.... Its so annoying I just want to give up now. I feel the opposite of awesome .

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