Why is everyone so against Daryl in the game??!!
I did a thread asking people what they thought about the idea of bringing Daryl into the game because he does not "exist" in the the comic brook universe in wich the games/novels are set. I got a baraghe of down votes for that thread. Daryl is an amazing character. Give me a REAL reason why you don't want him in the game.
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Many people are just downright against the idea of TV show and game mixing. I have not really understood why, but I came to accept it. It just became a fact to me.
He wouldn't leave Rick's group. He and Rick are brothers.
AMC made a Daryl game. It was terrible.
Telltale's series is also more than capable of standing on it's own feet without cheesy cameo's from TV show characters.
Same as what others have said. The TV and and Game should stay separate, as interesting as Daryl in the game or Clem in the show would be, but they're characters that should stay in whatever form of Walking Dead media they started in.
Different universes. Daryl is from the show's apocalypse, but doesn't exist in the cannon of the comics, in which the game is based on. Besides, crossovers are always messy. The show and the game are their own thing, and must both stand on their own merits.
Daryl already had his game(thank you activision for botching it badly >_>)
as good as both the game and tv show are i just don't see them mixing well together.
we would already know he wouldn't die
Don't like the tv show characters = Don't want the tv show characters
Looks simple to me...
Daryl is a stupid, embarrassingly lame non-character with a bad actor. They could include any random greasy redneck with a crossbow and it would be the same thing, but with more character development.
That's like introducing Lee into the show, that doesn't feel right. Every character has a place where they belong and Daryl's place isn't in the game.
because the tv show has nothing to do with the game, the game is in the same universe as the comics NOT THE TV SHOW and like you said daryl does not exist in the comics and most of us would like to keep it that way
well simply cause that would break the comic canon cause the game is apart of that canon not the tv show canon I can't seem to understand why people won't accept that
My beef with it is that Daryl is basically too competent. Ever since his solo expedition in the first half of season 2 where he woke up after taking a nasty fall, found himself impaled by one of his bolts, and still managed to fight off walkers... he is never in any danger. There is no fear for his survival. That goes against the very heart of the Walking Dead (it's also part of why I dislike Kenny's return). I really like Daryl as a character, but I think he needs to die (I'm not current on the show, so please do not spoil if he does die or something) so the show gets its core back.
Well, I don't want comic/TV crossovers in the first place because we know they aren't going to die. Add to that the fact that I don't consider Daryl to be a compelling character at all.
There are much better characters in the comics, that I assume a lot of the readers would rather see show up in the game. My favourite at the moment is definitely Dwight, what an awesome guy!
or Ezekiel
Can we bring Rambo in too? I've always really liked Rambo. Maybe he could attack Carver's camp.
It doesn't really make sense to bring Daryl in. The show and this game should stay independent of each other. You don't bring characters were they don't belong just because you like them. How would you feel if suddenly Clem or Lee appeared on the show, but at the same time there suppose to be somewhere else or in Lee's case Dead? (Has anyone not beaten the first season? That's why I marked this as a spoiler)
already got a redneck and a badarse we dont need another less it molly
uh I mean fo shizz dawg
I honesty don't care if he is include or not (but I rather not) in the game but my guess is the people in here don't like the show or think it will ruin the game...
i actually love the show but putting a show character in the game would ruin the game. it would take all the suspense out because you know that character would be untouchable
Well, first off, a popular answer will probably be because of this:
Dang, was that ever bad. looks at Activision accusingly
But as for why I'm against it, it's because AMC's version is technically an alternate universe compared to the comic's story line, which is what the game is apart of. Crossing paths would break the continuum. And even if that wasn't a problem, I doubt it could work anyways, as Daryl would have to disappear from the TV show for it to make sense. Another reason is that it'd take the immersion out if he was included. With Telltale using their own original characters such as Lee, Kenny, Luke, etc., they keep everything exciting and us in the dark about their fates. We never know what might happen to them down the line. To be honest, he would be pretty much immune (more so than he already is) to anything deadly if he was introduced into Clementine's world. I hold my ground on the stance that he belongs solely in the show, and that's it. Anything else would push our suspended beliefs too far.
I'm not a hundred percent sure of this, but isn't Season Two ahead, time wise, into the apocalypse? Him showing up would feel odd to me.
But not Shiva
The game is set in the comic verse: Daryl is not in the comics. I know that. I mean, since, if he somehow exists in the universe but just never met Ricks group, than why not.
The game is set in the comic verse: Daryl is not in the comics.
crossovers are always as messy as the author who writes them. If an author is good, he can cross two or more franchises (if they at least have SOME common traits at least).
Yeah agree
I don't watch the show or read the comics so I wouldn't really know any different and I liked both Glenn and Shawn even though we only got to know them very briefly in the game, but I would prefer that the game keeps it's own characters. The game won game of the year, so it doesn't need to rely on characters from the show or comic to make it successful.
I know this. The thread is asking for other reasons. I gave another reason.
Fuck AMC
I really don't feel like going into details as I did quite a few times. But I will say this: If Daryl does show up in the game for example in ep 3, he will most likely take on Carver's settlement by himself emerging victorious most likely without a scratch. You really want that to happen?
I dont see the point personally. A brooding guy with a crossbow. He's a great character on the show but Im not sure how he would distinguish himself in the game. All it would be was fan service to show fans who would just be going, "Ohh, look, Daryl!"
Daryl is my favorite character but he cant be in the game because the game is in the comic universe.
I don't understand how you got any dislikes for that comment. ^
There's a lot of baggage that would make a crossover unappealing. There are a significant number of fans who don't watch the show and/or disapprove with the direction the TV show has taken. I am one of them. Combined with the fallout from Survival Instinct, it's no surprise a lot of us aren't all that amenable to the idea.
Imagine if Kenny made an appearance in the TV series. A certain group of fans would be happy, but everyone else would be wondering what the hell is going on.
It makes things really confusing for unnecessary reasons. We don't need Daryl to make the game good, the only reason is to appease to the small amount who want him in there.
Can I ask a question about this whole "universe" thing? I see nothing in the game that contradicts the tv series or the comic. In fact, the game retcons Lilly. And maybe Glenn. Right? So why the "I am so hip" purist attitude around here?
The TV show is not nearly as good as the comics and the game is based off the comics, not the TV show. I think those are the reasons why.
I've only watched till like halfway through season 2 of the TV show or something and it got quite boring around season 2. All they did was sit around a barn causing drama for a whole season.
In what way do you disapprove of the direction of the show, just curious? I think its been a love letter to the comics personally.
Fuck daryl him the mother
That was because AMC stupidly lowered the budget and fired Frank Darabont, It's much better since then, although I like S2 for making the characters more interesting