Kenny is no different than Lily



  • See my above post.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yeah, Larry was.going to turn

  • So you say Kenny killed an innocent girl? No. He killed a presumed dead guy (Don't say you wouldnt do that in that situation ..)

    Was he the one saying they should let people die? (Episode 1 reference, as soon as you enter) Nope. He even saves you when Larry punches you ("I won't let anyone else get eaten today. Especially a good friend.").

    So its 2-0 to Kenny.

  • Well, he was TRYING to do what was best for the group. He wasn't always succeeding, as seen by the fact that Larry was actually alive.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    but kenny did not kill larry cause he wanted too he killed him for the safety of the group lily on the other hand had no reason to kill carl

  • Lee and Clem don't starve to death if they refuse the supplies.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Well if they hadn't stolen from the station wagon they would have starved to death. Kenny had no way of knowing what would happen. None of t

  • Lilly is subhuman filth whose disgusting body should be feasted upon by dire worms the size of snakes.

    Kenny is an impossible godbeing that radiates righteous fury and withstands torments that would break mortal men.

    Anything to the contrary concerning either statement should be held in the same regard as Cluke shipping.

  • Kenny killing Larry was under the consideration of the whole team's safety, including Lily, Larry's daughter. So I think it's acceptable.
    But why did Lily kill Carley, especially Carley was a good team member and in fact she wasn't the one who gave supplies to bandits?

  • Well this seems like one of those forum topics I'll be attacked if I post my opinion...I'm just going to go....
    Alt text

  • I have to say that i would hate doing it but i would kill Larry if i was in Kenny's position as well. Lilly killed Carly out of paranoia and the fact Carley's last words offended Lilly. Yes though i agree that she went nuts after Kenny did what he did to her dad but if i was there, in terms of making sure im safe, i would have killed Larry too

  • Carley died cause she had to die. It was dumb way to kill her that way, anyway. Doug had much better death scene than her...

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't fully agree with this thread, but to be fair she didn't kill Carley because she dissed her.

  • they're different because Kenny has a epic mustache and Lilly doesn't

  • sorry, but in MY gameplay she just wanted to kill THE RAT and killed an innocent person by a mistake. can't you understand that there are two scenarios: crazy jealous Lilly and Lilly who shot someone by a mistake..?

    zMadGamer posted: »

    True that. Lilly was a crazy bitch who killed an innocent person.

  • Disliking my post isn't evidence that it isn't true.

    Flog61 posted: »

    He wasn't dead. If you choose to help Lilly, you can perform CPR. If you press on his chest enough times, he breathes. Now, some peopl

  • Kenny has his reasons and a God like mustache turned into beard but lilly has no excuse.for what she did

  • First off, let me say I love both characters equally and agree they are similar, but they are far from the same and your opinion seems biased. Here's why.

    Kenny was scared and Larry was showing no signs of life. Lilly got to try for....probably at least 30 seconds to revive him, it wasn't showing any signs of working and people can turn into zombies in less time than that. He was completely right for worrying about being trapped in a meat locker with a 300 pound tank of a zombie. I'm not saying Lilly was wrong, though. That's the thing about these games, sometimes there is no right or wrong choice.

    Now, Lilly killed a LIVING person. She was trying to protect her self and her group, just like Kenny was,only she was quite depressed and on edge.

    So, Kenny and Lilly both had good reasons for what they did. They were both right, but they were both also inconsiderate of others.

  • That's why I said maybe
    Overall we'll never truly know
    Just to let you know it wasn't me that disliked your comment

    Flog61 posted: »

    He wasn't dead. If you choose to help Lilly, you can perform CPR. If you press on his chest enough times, he breathes. Now, some peopl

  • Kenny is a coward (Shawn), a murderer (Larry), and a hypocrite (Lilly and Lee). People fanboy over him for no specific reason apart from his beard.

  • I'd rather have some nice guy who killed an asshole about to reanimate than a paranoid bitch who can't handle stress.

  • Well, yeah, she kind of did. It was escalating the entire time, but Carley dissing her is what cause her to completely snap. The straw that broke the camels back if you will. Lilly was a scared little girl with a gun. It takes a big man (or woman) to pull a trigger doesn't it :p

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't fully agree with this thread, but to be fair she didn't kill Carley because she dissed her.

  • There are differences in the game for different choices. Like, for example, if you don't get Kenny to stop the train then Duck turns much quicker than if you convince him to stop the train. It could have very well been him turning earlier. Plus, it looked more like a glitch than a breath :p

    Flog61 posted: »

    He wasn't dead. If you choose to help Lilly, you can perform CPR. If you press on his chest enough times, he breathes. Now, some peopl

  • edited April 2014

    " Now, Lilly killed a LIVING person. She was trying to protect her self and her group, just like Kenny was,only she was quite depressed and on edge. "

    Lilly didn't try to protect herself and her group. Lilly killed Carley because she pissed her off and she wanted to kill Ben for no other reason than her believing that he is the one who gave the bandits supplies. The group wasn't in any sort of danger in this situation. Lilly went crazy out of pain and sorrow and killed 2 innocent persons!

    Kenny on the other hand, tryed to protect his family and himself. They were traped in a small meatlocker without any ways to protect themselfes and a dead Larry who was probaply going to turn very soon. His family was captured by crazy cannibal's, that were planing to do god knows what horrible things to them, so they didn't have the time to discuss the whole situation, because they were in a hurry.

    " So, Kenny and Lilly both had good reasons for what they did. They were both right, but they were both also inconsiderate of others. "

    This statement is obviously not true. Lilly wasn't right, she killed 2 innocent people for no other reason than her beeing pissed off, or her thinking someone did something stupid. Comparing these two events is just insane.

