Mistake or Not? [Ep 3 Ending Choice Spoilers]
At the end when Bigby turned into a wolf, you had an option to kill Dum, or leave him be. I chose to kill him, but was that a mistake. What did you guys choose? What effects do you think it has?
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I too killed dum. If you are trying to play a Bigby that wants to show he truly cares about all of fabletown(which I am) it is probably going to bite you in the ass when dealing with many of the fables. I honestly didn't care, being super-bigby and not taking advantage of it was too much to pass up especially since the Tweedles don't seem to have any redeeming qualities anyway.
what happens if its woodsman?
Maybe it's me being naive, but woody just became timid and a sad sack, and that kinda draws me away from him. The fact that in this episode alone dum had drawn a shotgun on me twice, nevermind unloading an armory's worth of shells on me, made the action well worth any flack I get from fabletown residents because it's obvious he doesn't have the good of the people in mind. I just couldn't find a good enough reason not to kill him as it shows he has no problem killing others.
I showed mercy.
I want Snow to know that Bigby has changed. That he isn't a villain and is completely in control of his actions. That he isn't a beast no more.
Trust me, I wanted to kill Dum so badly. But it was worth it after seeing Bigby looking at Snow right after that. That he spared Dum for her.
Reminds me a lot of the ending to the Disney version of "Beauty and the Beast", when Beast choses to not kill Gaston. Funny coincidence.
I want people to think he's changed, so no. But i DID try and killed him, just for teh lolz.
I actually fucking hate Dum.
That's exactly the reason why I killed him. If this was the life of the Woodsman in my hands, he would've have survived for sure.
I killed him. He shot at me (Bigby), he was prepared to and almost did kill me, I expect he's done the same to others.
No regrets, no mercy.
Nah, but I would like to talk about how much of a bitch Bloody Mary is, I cannot stress how much I hate her guts right now, I hate her more than any other character in any fictional story right now (Well, at the moment at least), SHE NEEDS TO GO!
On a happier note I'm glad we got to see Flycatcher
I ripped his fucking throat off and don't regret it... yet.
I don't care, really, if people want to blame MY Bigby after all he's tried to do things the "nice" way, they can go on. I. Don't. Care. That was cathartic as fuck, and in any case sends a message to the Crooked Man; this is not over.
You have to see, there is no "wrong" or "right" choices in a game like this. Every choice leads to a different outcome that some people will always view different than others.
I only didn't kill him because it didn't seem right to kill him and not Dee. If I'd had the choice to kill them both at the same time, I might have taken it (though still probably not, since Snow was right there).
I killed him, but I was pretty surprised that I did. I usually play the nicer, mercyful Bigby. I guess it was the heat of the moment
I killed him too, but now I kinda feel bad for doing it. His brother is alone now. They were good brothers. Bad people, but brothers who cared for each other and loved each other. I have a brother too... I feel like I should rewind but I was in a fucking rage in this situation. Dammit...
The people of fabletown would have viewed what Bigby did as an act of self defence surely? It's impossible to deny that the Tweedle bros fired without intent on killing Bigby so good on him for dishing out as retaliation.
Didn't kill him and didn't burn that tree, I was pretty nice in this episode, have to replay with angry Bigby that punches everyone, tells to fuck off and kills people that get in his way.
I didn't kill him just because Snow was there. I guess she influences how I play the game a bit, kinda like Clem in season 1.
Same here. But yeah, he did deserve it.
I killed him but I feel kind of bad about it and think I will regret it (on a personal level, I have no idea storyline wise).
Didn't kill him!
But when Bloody Mary called me a pussy I kinda wished that I did for some reason :S
I agree, for a video game character, Bigby is hothothothothothot.
I killed him. The scene was just too badass, and all I saw were Dee and Dum with their shotguns. I hesitated for a second, but then he said "Fuck you, Wolf" and I tore him a new one. Literally. It just felt so right.
Funny enough, I was trying to play the good guy up until this Episode. But I just couldn't resist the badassery...
I accidently pressed "kill" when i aimed for the other option so i had to rewind the chapter and go for mercy. I try to be a good guy, sometimes it works, sometimes the finger slip
This. Back when I played ep 1, I know I've played the good cop all the way until the trip trap when you fight with Gren and that little "Tear off his arm" option appears. You just can't resist it sometimes.
