do you trust the new group?
I trust the new group. they had many chances to kill clem but they didnt pus they've saved her life a few times now. (a walker about to get clem and carlos shoots it)
the whole shed thing? they were worried i dont blame them. A random girl you dont know says oh no "its a dog bite" and your group hasnt seen a dog in forever. Would you trust her? no admit it
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Not all of them. Carlos, Rebecca and Alvin still rub me the wrong way. Luke is cool, but something
Strangely, despite his fuck ups, I actually trust Nick the most of the group.
Same here. There's something about Nick that seems very genuine. I like it.
I don't really consider the things Nick has done to be fuck ups, but I agree. He is the character I trust most out of the group.
I trust them. I mean, I have no reason not to: they really didn't trust me when I first met them, but that was because they thought I could be with Carver. Now that they know that I am not, I think they have no reason to cross me.
Carver is the guy I don't trust, and to continue distrusting this group is dangerous.
Oh, I was agreeing that I trust Nick the most out of the cabin group - not with the fuck ups part. Sorry if that was unclear.
Perhaps that was the wrong term.
'Grave judgement errors with the wellbeing of his friends in mind' might be more accurate I guess.
He's the one I trust the most too - and uncle Pete, of course.
I want to trust the others, but they're still hiding so much. "Because we had too" is not an answer for me.
To be fair, Carlos couldn't exactly give you a full-on power point presentation about why they had to leave at that moment.
I understand that, but still... Maybe it's the time skip fault :b
I figured you were just agreeing with the entire thing. I was just making it known that I don't think the things he's done have been bad enough to be considered fuck ups. When Ben ran and left Clem to die without as much as grabbing her hand to lead her away, that I considered a fuck up. The worst thing Nick has done was shoot Matt, who appeared to be holding up his friends. I think Nick gets a lot more shit from people than he deserves.
I like the new group but there is a difference between like and trust. I just want them to talk about their past. I don't care what they may have done, I just want to know about it. It helps us get to know and trust them. The two most trustworthy of the group are/were Pete and Nick, and they both talked about their past.
I can agree with that, for the reason I replied to keylimepie, "I was just making it known that I don't think the things he's done have been bad enough to be considered fuck ups. When Ben ran and left Clem to die without as much as grabbing her hand to lead her away, that I considered a fuck up. The worst thing Nick has done was shoot Matt, who appeared to be holding up his friends. I think Nick gets a lot more shit from people than he deserves."
I love how Carver is manipulating people into not trusting these guys even though those same people don't trust him either.
Just another Well-Written Character by TTG.
My thoughts exactly !
I really don't understand why people have so much trouble trusting Luke: he saved Clem's life, right? He wanted to keep her when others wanted her gone. He was the first who really opened up to her and convinced Nick to apologize. As of now, what has he done wrong if so far he has done everything right?
I mean, yeah, Nick was open about his past, but that was Pre-ZA. I could give two craps about what you were before the ZA. Pete didn't talk about his past at all, except that Nick was his nephew and Nicks father was a dick. Does any of that information before the ZA matter?
Yeah, I trusted him and Uncle Pete the most. Something is obviously up with Carlos especially after how worried Luke was he'd do something crazy, Rebecca is hiding the true identity of her baby's gender from Alvin, Alvin apparently murdered someone for a difference of opinion, Luke wanted to bury the truth about what happened to Matthew. There are a lot of big time secrets with this new group. The only ones who I feel like haven't been hiding anything are Nick and Pete.
I trust them more than Carver so that's a thing.
I trust Carlos, Nick and Sarah for some reason
Yeah, I think you're right (even though I've never had a problem with Luke exactly). Lee was a convicted murderer after all.
I trust them, at least more than I do Carver. The whole shed debacle wasn't pleasant, but Clem has had her life saved by Pete and Luke, then Nick or Pete (whoever you accompanied at the end of Episode 1), then Carlos at the lodge. I don't doubt that they're all hiding something, but it would have to be one hell of a doozy in order to shake my trust in them at this point.
I think people's problem with Luke is precisely that he has done everything right. We're all waiting for the flaw to appear.
Yeah they talked about pre-ZA but we got to at least know them a little better. Only thing we know about everyone else is what we have been a witness to. Any background info can make them easier to connect with.
About hinding the truth about Matthew I don't actually have an opinion, since Luke seems to scare really easy. But I have to agree with the rest. The only person I think might have an actual reason to run away from Carver is Rebecca, and since she hid it from the group, I keep wondering their reasons. (And since Luke always used to push Nick, I'm pretty sure he was the one who had a problem and took Nick, Nick's mom and uncle Pete with him)
I had no issue trusting Luke until he was so adamant that they bury the truth so that Walter never find out. Walter selflessly takes them in, provides them shelter and a meal, but Luke wants to keep the knowledge hidden from him. Nick on the other hand, the one who the telling will actually affect chooses to be open and honest despite the risk (at least in my play through). Nick was my favorite character up until that point, but his honesty in the face of danger cemented it for me. I feel like I can trust Nick even when things get tough, whereas I feel like Luke may not be such a trustworthy person. He so desperately wanted to hide what happened to Matthew, what other tragedies might he be hiding?
I trust them. All is forgiven in my book with them.
