I think the point of season 2 is to have emotionally messed up themes. Yes, the messed up action or visual themes are all well and good for a short time. What do you have when you break those down though? Just action. I think having more mental messed up themes makes for a better story development.
Exactly what I mean! The new group gives us nothing about this big and scary Carver except slightly ominous and overly mysterious comments like, "He wants to bring us back." and "We ran away." ??? Yeah, okay. Thanks for leaving Clem completely unprepared when there's this supposed psycho who wants to 'bring you guys back'.
They took two episodes to set this all up, I hope it's worth it!
Lets hope Carvers group has some even more underlying evil surrounding them. I could name a few themes, but I won't, however there is a lot that could be explored.
Good point. I guess I just expected to be thrown into a blatant and dark situation. Or at the very least learning more about our new friends and this Carver guy.
To be fair, Clementine has seen some pretty dark.
--Clem met a cuddly friend in the woods and was maimed by him.
--She was (more-or-le… moress) left to die of infection/shock by an unsympathetic group of survivors and was forced to stitch her own wound.
--She watched Matthew die horrifically right in front of her.
--She was kidnapped by a megalomaniac, who tortured and killed people in front of her.
Thing is, villains, bandits and cannibals aren't that necessary anymore. These days, ordinary survivors are fucked up enough as it is.
Thank you Amewzing. Maybe I'm weird or just have different ideas of 'dark' but Walt getting shot in the head? A dog biting Clementine? These aren't dark themes to me. They're sad and/or shocking, but compared to Season 1, seeing a man with his legs chopped off and having to race down the stairs to stop a little girl from eating said legs? That's dark. That's fucked up. I don't want anything bad to happen to Clementine, in fact I'd much rather have her safe, innocent, and happy. I never stated I wanted 'super fucked up shit' happen to her, I just want something.
Either that, or let me talk to and get to know all the new people! Let me get to know more about Carver and why he is this apparent sociopath! I'm getting real tired of all these time-jumps they're doing.
Overall this Season has been pretty dark, with the scenes with Sam, Clem alone to fend for herself, Matty's and Pete's death were pretty gru… moreesome, Carver's first appearance was very eerie, captured by Carver. In Harm's Way looks eerie. ESPCIALLY AMID THE RUINS NOW THAT'S GONNA BE DARK AS FUCK!
No, like if you save Alvin, you can walk in on him being beat up/tortured. Obviously he and Carver have a problem with each other, so it makes sense. Carver wants Rebecca all to himself.
I want to see a Clementine-has-a-boyfriend-then-he-dies-dark or the wolf among us kind of dark or someone insults lee and things really get heated up. Or Clementine doing this.
A feral dog mauling a little girl in exquisite detail isn't dark enough for you.
I'd hate to see what your idea of a romant… moreic comedy is. And just for the record, I haven't read the comics since issue ten because Kirkman's means of telling a story became painfully obvious a looooooooong time ago. If there's some kind of weird "macho factor" involved with reading comic books like THE WALKING DEAD, I'm happy to be dismissed as a wimp.
I get really tired of "dark" being a euphemism for "disgusting, twisted shit that nobody in their right mind wants to watch."
Most of humanity is dead at this point, and the scattered survivors are trying to eke out a living between the still rampaging zombies and the meglomaniacal fuckups amongst their own who don't have a single moral scruple whatsoever (i.e. people like Carver). Just how much "darker" can it get without it basically becoming torture porn? :P
Honestly, I'd prefer 'realistic' than 'dark.' Reality is much more depressing than the romanticised notion of 'dark' or 'gritty' people have these days.
So where the fuck is our cannibals and bandits, and cutting limbs off people? Sir, If could just turn 180 degrees around then stand then walk away you would get why. It's nearly 3 years since the ZA started, the human population would be very small by now. Why not on every zombie game that is made, include some cannibals and bandits just because it's 'needed'? Hahah, you make me laugh.
