Kenny is no different than Lily



  • I sort of agree with you...not to the sense that one is better than other one, but they both shared parallels with each other. I don't know if I am wrong but it seems most of the time people forget that both Kenny and Lily gave importance to their family. Which is why Kenny fixed the rv and Lily wanted to stay in the motel (because it is near the pharmacy or something?I forgot sorry). Kenny wanted loyalty while Lilly its authority.With both of the characters its like you are with me or you are not with me. And that decision, choosing side really took a point in that meat locker scene. In all honestly it is one of the most brutal point of choosing a decision: You either go kill a father in front of her daughter, her only family member.. or you could risk being stuck with a big walker snapping Clementine’s like a biscuit.

  • edited April 2014


    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Yoy need the link to the gif (Google images link, imgr or whatever, etc) and then you need to enter the link by typing it into the bar after

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Awwwe I ♡ u2!!

  • She seemed to regret it immediately after, even though Carley antagonized her. When Lee pins her against the RV, she has a look of regret on her face. In my opinion at least.

    Note, she was completely right about it being Ben and she suspected him because....she trusted everyone else. She trusted it wasn't Carley and you can get Ben to pretty much admit to it. Though she had her doubts about Doug/Carley, she mentioned how Ben was the new guy in the group and that she didn't trust him.

    I agree, revealing Lee's past was a dick move. Especially if you're nothing but nice to her as Lee. But then again, Kenny tries to get Lee killed at multiple points in the game if you aren't his butt buddy constantly. I really like his character as well, but he has serious flaws too. Which is what makes them such good characters, in my opinion.

    Yes, if you take her with you, she steals the RV. But she was probably afraid she was just going to be killed or abandoned, since as she said, the group had her tied up, trying to decide what to do to her and she had just murdered a group member. She even offers for Lee to come with her, but I'm not sure if you have to be nice to her for her to do that. But if Lee accepts her offer....she pushes him out of the RV. I guess she figured Lee would be more safe with the group or something.

    Over all, Lilly is a good person, in my opinion at least. She was doing her best to protect her group and Carley acts like an asshole to her for it while she's already stressed and on edge in the first place, so she shoots Carley and immediately regrets it. Granted, Carley was defending Ben, but still, look at it from Lilly's perspective. Then she realizes she's made all of her group hate her and she will probably be abandoned on the side of the road, which would likely be death in that situation. So, in a last effort to try to convince them to let her stay, she tells them they have had a murderer with them the whole time. Maybe she thought saying that would get them to let her stay, maybe she wanted to drag Lee down with her, maybe it slipped out and she didn't actually mean to put Lee on the spot like that. I don't know.

    I do hate that she killed my Carley though lol. D:

    She didn't regret killing Carley that was just cold blood Yeah Carley mouthed off to her because in her mind lily was pointing fingers at

  • By the way, how do make your own avatar and not the ones that telltale already give you?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Whew. You had me nervous

  • Hey do you know how to use another picture for your avatar than the ones that telltale give you?

  • Doesn't mean you were right about it
    We'll never know what his mouth moving truly meant and probably never will

    Flog61 posted: »

    See my above post.

  • It's called gravatar I think. You go to change your profile picture and go to the icon on the far right. Then set up a gravatar account and create a picture. It should link up to your telltale account then.

    By the way, how do make your own avatar and not the ones that telltale already give you?

  • Kenny and I had a few disagreements, but I felt that he and I were mostly on the same page.

  • Man, I don't mean to sound immature or anything, but Carley and I were going to have something going on (well, until the walker-bite anyway) and Clem would probably have had a surrogate mother. I just couldn't forgive Lilly for that, even though I DO know that, logically speaking, she couldn't be blamed any more than Kenny. But logic is beside the point. When it comes to an emotionally-invested game experience like this, how a player feels about the characters and how he lets those feelings decide the choices he make matters a lot in the end.

  • Actually no because while kenny stole the supplies why would the stranger still go after lee and clementine
    Kenny and his family I could somewhat understand but even if you don't agree to take the food he still targets YOU

    Kenny still steals anyway which causes the entire Stranger drama.

  • I don't hate Lilly but when she killed Carley/Doug, there was just no excuse for that. She had no proof against Carley or Ben and she was just pissed. Kenny had a reason to kill Larry because being stuck in a locked room with no weapons and having a huge guy like him become a walker would have killed all of them. If you kiss up to Kenny and be his friend, he'll be loyal and no matter his relationship with Lee, he'll be happy to see Clementine again. Once again, I don't hate Lilly and this argument should stop lol.

  • edited April 2014

    But seriously! They were both trying to protect the group. Kenny was trying to protect them from Larry, who was actually okay, and like Lily said, stealing supplies is like coming into your room and slitting your throat at night, it doesn't make a difference, you die! But Carly didn't actually steal the supplies. They both acted without thinking thoroughly. They're exactly the same.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    It's called gravatar I think. You go to change your profile picture and go to the icon on the far right. Then set up a gravatar account and create a picture. It should link up to your telltale account then.

  • Exactly. It's a relatively human decision. Lilly got mentally f-ed up by her father's death, which tense her up so much that she made a stupid decision. Compared to the stupid things Ben did, I'd say Lilly was far better off.

    But that doesn't mean I forgave her though, just for the record. I toss out/killed off both Lilly and Ben for doing that to Carley. :P

    Sxphyre posted: »

    But seriously! They were both trying to protect the group. Kenny was trying to protect them from Larry, who was actually okay, and like Lily

  • Damn, this has survived a long time. Personally, I tried to do what's best for Clementine and the rest of the group and stayed out of their quarrels (except when Kenny crushed Larry's head, I stepped in and helped Lilly). I never really liked either of them, they both seemed to be dicks. Like when Lilly shot Carly, or when Kenny chooses not to help you fight the St. John brother even though the motherfucker could have.

  • I agree they both tried to protect the group. They both acted without thinking the situation out thoroughly. I have no quarrels with that. But that doesn't make them exactly the same. For one Kenny was under more pressure in that instance. They were running out of time, not only in the locker but also his family outside with the cannibalistic monsters. Also chance was working against them (in that the odds of Larry living were much, much lower than him dying). Lily, while under mental strain from her father's death (everyone else was already dealing with the loss of loved ones), was under no immediate pressure to solve the problem other than her personal vendetta. They had plenty of time with no negative results to the situation other than when.... well when she shot Carley/Doug dead. Kenny and Lilly both made mistakes, right, but Lilly shot our companion over anger and an assumption, and a wrong assumption at that.

    Sxphyre posted: »

    But seriously! They were both trying to protect the group. Kenny was trying to protect them from Larry, who was actually okay, and like Lily

  • Yeah. I figured it out after posting the comment.

    Heh, heh. Smarts.

  • Oh my god! The controversy! AGH! IT IS MELTING MY FLESH!

  • That's alright.

    Funny I only joined this community a few days ago and I have 58 likes. Hmmm.....

  • Like how you have an icon of him as well......Heh,heh.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Did they have belts? Did they have anything? I'm not saying he shouldn't have let them try to revive him, hell one walker is hardly a proble

  • He matches my personality :p

    Like how you have an icon of him as well......Heh,heh.

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