Show or the game?



  • Glenn is too good for the show in my opinion.He would have been better off in the game

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Agreed. I honestly wouldn't cry if anyone from the show died... Glenn is awesome but he's just no Lee and he's not like anyone in the game, but he is my favorite in the show, if I had to choose.

  • edited March 2014

    I prefer the game way more. To be honest i think the main reason why i even watched the show was because of Daryl. I never really got interested in any of the other characters except him and maybe Glenn. I still like it though! but i feel like it lacks some things the comics and game have.

    Plus Clem over Carl any day :3

  • "mindblown"XD

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Show or game? Game or show? Game show? Game show! I'm a fan if the walking dead game show..... copywrite!

  • I think nobody chose the show....... And I can see why.

  • He would have but the show grabbed him first, I mean I guess he could always come back in the game depending on if they're going off the comics or the show... even though Lilly was a character from the comics.

    Glenn is too good for the show in my opinion.He would have been better off in the game

  • Because like i said, this is a forum for the game? XD

    Rylee posted: »

    I think nobody chose the show....... And I can see why.

  • Is there a forum for the show?

    AusZombie posted: »

    Because like i said, this is a forum for the game? XD

  • It says it has 1-100. Aren't there more than 100 released comics?

    Toxic Emu posted: »

    Do it. Comixology has a $75.00 sale for EVERY issue ever released until the 1st of April.

  • Spoiler

    Glenn is dead in the comics

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    He would have but the show grabbed him first, I mean I guess he could always come back in the game depending on if they're going off the comics or the show... even though Lilly was a character from the comics.

  • Yeah, somebody posted a link for it the other day but i don't remember the thread, sorry. You could have a look on the AMC website, and i'm sure there is some unofficial forums out there as well.

    Rylee posted: »

    Is there a forum for the show?

  • edited March 2014

    Yeah, and this may be a stupid question but is there any idea of what day or year he died in? Also coming back doesn't always mean coming back in a living state, we could find his corpse, but Clem may not remember what he looked like.


    He died two years in and Clem is like 2 1/2 years in the apocalypse so he's possibly dead by now.

  • Alt text Miss this guy :'3

  • We've got charm coming out of our asses.

    Rylee posted: »

    How charming

  • I found videos of promos that give away a lot o stuff and mahor spoilers for the fanale

  • Okay Larry

    We've got charm coming out of our asses.

  • muhabmuhab Banned

    i like both

  • Game obviously, did anyone vote for the show? lol

  • Game.
    The television show is so watered down.

  • edited March 2014

    I think the game is better clearly and part of it is due to the fact that we get to interact with the story. We don't interact with the TV show so therefore while the show is entertaining it is less fun since your not doing anything and molding the story to how you want it to carry on. In all if I had to weigh both I will tell you the game is more fun and entertaining because it's just a good video game. Unlike the show's version of a video game called "survival instinct" where I heard it was awful. But this is not to say the show is bad in the least I mean take a look at **"Too Far Gone" **which was the best episode to date by far in the entire series and I use to think the show was nothing before I actually sat and watched the show and gave it a chance and I was impressed but not as blown away as I was with the video game and I played the video game first before watching the show and reading the comics after watching the show. Comics are decent too. I've read watched and played all three different types except have not gotten up to current date with the comics. I'm still at the part with the encounter of the character "Jesus" in the comics. If I rated all three I would say TV show 8/10 Video Game 11/10! lol Comics 7/10.

  • Ah true, I didn't get too far into the comics so I don't really recall everything.

  • Yeah, looking back I really only found myself liking season 1 of the show. And I heard the whole backstory of what went down with AMC through a reviewer called YMS (your movie sucks).

    I hear season 4 is much better but the pacing really annoyed me, a lot of deaths seemed forced, and it seemed like they were trying to up the edge with the special effects and how bad could they make us feel by killing kids and extras we don't even care about. I stopped watching before the mid-season finale and felt a lot better just following the game.

