the thing is......... stop promising........ once you make a promise you are watched to complete it if you dont promise theres no obligation. so...... keep your mouths shut and you wont hear anything from fans. phrases like summer of 2014 or sooner than you think or shorter wait than the last one are going to have people riled up. dont promise unless you are 100% sure you can deliver. from the looks of it you cant........ so..... words of wisdom dont speak unless necessary and if you make a promise keep it.... dont feed us bs and pile more bs..... oooohh we got a trailer too bad i cant play a trailer it just irritates me more that im typing and not playing. obviously your fans are more than sick of waiting on empty promises so youd think youd have people not waiting and either put up or shut up. business always says the customer is always right; right. so im right. i dont want to hear or see another word or teaser unless its bigby speaking after i click the a button on my x-box cool...... cool. so.again give me my game THAT I F¿£~^ING PAID FOR SIX GODD¡#¤€ MONTHS AGO. ive seen companies deliver when theyre supposed to working with warner and dc (mk vs dc all of the batmans} so....... why cant you? if you want to answer and snap back, answer that telltale...... or are they just simply better than you? and ill have to make sure i prepay the extra 45 to get a product in to months rather than pay 15 for waiting a year. dont even release garbage either...... in order to compensate for this wait this better be better than gta5 cause i paid 65 for gta5 and when things didnt go well they fixed it and i never even typed a word they just knew. but i guess rockstar is 5 star while your 2 or are you? #waiting for game
the thing is......... stop promising........ once you make a promise you are watched to complete it if you dont promise theres no obligation… more. so...... keep your mouths shut and you wont hear anything from fans. phrases like summer of 2014 or sooner than you think or shorter wait than the last one are going to have people riled up. dont promise unless you are 100% sure you can deliver. from the looks of it you cant........ so..... words of wisdom dont speak unless necessary and if you make a promise keep it.... dont feed us bs and pile more bs..... oooohh we got a trailer too bad i cant play a trailer it just irritates me more that im typing and not playing. obviously your fans are more than sick of waiting on empty promises so youd think youd have people not waiting and either put up or shut up. business always says the customer is always right; right. so im right. i dont want to hear or see another word or teaser unless its bigby speaking af… [view original content]
i eat dragon for lunch every day and crap gnomes to make my unicorn dinner while i watch sprites get my fairy dust shower ready before i seduce my leprachaun queen whos prepared my dinosaur egg breakfast with a side of pixie juice squeezed from newborn pixies
awesome trailer...but I feel like I was the last person to see it, seriously why not put this on the "Blog" selection it would be easy to notice then. its now the first week of April and still no release day? hopefully its the 2nd week of April. Its already late please tell-tale give us the episode already.
Yaaaaaay!Imagine Dragons!This one reminds me of Bigby,too.Although i'm sure someone else thought of it already.But i just LOVE this band! P.S.You know i have raped the replay button on that one
i eat dragon for lunch every day and crap gnomes to make my unicorn dinner while i watch sprites get my fairy dust shower ready before i sed… moreuce my leprachaun queen whos prepared my dinosaur egg breakfast with a side of pixie juice squeezed from newborn pixies
Really impressive trailer, it is better than the ep 2 trailer.
I liked the previous episode but somehow I thought they got out the tracks, and I think they are going back to them again with this episode.
April 1st has passed....
Unless you were referring to my statement about TWD release dates being released alongside the trailer in the same day, then I stand corrected.
Hmm I think we will not get anything till friday. I guess we will get the release date on friday the 4th of april. Then the release on 8th of April. Thats must be how they are gonna do it.
The whole flycatcher and haven story is around where i stopped reading the comic. It'd be sort of anti-clamatic (and maybe even pointless) seeing him in TWAU during the period where telltale is staging their story. If its just a cameo or something, thats cool, but if he is involved in the story i think that would be kinda stupid. He doesn't become relevant to the fables world for another 40 years if i got the timeline right.
So Jack is back once again? Awesome!
So flycatcher is at least making a cameo in this? Super awesome!!
So Bigby will probably go full … moreon werewolf on us? Double super awesome!!!
I enjoyed episode 2 but it lacked some of the spark of the first one. Hopefully this one will redirect the ship.