Even if Luke is somewhat cowardly I still think it was rotten to try and hide it, especially when Nick wanted to tell him, knowing it might end badly. Also, if he is cowardly that might turn out to be a major issue. Ben's cowardice had very dire consequences, and although I don't think Luke is as big of a coward as Ben, such cowardice has already lead to dishonesty on his part. As for Luke dragging them out, I have to agree.
Why? Luke was trying to protect the group and keep them from getting in trouble: I mean, come on, one of their group members just SHOT THEIR FRIEND, and lets not forget that Luke is technically right: if you tell Walt the truth but tell him the wrong things, he leaves Nick to die. He was worried about his friend and for good reason. Also, lets not forget, that Walter is also just as capable of throwing you out. He nearly lost it as it is.
Think of it this way: Your friend accidentally did something stupid and you knew that he would get in HUGE trouble if his parents found out. Would you rat him out or would you keep it a secret for concern of your friend? You knew it was an accident, but you also know that his parents might not understand the same way.
I've had two in depth conversations on morality with one of my favorite users, OminousFlare. I'll respond to this with a paraphrased version of something I said to him in one of those conversations. --I don't condemn the group for the immoral actions they've taken (ie throwing her in the shed) but their immoral actions make me weary.-- Someone who is willing to do that may very well be willing to do much more drastic and heinous things to ensure their survival. I don't find them evil or immoral for the acts, but I'm on the look out for more immoral acts to justify calling them immoral people and in other rights, untrustworthy. I would trust them before trusting anyone else if it comes down to needing help, but you must make the best of a bad situation, and they are just that.
I told Nick to tell the truth, because hiding it wasn't a good idea at all, but I still don't think he's such of a bad guy for it. But yeah, I also agree it can become a major issue.
I believe those actions were more out of fear than anything. I mean, they could have just as easily shot her in the head and be done with it. As Carlos said, it was only a precautionary measure that needed to be taken, not a measure needed for their survival. Paranoia doesn't help either, since they really have no idea who is or isn't working for Carver. Who knows how long they have been on the run.
Completely agree with every point you made. OminiousFlare is a pretty cool guy, I enjoy reading his posts.
If it was one of my friends they would tell their parents themselves, and deal with the consequences of their actions. If Walter had shot at us and kept us locked in a meat locker I'd have agreed with Luke. Walter was a good and selfless person though. I stand by my opinion, because like Nick, I wouldn't have wanted to stay under Walter's roof whilst hiding the truth from him. Luke knew it could mean the death of Nick, but so did Nick, and he still wanted to be honest. I'd rather he knew and threw us out than have stayed until the morning while withholding the truth. He had already given them temporary shelter as well as a good meal, which is more than they had on the previous five days.
I don't think Luke is an awful guy either based on what we've seen, I'm just curious how it's all going to play out.
Alright. Genna break this down a bit.
I agree. The action may very well have killed her though, and above all, they knew this.
They could have. It would have been much worse than their opted decision, but neither are good options. Also, it was precautionary to ensure survival. If survival wasn't their prime directive, then it wouldn't have been necessary.
I understand their paranoia, it would be frightening to always have the thought at the back of your mind that someone was stalking you, always watching and waiting. Then a stranger shows up and... "Oh shit." But that doesn't justify possibly killing the stranger for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. (This is where the question of changing mortality codes and right vs wrong come into play.)(PS not sure if you were referring to the groups paranoia of Carver (and in turn Clem) or my paranoia of the group, so I went with the first)
More than a day less than 9 months
It still doesn't tell me this:
I just told you why: to protect his friend. Despite personal opinion about it, he desperately wanted to hide what happened because he was fearing for his friends life: A completely justified reason to hide the truth. It also affects the whole group, not just Nick or Clem: Imagine if you told him and they threw you out in the wilderness to die (well, maybe Kenny would have convinced him to keep you, but that means you condemned the rest of the group), would that be fair because you couldn't keep your mouth shut (no offense or anything). The risk isn't worth it, not to me anyway.
Thanks. And same here
Carlos said that anything is possible, including death. They didn't know which turn of events would take place, whether it be her dying, getting sick, or being completely fine.
They really had no other options: putting her in the house would be to dangerous if she really was bitten, even if she was locked behind a door. Putting her in the shed would keep everyone safe, much more so than inside the house or outside with the walkers.
They had perfectly reasonable suspicions: she wasn't with a group, and the chances of her surviving without one is low, so the only other likely option would be she was scouting with Carver. So far, things don't look very good with her. If she had more people to vouch for her, that would help her case, but she didn't.
I know he wanted to protect Nick, but even after Nick told him he was willing to take the risk Luke still wants you to hide the knife. What use is protecting Nick's life if he's so distraught and swallowed with guilt that he doesn't want to live it? Hiding the truth wasn't Luke's call in this case.
The risk of being thrown out was worth it to me because of the last part of my post, "He had already given them temporary shelter as well as a good meal, which is more than they had on the previous five days." The shelter and food they got in their short time there was a matter of luck, and although it was a nice temporary luxury, they'd only be going back to the scenario they came from. They also intended to leave in the morning, so they wouldn't really be losing much by being kicked out.
I trusted uncle Pete, so much about that...
I think the only persons in the cabin group people really can count on at the moment, are Sarah and Carlos.
A walker her size probably wouldn't have been able to tear down one of the cabin doors, and they'd have known if she turned based on the noises from inside the room. Either way they'd have to be opening a door to confront the small walker, so I think the danger level is about equal for both.
Well, I didn't exactly give him a warm Welcome