    I have to say though that Hershel's performance is great. But I feel bad that they build such a likable character to kill off. It can have a lot of impact to kill a developed character but with him and the governor out of it I felt like they just threw out their best actors, and I don't even like how they handled the gov'. I feel like the show doesn't know how to manage its talent IMO because it seems like the really good actors get little screen time or are killed off.

    I'm guessing that might have changed throughout the rest of season 4 but I've sworn off the series since I haven't liked anything after season 1.

    damkylan posted: »

    The game definitely wins, no question. The problem with the show is more in its behind the scenes bullshit than its concepts, I find. AMC

  • Spoiler

    Yeah, looking back I really only found myself liking season 1 of the show. And I heard the whole backstory of what went down with AMC through a reviewer called YMS (your movie sucks).

    I hear season 4 is much better but the pacing really annoyed me, a lot of deaths seemed forced, and it seemed like they were trying to up the edge with the special effects and how bad could they make us feel by killing kids and extras we don't even care about. I stopped watching before the mid-season finale and felt a lot better just following the game.

    I have to say though that Hershel's performance is great. But I feel bad that they build such a likable character to kill off. It can have a lot of impact to kill a developed character but with him and the governor out of it I felt like they just threw out their best actors, and I don't even like how they handled the gov'. I feel like the show doesn't know how to manage its talent IMO because it seems like the really good actors get little screen time or are killed off.

    I'm guessing that might have changed throughout the rest of season 4 but I've sworn off the series since I haven't liked anything after season 1.

    damkylan posted: »

    The game definitely wins, no question. The problem with the show is more in its behind the scenes bullshit than its concepts, I find. AMC

  • The game. Also the show was starting to get a little squicky. I mean yeah, it's gonna be gorey as a zombie thing but I feel like it's less of a grossout when a game does it because the visuals are less real.

  • I think Hershel and the Governor had had enough time on the show at this point, with Hershel being around for two and a half seasons, and Governor being around for an entire season before and three episodes here. I did like that they tied Governor into the whole theme of the season, making peace with oneself, coming back from the horrible things you do, all that good shit. :P

    I don't think there were many forced deaths, at least none that were meant to make us all sad; all the deaths of the Woodbury people that I can remember were more there for the development of the main characters. Beth's boyfriend who died in the first episode he was in, for example, was meant to set up Beth's new viewpoint, Patrick dying set up the entire flu storyline, and so on. Basically, it's the same thing as all those faceless redshirts back in season 1 dying and prompting a lot of sad feelings and Shane sniping at Rick for being partly responsible for their deaths and such.

    Of course, it's also pretty obvious that they just wanted to kill off the extra weight since it was Mazzara's dumb idea to keep them at the prison to begin with. Gimple had some mess to clean up after season 3, no question.

    Wuvvums posted: »

    Yeah, looking back I really only found myself liking season 1 of the show. And I heard the whole backstory of what went down with AMC throu

  • I like them both for different reasons. Playing a game is not the same as watching a tv show. Why choose one over the other?

  • The game obviously. The show definitely got fucked up with Glen Mazarra. If Scott Gimple did Season 3, the show would be even better at this time.

  • Seeing as Glenn was a major character in the comics, we pretty much know what was happening to him at any given period until his death. Therefore, there is no way he could show up in the game and have it make any sense even if he is still alive at this time.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Yeah, and this may be a stupid question but is there any idea of what day or year he died in? Also coming back doesn't always mean coming ba

  • When I talk about forced deaths I talk about like.. how that one kid got the flu, then all of a sudden he was able to eat out people in their sleep even though he's shambling around and is a noisy zombie. And more than one, as if you can quietly eat someone in a cell and go on your merry way. I guess the timeline feels strange but I thought that whole cell thing wouldn't have happened; where's the night watch? Why isn't anyone keeping their cage doors close? How is it 2 years in and people are just happening to make all these dumb choices? Yeah they're extras no one cares about but it'd be more plausible if most of them died to say.. the fence falling or something. I just can't believe they don't have a contingency plan for something like that.