Instead of apologizes why not give us something to do while we wait offer a free game to loyal players. It is after all fair as asking people to buy a season pass and making us wait an entire year to play a full game has become sadly normal for telltale for you to give us something to play while we wait for your next release in the year 2059 (no not bitter just speaking my mind ps the new episode looks like it will eventually be amazing)
I am thinking that decision we made in episode 1 about tearing his arm will maybe affect if Gren helps you or not. For example if you didn't tear his arm off he will help you, and if you did tear his arm off he may not help you, like he will just look at Bigby, shake his head and walk away or something :P
The background for the spoiler warning screen? I really like it too. My favourite thing is that you totally get the significance if you've already played Episode 2, but for folks who haven't, it probably just looks like an interesting pattern.
The background for the spoiler warning screen? I really like it too. My favourite thing is that you totally get the significance if you've already played Episode 2, but for folks who haven't, it probably just looks like an interesting pattern.
Every keeps saying that Bigby will go full wolf form, but if you've read the comics you know that his full wolf form is not like the one shown in the trailer.
Think of the one shown in the trailer as part way to full wolf form.
Sorry, I just had to clear that up. If bugs me a bit when I see this posted around.
So Jack is back once again? Awesome!
So flycatcher is at least making a cameo in this? Super awesome!!
So Bigby will probably go full … moreon werewolf on us? Double super awesome!!!
I enjoyed episode 2 but it lacked some of the spark of the first one. Hopefully this one will redirect the ship.
So, I have a thought, what if Telltale was keeping their promise of 4-6 weeks?
Hear me out. After the delay from Episode 2, they seem to be keeping this promise in a way.
TWAU Episode 2: February 4th (I believe)
TWD Episode 2: March 4th
TWAU Episode 3: April 8th (Hopefully)
See? About 6 six in between each episode, if they so happen to release it Friday, (doubt it) it would be 5 weeks since the release of TWD. See? So in a way, Telltale might be keeping their promise. If this is the regularity of the Episodes from now on, we can expect the new Episode of TWD on May 6th or 18th.
I'm not saying this is going to happen or if it's right or not, it's just a theory.
I'm posting them here before ANYWHERE else, so you guys are the very first to know.
* PC/Mac (worldwide) - Tuesday, … moreApril 8th
* PlayStation 3 (North America) - Tuesday, April 8th
* Xbox 360 (worldwide) - Wednesday, April 9th
* PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th
* iOS - also coming next week!
I'm posting them here before ANYWHERE else, so you guys are the very first to know.
* PC/Mac (worldwide) - Tuesday, … moreApril 8th
* PlayStation 3 (North America) - Tuesday, April 8th
* Xbox 360 (worldwide) - Wednesday, April 9th
* PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th
* iOS - also coming next week!
I'm posting them here before ANYWHERE else, so you guys are the very first to know.
* PC/Mac (worldwide) - Tuesday, … moreApril 8th
* PlayStation 3 (North America) - Tuesday, April 8th
* Xbox 360 (worldwide) - Wednesday, April 9th
* PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th
* iOS - also coming next week!
I'm posting them here before ANYWHERE else, so you guys are the very first to know.
* PC/Mac (worldwide) - Tuesday, … moreApril 8th
* PlayStation 3 (North America) - Tuesday, April 8th
* Xbox 360 (worldwide) - Wednesday, April 9th
* PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th
* iOS - also coming next week!
So Jack is back once again? Awesome!
So flycatcher is at least making a cameo in this? Super awesome!!
So Bigby will probably go full on werewolf on us? Double super awesome!!!
I enjoyed episode 2 but it lacked some of the spark of the first one. Hopefully this one will redirect the ship.
the thing is......... stop promising........ once you make a promise you are watched to complete it if you dont promise theres no obligation. so...... keep your mouths shut and you wont hear anything from fans. phrases like summer of 2014 or sooner than you think or shorter wait than the last one are going to have people riled up. dont promise unless you are 100% sure you can deliver. from the looks of it you cant........ so..... words of wisdom dont speak unless necessary and if you make a promise keep it.... dont feed us bs and pile more bs..... oooohh we got a trailer too bad i cant play a trailer it just irritates me more that im typing and not playing. obviously your fans are more than sick of waiting on empty promises so youd think youd have people not waiting and either put up or shut up. business always says the customer is always right; right. so im right. i dont want to hear or see another word or teaser unless its bigby speaking after i click the a button on my x-box cool...... cool. so.again give me my game THAT I F¿£~^ING PAID FOR SIX GODD¡#¤€ MONTHS AGO. ive seen companies deliver when theyre supposed to working with warner and dc (mk vs dc all of the batmans} so....... why cant you? if you want to answer and snap back, answer that telltale...... or are they just simply better than you? and ill have to make sure i prepay the extra 45 to get a product in to months rather than pay 15 for waiting a year. dont even release garbage either...... in order to compensate for this wait this better be better than gta5 cause i paid 65 for gta5 and when things didnt go well they fixed it and i never even typed a word they just knew. but i guess rockstar is 5 star while your 2 or are you? #waiting for game
two months lol good thing im not a gaming company with everyone waiting on me then i could be criticized for my spelling :}
Finally Watched the trailer, and it was fucking gooood 11
i eat dragon for lunch every day and crap gnomes to make my unicorn dinner while i watch sprites get my fairy dust shower ready before i seduce my leprachaun queen whos prepared my dinosaur egg breakfast with a side of pixie juice squeezed from newborn pixies
Your spelling isn't actually at all bad -better than many native English speakers on this forum - but your grammar could use some work
awesome trailer...but I feel like I was the last person to see it, seriously why not put this on the "Blog" selection it would be easy to notice then. its now the first week of April and still no release day? hopefully its the 2nd week of April. Its already late please tell-tale give us the episode already.
waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, WAITING....>_> (for the next episode)

this song also made me think of Lee and Clementine.
Its coming out tommorow
They didn't even bother to put "coming soon"at the end...
Because they probably saw the community raging about how they overuse that phrase in their trailers.
So they decided not to use it this time.
That is a good thing though no?
I'm guessing we will get the release dates today,right?
I'm wondering why you think it'll perhaps give us a release date today.
They hardly posted their trailer lol.
Educated guess? They did the same for TWD, in the same day actually.
Really impressive trailer, it is better than the ep 2 trailer.
I liked the previous episode but somehow I thought they got out the tracks, and I think they are going back to them again with this episode.
Release a release date on 1st april? Good one.
April 1st has passed....
Unless you were referring to my statement about TWD release dates being released alongside the trailer in the same day, then I stand corrected.
Yes, it was.
They might give us the release dates today
Today? Did they ever give a release date at wednesday? Im just curious.
I'm not sure but they told us the release date for ep2 a day after the trailer i think
Hmm I think we will not get anything till friday. I guess we will get the release date on friday the 4th of april. Then the release on 8th of April. Thats must be how they are gonna do it.
The whole flycatcher and haven story is around where i stopped reading the comic. It'd be sort of anti-clamatic (and maybe even pointless) seeing him in TWAU during the period where telltale is staging their story. If its just a cameo or something, thats cool, but if he is involved in the story i think that would be kinda stupid. He doesn't become relevant to the fables world for another 40 years if i got the timeline right.
Rewatched the trailer for the fourth time... I really dig that broken glass background, it looks stylish as fuck.
Well if Grendel really helps you....I will deeply regret tearing his arm
Instead of apologizes why not give us something to do while we wait offer a free game to loyal players. It is after all fair as asking people to buy a season pass and making us wait an entire year to play a full game has become sadly normal for telltale for you to give us something to play while we wait for your next release in the year 2059 (no not bitter just speaking my mind ps the new episode looks like it will eventually be amazing)
I am thinking that decision we made in episode 1 about tearing his arm will maybe affect if Gren helps you or not. For example if you didn't tear his arm off he will help you, and if you did tear his arm off he may not help you, like he will just look at Bigby, shake his head and walk away or something :P
The background for the spoiler warning screen? I really like it too. My favourite thing is that you totally get the significance if you've already played Episode 2, but for folks who haven't, it probably just looks like an interesting pattern.
Yeah, and it is also shown whenever the different logos appear. Both the Telltale logo and the game's title look great like that.
Every keeps saying that Bigby will go full wolf form, but if you've read the comics you know that his full wolf form is not like the one shown in the trailer.
Think of the one shown in the trailer as part way to full wolf form.
Sorry, I just had to clear that up. If bugs me a bit when I see this posted around.
So, I have a thought, what if Telltale was keeping their promise of 4-6 weeks?
Hear me out. After the delay from Episode 2, they seem to be keeping this promise in a way.
TWAU Episode 2: February 4th (I believe)
TWD Episode 2: March 4th
TWAU Episode 3: April 8th (Hopefully)
See? About 6 six in between each episode, if they so happen to release it Friday, (doubt it) it would be 5 weeks since the release of TWD. See? So in a way, Telltale might be keeping their promise. If this is the regularity of the Episodes from now on, we can expect the new Episode of TWD on May 6th or 18th.
I'm not saying this is going to happen or if it's right or not, it's just a theory.
I'm posting them here before ANYWHERE else, so you guys are the very first to know.
Thanks!!! Very much appreciated.
I sure chose the perfect time to check the forums for the release. Thank you, puzzlebox!