Had any dreams about TWD?
I have about 3 times this year and Clem was in them as the main, it was weird and not connected to the story and was like a crossover into real life.
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I have about 3 times this year and Clem was in them as the main, it was weird and not connected to the story and was like a crossover into real life.
With a name like "ClementineForLife" I would expect you to have some dreams about TWD game, haha. I've never had any myself, care to tell us about the dreams?
Had a dream i touched Kenny's stache.Ohhh that stache has strained many soups
Not any I'd be comfortable sharing, but yes, I've had some. TWD is not my idea of a happy place.
EDIT: Actually, I dreamed last night a weird version of the upcoming Ep3. The sky was orange, the compound endless, and I got to chase Bonnie with a stick (at least I think it was Bonnie). It was so surreal and disappointing; it felt like if I was playing the actual episode and since it was an incoherent mess, I was bummed by it. Then, I woke up and practically forgot about it until I saw this thread.
That's one of the mild ones.
Then private chat me about it.
I hope you don't mean those kind of dreams O_o...
Does daydreaming about the next episode count?
I've been having some lately. It's always in Clem's perspective, just like when we're playing and there's always a character that's exactly like me.
if so then all then time lol
I'm not a pedo, but yes those dreams....
I have dreams where I am the main character instead of Clem, and Lee is alive a lot in my dreams ;-; I had a dream in which I had a knife just like Walt's knife, and I had to plow through a bunch of zombies, and then I accidentally stabbed a person in the face, and it turned out to be Stephanie... I don't know why, it was just a strange dream.
Can't remember the dream's story too well, but I remember it ended up with Clementine sacrificing herself to save others by drinking posion...that was a fucking sad dream man.
Had a dream where Duck wasn't dead but lost. I was Clem's guardian and we found him and they hugged forever.
I had a dream about Kenny still beeing alive.
This proofs my theory guys, dreams can become true!
I had a L4D/Dead Rising 2/TWD crossover dream. It was pretty weird. There was a cult of people who wanted to reason with the zombies (DR2) my 3 friends and I were all dressed up as the L4D1 survivors, and we had to escape a zombie horde over a bunch of shipping containers labeled "Kenny's Mustache Towing Company" that were laying on the front lawn of the White House for some reason.
On the bright side, three of the four of us survived. Then I woke up.
I've had many dreams that predicted what was going to happen in next episodes of season 2. Of course almost all of them were inaccurate.
Yeah, two actually. One where we were on the train again, and Season 2 Kenny got shot by Chuck, because they were arguing about how to take care of Clem, and another one was like a GTA TWD mash up. We were all hiding behind a truck from Carver's group when Luke shows up in a cargobob and flew us up to the top of the ferris wheel. Fortunately Carlos was left behind. The dream ended when I fell off of the top of the ferris wheel.
No, but I had a zombie apocalypse dream inspired by The Walking Dead. My family and I heard about an outbreak happening at severe levels elsewhere, but nothing seemed amiss in our neighborhood until a slow and steady flow of walkers from other parts of the city came. The sky seemed to darken upon their arrival, and silence fell upon the area, broken only by the disturbing moans and gurgles of the walkers. We didn't know what to do as we saw them roam around outside from the safety of our home, and we were in shock when one managed to break into the house. We were able to kill it together, but my older brother got bitten. Our first reaction was that he would be fine, of course, since we were all in denial of the situation, but as the truth dawned on us, my brother decided that he would say his goodbyes to my parents and me before heading out to see his girlfriend one last time. My parents held each other and watched their sons, my brother and I, hug each other goodbye. He seemed calm enough about his plight, but I wept uncontrollably in his arms, knowing this would be the last time I would ever see my brother again, the one that's been there for me ever since I was born, my best friend. Before our final hug ended, I woke up. My brother was on his computer next to me, and I realized it was all just a dream. I felt such relief this morning, when I saw him there. I felt like I had been crying just moments before, but it was over. I was awake.
I've had many messed up dreams involving zombies and the like (nothing I'm willing to divulge here), but as of yet no nightmares, which has been pretty consistent with my whole life. I think watching horror movies when I was young and being more interested in how the special effects were made than being willing to suspend my disbelief prevented the occurance of a single night-terror to this day. Now, however, I'm curious to know what it's like to wake up screaming, if only for the experience, which is kind of odd to think about.