    First off, let me say I love both characters equally and agree they are similar, but they are far from the same and your opinion seems biase

  • Because the supplies are still taken back to the camp. I'd bet money they ended up eating it once it was there and the decision was made.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Lee and Clem don't starve to death if they refuse the supplies.

  • Debatable.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well, he was TRYING to do what was best for the group. He wasn't always succeeding, as seen by the fact that Larry was actually alive.

  • I'm really getting tired of the meat locker argument.... Put yourself in Kenny's position, what would you do exactly? It's obvious Larry was dead."Oh, but you don't know that!" Maybe I don't. But it doesn't change the fact that being stuck in a locked room with Larry being a walker, especially considering his size is a good idea.

  • edited April 2014

    " Kenny is a coward (Shawn) "

    Yes, Kenny was a coward in this situation. Kenny was worryed about his son and never had been in such a situation before. But he feels very guilty for it and blames himself for letting Shawn die. Lilly on the other hand showed no sign of guilt what so ever, after killing Carley and Doug. Not to mention the obvious fact that Kenny put his own life in danger for trying to save Ben, or by saving Christa's life. Kenny redempt himself.

    " a murderer (Larry) "

    Killing a dead person isn't murdering, that's like saying Kenny is a murderer for killing Walkers. Larry might have had a chance to be reanimated, but they couldn't take the risk in this certain situation.

    " and a hypocrite (Lilly and Lee) "

    Kenny can be an ass sometimes, if you didn't side with him or disagree with him. But if you decided to side with him and protected his family, he will be a very nice and loyal friend! (I always sided with him, because he was right about most of the things he said.)

    " People fanboy over him for no specific reason apart from his beard. "

    No, you are just a obvious Lilly fanboy/fangirl!

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Kenny is a coward (Shawn), a murderer (Larry), and a hypocrite (Lilly and Lee). People fanboy over him for no specific reason apart from his beard.

  • I wouldn't waste my breath if I were you, he's definitely trolling and I'm sure as hell he won't try to have a normal and civilized debate with you.

    " Kenny is a coward (Shawn) " Yes, Kenny was a coward in this situation. Kenny was worryed about his son and never had been in such a sit

  • Not to mention the facts that they had no weapons to defend themselfes and were running out of time, because Kennys family were captured by crazy cannibal's.

    I'm really getting tired of the meat locker argument.... Put yourself in Kenny's position, what would you do exactly? It's obvious Larry was

  • You are probaply right, i have said enough already! :D

    I wouldn't waste my breath if I were you, he's definitely trolling and I'm sure as hell he won't try to have a normal and civilized debate with you.

  • The stache prevails once again!

    You are probaply right, i have said enough already!

  • Anyone who insists Lilly had "good reasons" to kill Carley/Doug the way she did needs help. I'm not kidding.

  • edited April 2014

    I guess I will take some down votes also. Im sorry but Kenny is a total dick.

    At the farm when you have the choice to save Hershel's son or Kenny's son, after you pick Kenny's son rather then help save Hershel's son Kenny just ditches without even trying.

    In the Larry situation Kenny lost his head. With the number of people they had, Larry could of been easily detained while Lilly preformed CPR. By binding his arms in front of him with a belt and binding his legs with another belt with a salt lick near by just in case he did turn. And if you choose to help Lilly in that scene Kenny say's "YOUR FUCKING WORTHLESS LEE!" and smashes Larry's head in front of Lilly and Clementine throwing his humanity away.

    I still sympathize with Kenny though I knew during season one there had to be repercussions for his actions but damn the death of his whole family was pretty harsh.

    Who knows maybe Kenny and Lilly are Destined to off each other while we pick a side. The dispute seems still open.

  • I agree. I hated Kenny. I didn't like it when he refused to help Clem. My Lee convinced him to stop the train, to care about his family - finally! He helped Kenny do the right thing. But he didn't help a little girl because her caretaker didn't kill Lily's father.

    I hope Kenny changed through these 20 months.

  • edited April 2014

    Kenny went with me to find Clem without hesitation, saved my Lee's life over 3 times (Drugstore, Danny and the door) and put his life at risk to try to save a kid that indirectly killed his family.

    After that, while Luke ran off to take a hike Kenny tried to save the group by himself, although there was obviously no way it could have happened. Even if Luke wasn't on his hike.

    Yeah, I would say he is a good guy in my playthrough.

  • edited April 2014

    you know, that is the first comment of yours that I actually agree with.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Lilly is subhuman filth whose disgusting body should be feasted upon by dire worms the size of snakes. Kenny is an impossible godbeing th

  • She still killed someone that didn't deserve to die.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    sorry, but in MY gameplay she just wanted to kill THE RAT and killed an innocent person by a mistake. can't you understand that there are two scenarios: crazy jealous Lilly and Lilly who shot someone by a mistake..?

  • Do you even know what a psychopath is?

    Both are killers. And Kenny is indeed a psychopath. That much is clear. Lily had a traumatic experience caused by said psychopath which caused her to snap. Kenny indirectly killed Carley.

  • I completely agree. That happened in my play through, and I do agree that Kenny should have waited a bit instead of smashing it immediately.

    Flog61 posted: »

    He wasn't dead. If you choose to help Lilly, you can perform CPR. If you press on his chest enough times, he breathes. Now, some peopl

  • that's absolutely right. i just want you to think better of it

    zMadGamer posted: »

    She still killed someone that didn't deserve to die.

  • ....that would have been an extremely convenient glitch, no?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    There are differences in the game for different choices. Like, for example, if you don't get Kenny to stop the train then Duck turns much qu

  • You're right actuallyit is debateable that he was trying to do what was best. I mean, he focused on his family way more than the group (naturally) and I feel that he cared far more about specific people than the group as a whole.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »


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