Regarding the OP, yes, I killed him as well. It's not like they wouldn't do it if they had the chance.
I DIDN'T tear Gren's arm off. In fact, I walked away as soon as the option popped up. Like I said, I've been the good cop all the way. Hell, I didn't even smash up Georgie's place that bad in Episode 2. But dat fight in the alleyway... holy crap. Could NOT resist.
It was a self-defense situation, e.g. all those guns... Moreover there was bozo the axe-wielding loudmouth who apparently had silver bullets as well. There can be a case made for Bigby being in the right. Though one could argue that he could have disarmed and neutralized the brothers quicker, and then he should have went for Mary instead of doing all that bashing and-in this case- killing. My worry is that he might have enjoyed killing Dum (he is the Big Bad Wolf after all), and in that moment hesitated, thus allowing for Ms.Urban Legend to get the jump on him.
i killed him, i think they are making it out to seem like a mistake but it will probably be a better thing in the end since he won't be a threat anymore
Killed him, wanted to kill Bloody Mary too.........didn't work out. However it was in self defense, they were looking to kill Bigby if he didn't give them crane.
same. I was suprised to, I'm trying to play the nicer Bigby too, a lot of it is for Snow though lol
I killed him. They had crossed the line. I know Bigby can't be killed by regular bullets and he knows it too, but THEY didn't, at least judging from the surprise on their faces when Bigby stands up. They were shooting to kill, so why should I stay my hand? I am never cruel with Bigby just for the sake of it- I didn't rip of Gren's arm, didn't hit Beast a second time, didn't burn the witch's tree- but Dum and Dee have been causing trouble all around, throwing wrenches in my plans all long the way and culminated by shooting Bigby full of buckshot. If there were any redeeming qualities to them- I didn't see it. They bit off more than they could chew and that was that. I know this won't bode well with Snow, but there;s only so much mercy you can show. Bigby is called Big BAD Wolf for a reason.
I'm kind of a nicer/mercyful Bigby too, but when that choice came out, i chose not to kill him. Because Snow was there, because i'm sure everybody that doesn't like me would've said i'm a killer and i'm absolutely not better that Lily's killer, that kind of thing.
But you know what ? A part of me really wanted to kill him ! I'm a little confused, i almost regret it ^^
Well, i actually like her in a way i like an antagonist. I mean, she's cool-ass, in a bloody and painful way, but still, cool. I don't LIKE her the way i like Bigby, or Fly, or Snow, but i like her the way i like Carver.
It probably shows everyone around Bigby at the time that he is at least trying to change his old ways and be a good person....er....wolf man? Also, perhaps the Tweedles help Bigby at some point if he doesn't kill Dum and if he does kill Dum, Dee attacks him again.
I felt like too many people think they can fuck up with Bigby any time. Even tho I play him as a nice guy , I don't take shit from anybody. Dee diserved to die , and I felt very good when I killed him. Is it going to ruin my relationship with the characters ? Maybe , but it's also going to help me , since people aren't gonna fuck with me that easily. I say it's a pretty ballanced decision.
After Flycatcher constantly trying to tell us how "nice" they are earlier though I get the feeling we're going to end up guilt tripped next episode.
I've been completely good cop all the way, but in this episode I looked long term and burning the tree and killing him seemed like long term it would be the right thing to do..?
I really think that letting him live will turn out to be a bad decision. Or at least I hope Telltale can turn that. The Tweedles seem like too much of scum to EVER feel appreciative. Maybe putting the scare onto Dee will possibly turn up helpful paths for us. Possible a mole? Back to my point about them being scum. They can go to a funeral and attempt to bribe, murder and shoot the grieving sister all for the Crooked man. I'm sure many a times has someone let them live before. Dee and Dum could possibly now think that they can walk all over Bigby seeing as they found his weakness. Snow.
Well, for Auntie Geenleaf's choice, I thought hiring her to work for people she disliked, having the witches look after her and prevent her from causing trouble while sparing the tree -which actually did help a lot of Fables, albeit illegally- and pissing both women off more or less equally was the best long term, solomonic decision.