In episode 2 of season 1, we were thrown into a scary survivalist situation. In episode 2 of season 2, we've got, what? A little five minute bonding scene with either Nick or Pete, another time-jump, a small hub area in the cabin and then a five minute ambush?* Five minute ambush? What do you want? Make a 1-hour scene of Carver sitting around while you're all tied up? 1 hour of absolutely nothing?
Don't get me wrong, I love season 2, and I expect that episode 3 will dip into a bit of what I'm looking for, but all I'm getting from this big and scary Carver, is The Governor. Who to be honest, was a pretty lack-luster villain in the show! Telltale, step up your game! We know Clementine is a child, but this is still the zombie apocalypse! Give us a torture scene or something*! Why do we really 'need' darker themes? just because it's the ZA? NO. Season 2 is already good, we know shit is gonna hit the fan on episode 3-4.
Oh and a 'torture' scene, Wasn't the scene where Carver broke Carlos' fingers already a torture scene?
So where the fuck is our cannibals and bandits, and cutting limbs off people?
Sir, If could just turn 180 degrees around then stand then wa… morelk away you would get why. It's nearly 3 years since the ZA started, the human population would be very small by now. Why not on every zombie game that is made, include some cannibals and bandits just because it's 'needed'? Hahah, you make me laugh.
* In episode 2 of season 1, we were thrown into a scary survivalist situation. In episode 2 of season 2, we've got, what? A little five minute bonding scene with either Nick or Pete, another time-jump, a small hub area in the cabin and then a five minute ambush?*
Five minute ambush? What do you want? Make a 1-hour scene of Carver sitting around while you're all tied up? 1 hour of absolutely nothing?
* Don't get me wrong, I love season 2, and I expect that episode 3 will dip into a bit of what I'm looking for, but all I'm getting from this big and scary … [view original content]
I had the real life experience of having my head stitched. Some jerk hit me with a flying recorder (musical instrument) back in Third Grade. Lots of blood and everything. God, it was awful.
You can show whatever you'd like, depending on how you write it. And it'll often make more sense when the protagonist isn't a little girl being treated like she's twenty. Which, you know, would be fine if all the adults weren't written like they were 11.
Jesus,that finger-breaking. I had to pause the game for a moment,because my fingers where hurting just WATCHING it.
For anyone who says I wouldn't handle the comics,I've read the comics. There are moments where I have to stop for a moment,and take a walk,just to digest what I just witnessed.
So where the fuck is our cannibals and bandits, and cutting limbs off people?
Sir, If could just turn 180 degrees around then stand then wa… morelk away you would get why. It's nearly 3 years since the ZA started, the human population would be very small by now. Why not on every zombie game that is made, include some cannibals and bandits just because it's 'needed'? Hahah, you make me laugh.
* In episode 2 of season 1, we were thrown into a scary survivalist situation. In episode 2 of season 2, we've got, what? A little five minute bonding scene with either Nick or Pete, another time-jump, a small hub area in the cabin and then a five minute ambush?*
Five minute ambush? What do you want? Make a 1-hour scene of Carver sitting around while you're all tied up? 1 hour of absolutely nothing?
* Don't get me wrong, I love season 2, and I expect that episode 3 will dip into a bit of what I'm looking for, but all I'm getting from this big and scary … [view original content]
But remember, by this point in the first game, the rest of your experience was largely defined. Here, the only defining features I see are Alvin, Nick, and giving up/going to find help. Oh, and MAYBE the watch, and what you told Carver.
In season 1, by this time, the lasting effects were Shaun/Duck, Larry in the meat locker, Larry/Kenny in the pharmacy, Doug/Carley, stealing the food, and killing the St. John brothers (which, if you let her, it influences Clem in the end of the game).
