Walking Dead VS Walking Dead Survival Instinct? (April Fools)
Which is your Favorite and why?
For me say Survival instinct hate to much story rather just shoot things
What your honest opinion on this fine day today?
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survival instinct because it has a great story #sarcasm #aprilfollsday #wolfamongustrailerisinthewolfamongussection #cantwait #nomore#
I hate april fools its gonna be troll city all day lol
Survival Instict is clearly superior. Better story, characters, gameplay, graphics. I don't know why TTG is still bothering with this game.
lol haha
HAH HAH HAH. That's a good one.
The characters in Survival Instincts possess incredible depth, the likes of which have never been seen in any form of media.
The non-cliche story and storytelling puts to shame all past HBO flagships, standing head and shoulders above the competition.
The shooting mechanics and stealth are revolutionary and not at all derivative of other games in the genre.
Sound effects vary greatly, with not a single sound being reused more than once.
Game mechanics are impossible to exploit.
Graphics are incredible, well above the level of Crysis 3 and performance is simply outstanding.
The average completion time is over 200 hours.
Anyone who suggests that Telltale's version is better is a biased, illogical fanboy.
Survival Instinct obviously:
The art, too, is wonderfully realised, both making the world a dangerous but curious place, and giving a great deal of life to the characters. Just look at Daryl's expressiveness even without words. It plays right into the hands of its comic book counterpart, and leaves the game anything but lifeless.
I'm willing to say up there with battlefield 3 for best game ever but agree with everything you said
Survival instinct.
because..................... instincts man!
Instincts init m8
Survival instinct is clearly the better title look at this footage it puts Telltale to shame.
EDIT: Argh The video dosnt even fucking work survival instinct is that bad
AngryJoe loved it I think
no wanted to see your video
I'm guessing this is April Fools thread and everyone is being sarcastic....
I actually fairly enjoyed Survival Instinct (I can see the down votes already). The story was based on survival and it mainly focused on killing zombies even though it gets repetitive. However the wide range of weapons can change the combat. I like how you can only carry a certain amount of things, and you can run out of ammo rendering you to stick to melee combat. The constant stabbing in the head, and slashing at the face though started to become boring. The survivors we barely got to know and I considered them in the way but the ability to send them out for supplies at least gave them something to do. I was quite disappointed in how much potential this game could have truly had but it was okay. For me I would rate it 5/10
However no game can match Telltale's own The Walking Dead because it is a masterpiece and so far cannot be bested in my honest opinion. The ability to make decisions be it small or big is just great. The ability to change the game in any little way is really interesting to me. The combat has really improved in Season 2 and the episodes are still amazing. The awesome dialogue, and storytelling is breath taking and I eagerly am begging for more episodes when I am finished the previous episode. No game has made me so satisfied! I would rate this 10/10
Survival Instinct of course!
I mean yeah nuff said.
MODS this April Fool thread as well KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! imagine after today users think I'm serious and bump it lol just nightmares close this discussion please