Hopefully TTG will reveal a weak point in me someday...
no I haven't the game make me feel sad yes but no dreams/nightmares. the last dream I had about a game Alma wade appeared .....>_> oh boy she told me to take a swim. (people who played the game will know what I am referring too)
I had a dream a while ago. Can't remember what happened but I do remember that Clem was a cat.
No I never have zombie dreams, it's lame.
Try looking at some uncensored Cannibal Corpse album covers for a while. They're pretty vivid.
Lol, one time i had a dream that i was playing GTA 4 and i thought it was GTA V and i was disappointed af
I had two. I had one that really crushed me, and made me feel incredibly sad, then another one that scared the living shit out of me. The one that made me feel sad, was; It was just me sitting on a log, and I was confused as hell (I didn't know how I got there). I looked around and I saw Clementine crying (it took me a while to see that it was Clementine). I had no idea why she was crying until I looked around and saw Omid and Christa tending to a fire, Omid said something like, "Say something." Which kind of pissed me off, because I had no idea what she was crying for. Then I noticed Lee standing over her, he was nearly see-through, with his hand on her shoulder. Then I started to piece it all together, this was right after Clem met up with Omid and Christa outside of Savannah. I put my hand on Clem's shoulder, right where Lee's was was, and my hand just passed right through his. He nodded then faded. The last thing I remember was me saying, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." This dream actually only happened about a month ago, and when I woke up I felt like shit.
The other dream; it was a group of about six people and I were walking in what looked like New York's subway station (I remember when I went to New York pretty vividly). The two in the back I never got a good look at, but I swear one of them sounded like Lee. Then it was my friend Somei, and then some random guy and girl. Somei told me and the girl to go clear out the bathroom, and we walked in. When I went into the bathroom, there was blood all over the tiled ground and walls (and I mean, all over, there was a shit ton of blood). While the girl checked the bathroom stalls, I just stood, staring at all the blood. It scared me so much, I started thinking about what did this. Eventually, I woke up and I was so scared that there were fingernail prints in my palm.
Yeah once I think.
Dude, you're saying that as if you can control what you dream about haha
You mean like Matthew's knife
haha cool dream though
Yeah i had one about me being the carer of Clem, but it was weird though because there wasn't even a ZA. So i was basically just her carer for the sake for it haha
Yeah, me.
Honestly, my dreams are always fucked up, but they're real.
I once dreamed about Lee killing Clem as a zombie, after finishing season 1, for some reason. That was more of a nightmare, so yeah. It scared the shit out of me.
And then i dreamed about Omid and Kenny fishing, which again was weird, and then i came in doing something i don't remember.
And then, after i played Skyrim for a while, a few months ago, i SOMEHOW got this awesome dream about Clem being the Dragonborn. It was SO epic. We were friends. It was SUCH an awesome dream.
And the last one i had was sorta this week... I dreamed a normal dream and then POOF. A wild Carlos appears. And so i started replaying season 2.
I had a dream about Kenny and salt licks. It wasn't pretty.
I just woke up not too long ago had another one of Clem, she was with 3 other guys and they were in the desert canyons it looked like and there was a small train. There were some enemies coming after us and they were floating or something, I guess I was Clem in 3rd person trying to push the train and had to jump on to escape the enemies. Later there was a scene where Clem (in first person) and the other guys were in a small cart being pulled by a donkey it looks like, but the donkey was going so fast through the canyons and one guy ordering the donkey to go faster was being yelled at by the guys and Clem to stop or you're going to kill us. A big canyon cliff approaches and we go over the side because the guy thought we could make it to the other side escape but we didn't, we fell and I saw Clem's face terrified and I think she was screaming "Wake up!" Before we hit the bottom, Clem disappears and I wake up before I hit the ground.
Sometimes I can.
I don't have dreams (least none I remember after conscious), but if I did you can bet they would be about twd.
Nope but had nightmare about zombies years ago me was about a group of about fifty people were running away from massive horde of hundred zombies at night for some reason I couldn't run very fast whole group was ahead of me then massive wired gate appeared ahead of us I climbed it with the group the rest got over I was about 3/4 over when fell off with massive drop by myself and got ripped apart by hundreds of zombies could even feel the pain just horrible nightmare
I had one the day before the "Season 2 Reveal Trailer" it was Kenny and he killed a walker and it was at Gil's Pitstop. I've had a lot more about the train in 103 and a few more i don't remember that well.