A dog nearly bit Clem's fucking arm of, then a bunch of people left her to die in a shed, Omid is dead, Christa may be dead, Clem kills a dog and maybe even leaves him to suffer, she stitches her own arm being 11 years old, she blackmails Rebecca (which is pretty fucked up 'cause, again, she's eleven), a potential rapist spent ten minutes talking to Clem in a threatening way, the cabin group had to walk for five long days to escape Carver and all for nothing, Nick and Alvin are determinant so they could be dead in your playthrough, Walter was killed execution style, Carlos had two of his fingers broken in front of his crying daughter and almost has his fucking ear cut off and now the entire group is in the hands of a clearly sadistic son a bitch who in charge of many other sons of bitches who may or may not be sadists. Fuck cannibals and bandits, this can't get worse.
Don't forget that you have the choice of determinately putting the dog outta misery. And then there's the stitching scene which is already fucked up on its own. And of course, Clem blackmailing Rebecca for having an affaire was pretty dark too.
A dog nearly bit Clem's fucking arm of, then a bunch of people left her to die in a shed, Omid is dead, Christa may be dead, Clem kills a do… moreg and maybe even leaves him to suffer, she stitches her own arm being 11 years old, she blackmails Rebecca (which is pretty fucked up 'cause, again, she's eleven), a potential rapist spent ten minutes talking to Clem in a threatening way, the cabin group had to walk for five long days to escape Carver and all for nothing, Nick and Alvin are determinant so they could be dead in your playthrough, Walter was killed execution style, Carlos had two of his fingers broken in front of his crying daughter and almost has his fucking ear cut off and now the entire group is in the hands of a clearly sadistic son a bitch who in charge of many other sons of bitches who may or may not be sadists. Fuck cannibals and bandits, this can't get worse.
Don't forget that you have the choice of determinately putting the dog outta misery. And then there's the stitching scene which is already fucked up on its own. And of course, Clem blackmailing Rebecca for having an affaire was pretty dark too.
I think the point of season 2 is to have emotionally messed up themes. Yes, the messed up action or visual themes are all well and good for a short time. What do you have when you break those down though? Just action. I think having more mental messed up themes makes for a better story development.
Exactly what I mean! The new group gives us nothing about this big and scary Carver except slightly ominous and overly mysterious comments like, "He wants to bring us back." and "We ran away." ??? Yeah, okay. Thanks for leaving Clem completely unprepared when there's this supposed psycho who wants to 'bring you guys back'.
They took two episodes to set this all up, I hope it's worth it!
Never mentioned turning The Walking Dead into DyE - Fantasy...???
Good point. I guess I just expected to be thrown into a blatant and dark situation. Or at the very least learning more about our new friends and this Carver guy.
Thank you Amewzing. Maybe I'm weird or just have different ideas of 'dark' but Walt getting shot in the head? A dog biting Clementine? These aren't dark themes to me. They're sad and/or shocking, but compared to Season 1, seeing a man with his legs chopped off and having to race down the stairs to stop a little girl from eating said legs? That's dark. That's fucked up. I don't want anything bad to happen to Clementine, in fact I'd much rather have her safe, innocent, and happy. I never stated I wanted 'super fucked up shit' happen to her, I just want something.
Either that, or let me talk to and get to know all the new people! Let me get to know more about Carver and why he is this apparent sociopath! I'm getting real tired of all these time-jumps they're doing.
No, like if you save Alvin, you can walk in on him being beat up/tortured. Obviously he and Carver have a problem with each other, so it makes sense. Carver wants Rebecca all to himself.
I want to see a Clementine-has-a-boyfriend-then-he-dies-dark or the wolf among us kind of dark or someone insults lee and things really get heated up. Or Clementine doing this.
I get really tired of "dark" being a euphemism for "disgusting, twisted shit that nobody in their right mind wants to watch."
Most of humanity is dead at this point, and the scattered survivors are trying to eke out a living between the still rampaging zombies and the meglomaniacal fuckups amongst their own who don't have a single moral scruple whatsoever (i.e. people like Carver). Just how much "darker" can it get without it basically becoming torture porn? :P
Honestly, I'd prefer 'realistic' than 'dark.' Reality is much more depressing than the romanticised notion of 'dark' or 'gritty' people have these days.
We're only in Episode 2! Calm Down ! o:
I cant see what you posted. What was it?
