


  • Shaundi, to be exact. She really made a mark on this Forum. -_-

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Yes 'Cluke' has been discussed before but how did Cluke even start? Lexiporter.

  • So the creator of that thread is the one responsible for all this!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    These threads are what started all this "cluke" nonsense

  • Oh, don't get me wrong. You're completely right for feeling that way. Pedophilia is 'sick' as people put it, and it's not something people should feel comfortable talking about openly, especially in a public domain where kids might roam about.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Look, I may come off as a complete bitch by writing these sorts of things out, but I just don't feel comfortable with their 'cause' or whate

  • edited April 2014

    Yep and if it's not them doing all this then it must be some pedos.

    Exactly, I'm pretty sure they just want to see him take his shirt off.

  • Well said.

    AusZombie posted: »

    I am actually the same age as Luke, and i'm just saying from personal experience that I don't find 11 year old girls attractive. I honestly

  • Cuz they're so cute.

  • Yeah, this is the sad part. These ones deserve real bad things.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Yep and if it's not them doing all this then it must be some pedos.

  • Oh sure, because ignoring the issue is always the best way to deal with these sorts of things.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Please stop bringing it up...

  • Alt text

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Cuz they're so cute.

  • Clem would be too badass for anybody anyway even when she's 18.

    AusZombie posted: »

    I am actually the same age as Luke, and i'm just saying from personal experience that I don't find 11 year old girls attractive. I honestly

  • I think though that their intentions weren't to cause any trouble with these kinds of things.

    Oh, don't get me wrong. You're completely right for feeling that way. Pedophilia is 'sick' as people put it, and it's not something people should feel comfortable talking about openly, especially in a public domain where kids might roam about.

  • They are both adorable but eh... not together...

    Cluke4Life posted: »


  • Yes they do, especially the one who downvoted your comment.

    Yeah, this is the sad part. These ones deserve real bad things.

  • What's with the fucking dislikes? I can understand dislikes on a cluker but on an anti-cluker...?

  • I can see them becoming a couple in a few years! They're going to be the cutest couple since Kim K. and Kanye West! <3

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    They are both adorable but eh... not together...

  • Hell yeah.

    Clem would be too badass for anybody anyway even when she's 18.

  • I thought the Kenny fans on here were annoying as hell but these Cluke fans are something else!

  • I thought it was pretty much over for a while.... Oh well guess this the beginning of another Cluke plague

  • edited April 2014

    I think I might have pissed him, but I don't care. :p

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Yes they do, especially the one who downvoted your comment.

  • the gurl who started this was shaundi.

    she even told me and she spams this shit in youtube. she is watching over us as we discuss

  • I thought it was pretty much over for a while.... Oh well guess this the beginning of another Cluke plague

  • Ok, now you're just trolling. Really? A walking dead fan that likes those two and their shitty lives?

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I can see them becoming a couple in a few years! They're going to be the cutest couple since Kim K. and Kanye West!

  • I like Kenny and all, but his fans terrible. Then all the sudden, these Cluke fans show up and shit REALLY hits the fan

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    I thought the Kenny fans on here were annoying as hell but these Cluke fans are something else!

  • I hardly ever see anyone mention it, except when they're trashing it and/or harassing people who ship it. Do I ship it? No. Do I give it a shit if other people do? No. Do I want to stop hearing people complain about it? YES.

    Stop bringing it up - you really think you're helping anything? "Cluke is wrong!" "I agree!" "Me too!" ...what, exactly, is this doing to help anything? You're not going to sway anybody one way or another, so what is the point? You're just giving it more attention.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Oh sure, because ignoring the issue is always the best way to deal with these sorts of things.

  • OminousFlareOminousFlare Banned
    edited April 2014

    Well, obviously, those are clukers dishing out the dislikes... :P

    Clem_TWDG posted: »

    What's with the fucking dislikes? I can understand dislikes on a cluker but on an anti-cluker...?

  • edited April 2014

    Lol they didn't have the balls to post a reply, so they just vote you down instead and stay hidden.

    I think I might have pissed him, but I don't care.

  • Oh god no... and just so you know, a portion of those people, I follow and most of them aren't fans of Cluke... they used that hashtag in order to speak against it so good job.

    Cluke4Life posted: » No H8.

  • Until I read this I didn't even know what Cluke was, sad internet stealing my innocence more each day...

    Luke feels like an older brother, it's all there is to it.

  • Alt text

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I can see them becoming a couple in a few years! They're going to be the cutest couple since Kim K. and Kanye West!

  • :O Kim K. is fab.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Ok, now you're just trolling. Really? A walking dead fan that likes those two and their shitty lives?

  • And now I am scarred for life.

    Cluke4Life posted: » No H8.

  • Nonono. I think Cluke was trending on Instagram a couple of days ago.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Oh god no... and just so you know, a portion of those people, I follow and most of them aren't fans of Cluke... they used that hashtag in order to speak against it so good job.

  • They won't be a couple, it doesnt seems like telltale would do that.
    And kim k and kanye scare me.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    :O Kim K. is fab.

  • edited April 2014

    As long as they don't make an irritating Cluke gif that gets posted on every thread, that would be the last straw!

    I like Kenny and all, but his fans terrible. Then all the sudden, these Cluke fans show up and shit REALLY hits the fan

  • You've got a point. It's mostly just how i'm just hoping a lot of people on the forum agree. I needed a bit of a reassurance that there weren't more Clukers than I was aware of but it doesn't matter if i'm giving it more attention, it's already known by so many and I did ask a question in the discussion but hardly any one of the Clukers noticed that and went instantly to "This person is an anti-cluker, must comment".

    keylimepie posted: »

    I hardly ever see anyone mention it, except when they're trashing it and/or harassing people who ship it. Do I ship it? No. Do I give it a s

  • You people are overthinking this. If Cluke ever happens in the game, I'm sure it will be a choice.

  • Don't give'em ideas.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    As long as they don't make an irritating Cluke gif that gets posted on every thread, that would be the last straw!

  • That's not the point. It's the worry of the fact that Clukers exist, no disrespect.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    You people are overthinking this. If Cluke ever happens in the game, I'm sure it will be a choice.

  • I'd make one but I dunno how to make em jiggle D:

    Don't give'em ideas.

This discussion has been closed.