Theories about Lee...
I have to say this.
When Lee got bitten if you didn't cut his arm he starts having black outs and dies anyway but if you cut of his arm he doesn't have any black outs, so this means that the arm was cut in time, in the final scene Lee was very tired but he wasn't sweating of the fewer so this means he wasn't dying by the infection, maybe he was dying from blood loss, anyways in the end if you shoot him just before the shot Clementine turns the gun so that means maybe she didn't kill him or if you don't shoot him you see that he died BUT maybe he didn't die, maybe he just slept because he wasn't dying from the infection, he was tired but not dying, so there's what I think: Lee slept, got rested and survived and he could return one day, maybe not in episode 3 or 4, maybe in season 3 but we CAN'T ignore these facts what I wrote, why did Clementine turn the gun, why Lee wasn't sweating. I can't stop thinking about this theory that Lee is alive every time when I play WD or go here to this website, could someone of the creators answer only 1 thing ? Is there a possibility that I am right that Lee could return if you cut his arm and don't shoot ? What do you guys think ? I need to get an answer, this theory is killing me :P
wrong foruuuum
Wrong forum bro.
A mod might move it though.
Lee is not dead. He's bald,rich and fuckin irritating now...
And white.(Not a racist)
I've moved your thread. Please try and post it in the right section next time
And as for your theory... I refuse to believe that Lee is alive. Zombie bites are almost always fatal, and Lee's done nothing to stop his own (immediately cutting off the arm, etc). Plus, to have Lee return would be a MASSIVE betrayal of the S1 ending. I can't see Telltale doing it.
He's dead, that is sad, indeed, but he is.
The zombie virus is somewhat airborne; everyone is infected.
The zombie bite, if I am not mistaken, is just many diseases altogether; they weaken you until you die.
So yeah, the only way to not die would be to be immune to a shitload of diseases, know what I'm saying ?
But anyway, like Darth Marsden said, Lee coming back would be a betrayal to the ending of Season 1.
Jesus Christ, everyone is at this "Bigby's chest" thing these days XD
Can you blame us:)? I know two more users beside me use this as an avatar.
Hmmmm, I smell a new team coming up.
Team Bigby - Ellias, Dirty and Azlyn (that I know until now)
He would die from starvation! we cuffed him to a heater!
Hell yeah! Nobody screws with us! @MulderYuffie is also part of it, so to speak. Oh, and here's a bonus:
I have a quite interesting theory about Lee i would like to share with you guys...
He's dead! Get the fuck over it!
The 5 stages of grief :
Still in denial, right ?
I didn't know wolves also had the ability to fly. You never stop learning!
Wow, I don't know what horrors reside in vivec's genious mind.
sadly he is dead people need to stop wasting forum space on Lee is alive theories and get over it!
My theory? (The correct theory.) He dead.
He's bleeding demised.
He's not pining, he's passed on. Lee is no more! He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone to meet his maker. This is a late Lee:
He's a stiff. Bereft of life, he rests in peace. Even if you hadn't shot him in the head he'd still be pushing up the daisies. His metabolic processes are now history. He's off the twig. He's kicked the bucket. He's shuffled off his mortal coil. He's run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-Lee:
Lee died from blood loss, (If you cut his arm)
I don't even....
Exactly, no matter how much it sucked, no matter how much it destroyed your heart and soul, Lee is dead. :C
Na he would just saw off his right arm with his lef..... ermm wait.
Determinate Joke
Longest journey of my life... I'm still in anger.
But it's ok! When they perfect human cloning Clem's hat will make her a new Lee!
A powerful name, indeed.
Cluke_is_Dumb you could gave handcuffed not Lee but the zombie. Ok I know he is dead, but why are there these facts in the game that I mentioned ? Telltale must have wanted to torture players with these strange facts