So where the fuck is our cannibals and bandits, and cutting limbs off people?
Sir, If could just turn 180 degrees around then stand then walk away you would get why. It's nearly 3 years since the ZA started, the human population would be very small by now. Why not on every zombie game that is made, include some cannibals and bandits just because it's 'needed'? Hahah, you make me laugh.
Five minute ambush? What do you want? Make a 1-hour scene of Carver sitting around while you're all tied up? 1 hour of absolutely nothing?
Why do we really 'need' darker themes? just because it's the ZA? NO. Season 2 is already good, we know shit is gonna hit the fan on episode 3-4.
Oh and a 'torture' scene, Wasn't the scene where Carver broke Carlos' fingers already a torture scene?
Or the bloody stitching scene in season 2 episode 1. God, I'm still reeling from how horrible that experience was. It felt so real.
I actually had a real life experience of stitching myself, it's on my left knee though.
I fell and hit my left knee on some metal things.
I had the real life experience of having my head stitched. Some jerk hit me with a flying recorder (musical instrument) back in Third Grade. Lots of blood and everything. God, it was awful.
Nothing, as it looks
Oops sorry.
Here you go.
You can show whatever you'd like, depending on how you write it. And it'll often make more sense when the protagonist isn't a little girl being treated like she's twenty. Which, you know, would be fine if all the adults weren't written like they were 11.
Jesus,that finger-breaking. I had to pause the game for a moment,because my fingers where hurting just WATCHING it.
For anyone who says I wouldn't handle the comics,I've read the comics. There are moments where I have to stop for a moment,and take a walk,just to digest what I just witnessed.
Oh its ellie...
Fuck yeah. Get him Ellie!
Of course!!! I can't wait
But remember, by this point in the first game, the rest of your experience was largely defined. Here, the only defining features I see are Alvin, Nick, and giving up/going to find help. Oh, and MAYBE the watch, and what you told Carver.
In season 1, by this time, the lasting effects were Shaun/Duck, Larry in the meat locker, Larry/Kenny in the pharmacy, Doug/Carley, stealing the food, and killing the St. John brothers (which, if you let her, it influences Clem in the end of the game).
Sadly, I'm not getting the Ps3..
Oh uh... okay. That wasn't what I was expecting. But uh... good work?
A dog nearly bit Clem's fucking arm of, then a bunch of people left her to die in a shed, Omid is dead, Christa may be dead, Clem kills a dog and maybe even leaves him to suffer, she stitches her own arm being 11 years old, she blackmails Rebecca (which is pretty fucked up 'cause, again, she's eleven), a potential rapist spent ten minutes talking to Clem in a threatening way, the cabin group had to walk for five long days to escape Carver and all for nothing, Nick and Alvin are determinant so they could be dead in your playthrough, Walter was killed execution style, Carlos had two of his fingers broken in front of his crying daughter and almost has his fucking ear cut off and now the entire group is in the hands of a clearly sadistic son a bitch who in charge of many other sons of bitches who may or may not be sadists. Fuck cannibals and bandits, this can't get worse.
Don't forget that you have the choice of determinately putting the dog outta misery. And then there's the stitching scene which is already fucked up on its own. And of course, Clem blackmailing Rebecca for having an affaire was pretty dark too.
I forgot about those. I'll edit it. Your comment won't make sense, but you can sue me for moral damage if that bothers you.
Nah, I can't afford a lawyer, and government-assigned ones are amateurs.
The episode 4 slider is all the answer you need
Thangs are gonna get really dark
Rich people win again! Well, middle class, but we still win!
Hey, I'm middle-class!
< Well... my parents are, but I'm not but that's beside the point! :P
I live with my parents too. Any money I have comes from birthdays
I don't have birthdays.
Birthday parties, that is.
This is going down a 'woe is me' convo... -_-"
Sound like you could sue your parents as well...
It's sad how that's true but for me i've just gotten so used to it in the walking dead to the point where I don't see it as dark anymore O_____O