    I don't mind Hershel and The Governor dying if they set up other great and entertaining characters to watch in the meantime. I guess it's just I'm getting bored with the rest of the cast so the show's boring me. It's hard to articulate but doesn't it seem a little disappointing when they put a lot of acting and time into a character and kill them off while other characters don't get the same quality of screen time? I mean Rick got a lot of time in the first episode but it was very boring and doesn't make me feel as invested. You can kill off great characters but it's probably important to think who might be carrying the show at that point and if it's a loss of talent.

    damkylan posted: »

    I think Hershel and the Governor had had enough time on the show at this point, with Hershel being around for two and a half seasons, and Go

  • Game, because you are in the position of someone in TWD Universe.

  • edited April 2014

    Heh... Not to spoil anything, but soon enough, I think one of them is gonna die. I legitimately don't know who, though.

    Game, by leaps and bounds. Other than Glenn and Daryl, I really couldn't care less about what happens to any of the characters on the show at this point.

  • If they stick to the comics, yep.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Heh... Not to spoil anything, but soon enough, I think one of them is gonna die. I legitimately don't know who, though.

  • " Why choose one over the other? "

    Because, the game is obviously alot better than the TV show. It's really that simple.

    KCohere posted: »

    I like them both for different reasons. Playing a game is not the same as watching a tv show. Why choose one over the other?

  • oh, you're caught up to the comics. Arright. I personally think they're gonna kill Daryl, but they may kill Glenn... I also think that Gareth is a mixture between Negan and Chris, from the hunters.

    If they stick to the comics, yep.

  • saaaame

    Green613 posted: »

    game, but i do like the show a lot

  • Someone called?

    Rylee posted: »

    Okay Larry

  • Game/Comics.

  • edited April 2014

    I guess I see what you mean, though I guess you mean convenient deaths for the sake of the plot. Though, I didn't think that was really out of the realm of possibility. The thing is, they've been living comfortably and safely in the prison for seven months. Much like the comic, the characters (like Dale) have let their guard down after being safe for so long. Even if the fence went down, there's no chance of walkers getting into the cell blocks without a whole lot of noise. We're more privy to this because we're watching it and expecting something bad to happen every second, when nothing bad has happened to them in months. As for Patrick's noisiness, he wasn't making loud growling noises constantly like some do when they're riled up. Considering that some walkers (the lurkers) master the art of keeping absolutely still and seemingly dead until prey gets closer, I don't think it's too much to buy that some walkers figure out how to stay quieter than others.

    The only reason the cell doors being open became a problem at all was because this new and incredibly lethal virus suddenly hit them. They couldn't have predicted that. Other than that, only something like suicide or somehow taking a tumble down the railing would cause a problem, and somebody would have had to hear it. As far as we could tell, nobody was in any particular danger of dying in their sleep any time soon. Anyone who is sick or really old that they might pass away would likely cause concern, but nobody really was in this case.

    The chaos that one walker caused was a bit strange, though, although not entirely impossible. It was two walkers attacking the cell block by morning, which could quickly become four depending on how fast someone turns.

    As for screen time, I think this season is the first time they really started balancing it out more. You simply wouldn't have seen a lot of the side characters getting more attention than Rick in the past like they did this season. It's a matter of taste as to whether or not you like the characters, but there was more of a clear attempt at creating a cast that feels more like an ensemble.

    Wuvvums posted: »

    When I talk about forced deaths I talk about like.. how that one kid got the flu, then all of a sudden he was able to eat out people in thei

  • GAME by miles. Personally iv'e always really hated the tv show. I even prefer the game over the comics (although the comics are really good)

  • They both have their strengths. There are something that I like about the show that I like more in the comics. There are touching moments and cool moments. My main problem with the show, it is that I have difficulty in getting attached to the characters.

    That's the reason why I love the game so much. Firstly, it is a different story, so we don't where it is going. But most importantly, I get attached to these characters, I care about their fates. It is easy in the game, because technically you are the one who talks to them and learn about them. You are the one who go through these dangers with them. That's why when something terrible happens to them, I am genuinely in disbelief and in grief.

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