Other than a cure, how do you think Clem's story would end?

I don't think she will die, but I'm thinking the series will end at season 3 without a cliffhanger. The ending will have us thinking that she just keeps on surviving off screen along with a lot of trustworthy survivors. But if she does die, it will be saving someone or a whole group. That's what I think will happen, so what are your guys' theories?



  • She's met a lot of people who have later died, its gotta be hard losing so many people. I dont think she will die, i guess we'll have to see

  • no she´s not gonna die its just gonna end like the last of us

  • She is going to die like everybody else does, in the end death always wins.

  • nope

    She is going to die like everybody else does, in the end death always wins.

  • No! I can't accept that fate!

    She is going to die like everybody else does, in the end death always wins.

  • Noooooo i hope not

    She is going to die like everybody else does, in the end death always wins.

  • edited March 2014

    she grows old. has kids. zombies die out. word repopulates cuz she didn't give up. the end.

  • let me show you something : Clem=Zombies=everybody else=Ben/Nick
    ( = :stronger as...)

    No! I can't accept that fate!

  • What?

    SKIllVA posted: »

    let me show you something : Clem=Zombies=everybody else=Ben/Nick ( = :stronger as...)

  • I mean, when you die you turn, and It looks like there is no cure so maybe she grows old, finds a good and safe group and just lives the best life she can. She'll be a leader.

  • wut ? i don't get it?

    SKIllVA posted: »

    let me show you something : Clem=Zombies=everybody else=Ben/Nick ( = :stronger as...)

  • "Oh man, Canada's great! I can't believe America's the only place that succumbed to the infection!"

    In all seriousness, I'd like things to end with a close group that can keep on keeping on, and not just the idea of Clem ending up alone again.

  • fo shizz our clemmy boo boo will be having the thousand yard stare straight at us with flashbacks of her heart and horrors fo real dawg

  • edited March 2014


    Joking aside, hopefully her story will end on a happy note. But this is 'The Walking Dead' after all. That probably won't happen... The best we might get is a bittersweet finale. Let's just hope Clem will be at the very least alive and well...

    ...and that we'll get a Season Three. Psst. Telltale. Please make it happen!

  • She means Clementine is stronger than everybody. Everybody else is about as strong as Ben/Nick.

    wut ? i don't get it?

  • edited March 2014

    I think she'll survive, but once again she'll be the last one standing; this time however, she'll be completely alone. No Omids or Christas for her.

    Perhaps she'll start feeling like she's some sort of bad omen on other survivors, and spend the rest of her days completely alone, emotionally broken, but alive.

  • COOL. Ben= Piece of Chalk. Nick=Bottle of Whiskey

    She means Clementine is stronger than everybody. Everybody else is about as strong as Ben/Nick.

  • That's friggin' SAD, so very plausible for TT

    I think she'll survive, but once again she'll be the last one standing; this time however, she'll be completely alone. No Omids or Christas

  • edited March 2014

    Clem losing her hat is a lot more sad than watching her dying. It's the worst thing can happen to Clem now. She won't die physically but mentally :(

    Alt text

  • She will be....surviving like Rick's group in the comics hanging on to whats left, eventually everyone dies at some point.

  • I get the feeling episode 4 is going to be where Clementine...well, really starts to 'break.'

    Mudora posted: »

    Clem losing her hat is a lot more sad than watching her dying. It's the worst thing can happen to Clem now. She won't die physically but mentally

  • I just thought about this right now and it would be kind of cool to see Clementine's story go full circle, in a way. Imagine her grown up, twenties maybe, and she meets a little girl or boy who she takes care of like Lee did with her.

  • edited March 2014

    I like that.

    By the time Clem's twentyish any child probably would have been born in the actual outbreak, so perhaps Rebecca's child.

    I just thought about this right now and it would be kind of cool to see Clementine's story go full circle, in a way. Imagine her grown up, twenties maybe, and she meets a little girl or boy who she takes care of like Lee did with her.

  • I know there's someone at Telltale right at this moment laughing at how absurd this theory about episode 4 is.

    Mudora posted: »

    Clem losing her hat is a lot more sad than watching her dying. It's the worst thing can happen to Clem now. She won't die physically but mentally

  • You know I really don't expect her to be killed off, it'd probably feel like someone would have had ripped my guts out.

  • edited March 2014

    She'll probably end up as a semi-feral forest person who runs around killing walkers and bandits while saving people like some sort of backwoods Molly character.

  • Seeing Clementine realize how Lee impacted her, not only teaching her how to survive but how to take care of others, would be such a nice ending. But this is The Walking Dead, lol, who knows what bad stuff could happen.

    I like that. By the time Clem's twentyish any child probably would have been born in the actual outbreak, so perhaps Rebecca's child.

  • Clem makes Thunderdome. Credits.

  • The one where she cuts Carver open, applies his blood as warpaint and lets out a battlecry as she rampages through his camp?

    Seems pretty legit to me. :S

    I know there's someone at Telltale right at this moment laughing at how absurd this theory about episode 4 is.

  • That's just it- it won't end. We'll hopefully see Clementine for awhile... like an Ezio Auditore da Firenze. With two more games confirmed with her as the protagonist.

  • I'd prefer she died than end up like that. I wouldn't be happy about either scenario, but still.

    I think she'll survive, but once again she'll be the last one standing; this time however, she'll be completely alone. No Omids or Christas

  • Clemmy confirmed for Season 3!

    Conduit42 posted: »

    That's just it- it won't end. We'll hopefully see Clementine for awhile... like an Ezio Auditore da Firenze. With two more games confirmed with her as the protagonist.

  • Live safely in a camp with other survivors.

  • Either she meets a friend and they watch over each other, or she gets to a military camp.

  • edited March 2014

    As much as i hate to admit it, I think Clementine's story will end with her death, it would break my heart to experience it. Im bracing for the worst case scenario, praying to the god i don't believe in that it never comes it that.

  • Carl survives but Clem wont? People wont be happy about that one.

    AusZombie posted: »

    As much as i hate to admit it, I think Clementine's story will end with her death, it would break my heart to experience it. Im bracing for the worst case scenario, praying to the god i don't believe in that it never comes it that.

  • I'm not saying I want Clem to die, i'm saying that i'm not getting my hopes up.
    Lee's death broke my heart, Clem's death would be 1000 worse.

    Carl survives but Clem wont? People wont be happy about that one.

  • WHAT IF...Clementine REaches the age of 25+ and she Finds a teenage black boy Named Lee?? and she decides to take care of him :o i would go crazy..

  • The better question is, a cure against what? Against bites? Or against reanimating? Because you can't just cure walkers.

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