Hmm I think we will not get anything till friday. I guess we will get the release date on friday the 4th of april. Then the release on 8th of April. Thats must be how they are gonna do it.
I'm posting them here before ANYWHERE else, so you guys are the very first to know.
* PC/Mac (worldwide) - Tuesday, … moreApril 8th
* PlayStation 3 (North America) - Tuesday, April 8th
* Xbox 360 (worldwide) - Wednesday, April 9th
* PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th
* iOS - also coming next week!
Well, they said 'news on the release sooner than you think' or words to that effect 2 weeks ago, and the tweet wasn't news on the release, so it is pretty silent. Or at least misleading.
Maybe, but I think that things are getting personal with Gren. I mean, it looked like they were very good friends with Lilly and Holly and when Lilly was killed he was pissed of the Tweedledies for working with the people who did this. Maybe he just wants a revenge...
I am thinking that decision we made in episode 1 about tearing his arm will maybe affect if Gren helps you or not. For example if you didn't… more tear his arm off he will help you, and if you did tear his arm off he may not help you, like he will just look at Bigby, shake his head and walk away or something :P
I'm posting them here before ANYWHERE else, so you guys are the very first to know.
* PC/Mac (worldwide) - Tuesday, … moreApril 8th
* PlayStation 3 (North America) - Tuesday, April 8th
* Xbox 360 (worldwide) - Wednesday, April 9th
* PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th
* iOS - also coming next week!
So, I have a thought, what if Telltale was keeping their promise of 4-6 weeks?
Hear me out. After the delay from Episode 2, they seem to … morebe keeping this promise in a way.
TWAU Episode 2: February 4th (I believe)
TWD Episode 2: March 4th
TWAU Episode 3: April 8th (Hopefully)
See? About 6 six in between each episode, if they so happen to release it Friday, (doubt it) it would be 5 weeks since the release of TWD. See? So in a way, Telltale might be keeping their promise. If this is the regularity of the Episodes from now on, we can expect the new Episode of TWD on May 6th or 18th.
I'm not saying this is going to happen or if it's right or not, it's just a theory.
Thank you Telltale for the first release! After all, it's not like 4 months.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm sure this is going to be a hell of an episode!
Telltale, I have to congratulate you. I didn't really feel impatient while waiting, so awesome trailer just a week before release date... now I wish you to keep it that way!
certainly is !
What did i tell you ?
puzzle just posted april 8th
I feel like dancin, dancin.. dance the night away!!
AGHHHHH!!!!Just saw the release dates on Twitter and came to see THE FUSS!!! OMGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333333333333
OMG! Next Tuesday!
Yay! Best News I've heard all day!! Next Wednesday I can hardly wait!
so exited can wait to play!!!!!!
well he was right !
puzzle has just confirmed it.
april 8th pc psn na
april 9th xbox psn eu
puzzle just posted the release info
Maybe, but I think that things are getting personal with Gren. I mean, it looked like they were very good friends with Lilly and Holly and when Lilly was killed he was pissed of the Tweedledies for working with the people who did this. Maybe he just wants a revenge...
puzzle needs way more likes for this..
Hmkkummm... (clears throat) Tuesday.
Awesome, that news just made my week! Can't wait to play it!
My heart is dancing... I'm crying...
or to be more accurate
I will never doubt anything u say anymore vivec. All hail vivec!
Well, turns out your theory was right. About April 8th for TWAU E3 anyway.
No for Xbox or PS3 in Europe.
Thankfully, PC gets it first along with PS3 on Tuesday.
Man, I totally forgot consoles exist. Lol
Thank you Telltale for the first release! After all, it's not like 4 months.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm sure this is going to be a hell of an episode!
Holy shit! Release dates!
Telltale, I have to congratulate you. I didn't really feel impatient while waiting, so awesome trailer just a week before release date... now I wish you to keep it that way!
But finally it's here and although it's a day late on 360, we atleast have the dates confirmed, finally
Dang xbox getting last again ahh well atleast it's coming
. Hope they fixed season pass issues
IOS: also coming next week.
Why did I buy season one for the ios. Why?!
Thank you Tell-Tale
Didn't they say the late release wasn't likely to be repeated? I for one had faith in them and haven't been disappointed.
I'm w you homie. Next season, pc or xbox.
Yay. PS3 EU doesn't have to wait a Week again.
Ur being sarcastic right?
And we in IOS world don't have a clue how long we have to wait.
Like i said its out April 8 and you guys disliked me??
but then you'll have to restart the game since saves don't work across formats
and if you don't buy the previous seasons/episodes you'll have to deal with randomly selected choices.