A Hypothetical Revenge

Episode 3 may offer us the chance to take revenge on Carver and possibly kill him.
If this is a choice between killing Carver, or letting him live (possibly with Walkers near)...
Would you have your Clementine kill Carver? Would you spare him?
And if you kill Carver or spare him...did you spare the Saint Johns back in the day?
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I thought this was a spambot when I was opening this. Phew.
I would probably spare him. I killed the creepy brother with the pitchfork but Clem saw that so I left the other brother.
i would kill him. i would think if i let him live he would come back for revenge
Edit: and by looking at the achievements it looks like clem might get a beating. if carver does it or one of his men, i wound have to think twice about killing him.
I'd kill him in cold blood, depending on what he did to hurt the group, or Clem. And yeah, I spared the brothers only because Clem was there. But now i am Clem,. So yeah..
I would spare his life. For me, killing just make it worse.
I'd spare him, especially if he was seriously wounded and/or surrounded by walkers. My Lee also spared the St. John brothers, they were gonna die anyway.
EH.. i think it depends on the situation though.
No, I won't which is ironic because I ALWAYS kill BOTH of St.John brothers. It made sense with Lee a convicted criminal who would've done anything to protect Clementine but it doesn't make sense as 11 year old girl. So no. But I guess Kenny will kill him.
So is Lee a killer who lets children see his murders if it means protecting them? Or does he want to shield them like Carlos would Sarah?
Does this scare your Clementine into not wanting to see anymore people die?
Or does this make Clementine think murder is okay, especially if they're 'bad guys'?
Yes. But, I think that it would be worse for Clem, having to kill another person, understand ?
i do understand for certain situations but for other situations it might not work. like if carver just killed alot of your firends and he says "im coming for you next" and your pointing a gun at hiim, would you tel clem to pull the triger or leave him there.
oh, that's different! that's like (life or death).
Well I'm extremely sorry that Clem had to see that but... Cannibalism? Even most of animals don't eat their own so that means that they're way beyond the point to be called human and these assholes made everyone else eat goddamn human flesh plus they killed Mark and are basically one of two reasons Larry is dead (2nd being Kenny). They doomed themselves when they started eating people. And yeah I'm playing Clem like: care about the people she loves, the opposite to those who hurt the people she cares about but I won't as a killer and yes I agree with Clem fearing killing people like of st.j because of bad memories about that and she's still just a kid don't forget that.
A good outlook.
If the chance for revenge does come, we'll see what happens.
Plus I'm afraid Carlos overprotective behavior will turn to bite Sarah horribly
No, I never played Lee as a killer, and I intend to do the same with Clem. Though it was tempting to kill Danny, Clem was watching, and I figured the walkers would get to him anyways (a worse fate than simply being stabbed with a pitchfork, in my opinion) so I spared him. Unless it was a life-or-death situation, I wouldn't make the decision to kill Carver.
You didn't know they were going to die when you spared them (or at least Andy)
I would kill him, obviously to make sure that he doesn't hurt more people.
I'd kill him. Clem is older now and she knows what bad guys like this can do. She may be affected by killing him, but she knows it must be done, like her killing the stranger. The greater good is at stake. Unless he is extremely wounded he could very well stalk down the group/Clem and take his revenge, something I'm not about to let happen.
I am trying to protect Clem's humanity just like my Lee protected his humanity. I would save Carver if it looked like he was on the edge of death rather than taking advantage of the situation to try to kill him, because he seems to have a code of some sort at least maybe there's some reasoning left in him.
By that I mean Carver is very eye for an eye plus your fingers, just imagine if you tried to kill him but he survived he would most defiantly come after you crazier possibly killing even more people close to you. If you spare his life in a way he owes you one.
Also forcing a little girl to kill a crazy man seems pretty psychotic in itself and most likely if you spared him Kenny would shoot him and make sure he was dead with a saltlick since he could throw his humanity away in a blink of an eye.
You can't look at it as forcing her to kill him. It's her decision you're just a bystander who initiated it. Also, what if Kenny is dead? What if you're the only one there?
if they give us the choice to spare him, then there has to be a reason to spare him not just he kills everyone in the group and you get the choice to kill him or spare him, in that case everyone would kill him, maybe he does something like save clems life or gets to know her and become sort of friends (not really but kinda) and then the decision would be like 50% kill and 50% spared
Yes, I did. He was shot, beaten up and the farm was swarmed by walkers, including his undead mother. He even begged Lee to kill him, there's no way he could've gotten out of there. He didn't even have a reason to keep living.
What I think will happen is that we kill Carver, and find a new group that is 10x worse. I imagine TT making us hate him and then realizing he wasn't all that bad compared to the outside group or the Wellington group. Telltale will find a way to make us feel guilty or sick in the end
I don't remember him being shot? Beaten up doesn't mean much. And you didn't see walkers until after you decided to leave him.what if his reason to live was to hunt your group down and kill you, and Clem, and everyone else?
EDIT: Apparently if you side with Lilly she will shoot him in the arm. Still not a death sentence by any means.
He can get shot twice. Once by Carley when he is holding Duck and once by Lilly if you help her dad.
In any case.
Like Mr_Euss said
They were gonna die anyway, we gotta think about livin!
But we don't know they(or he) was going to die. Thinking about living means thinking about him returning to end your living.
Sorry, it was me using a TWD S1 reference at the wrong time.
I would spare him. I don't like him, hell, I hate him, for what he did to Walter (and Alvin; determinate), and what he did to others, but just like Lee said "You have to be careful about that (killing). It'll consume you." I also didn't kill the St. Johns, I couldn't execute unarmed people and I saw Clementine each time I was about to kill one of them and then that whole Clementine will remember that would appear on top of the screen, and I thought it would come back and bite me in the ass.
That would suck.
Remember that terrible group you just escaped from? Well take a look at this group.
Yea, telltale loves changing our opinions of people.
I still like to think the actions we have Clem do will have effect on her character at the end of all this especially the actions dealing with humanity like murdering someone in cold blood. But now that I think about it your right having Clem kill someone directly for everyone else probably wont have any effect on her since that was our choice. My Clem though has yet to kill a living person so it would be interesting if you have killed someone directly as Clem and have it effect her mental state good or bad. I doubt the game will ever go that deep though.
Also there's still the chance of Carver living even if you tried to kill him. Just like in the hostage situation if you told Kenny to shoot him when he had a clear shot at Carver. What if you fail to kill Carver like then and he decides to kill who ever is around you or worse?
I would only kill Carver in a direct situation of self-defense without consequence of me or someone else's life. Carver's eye for an eye mentality is just to dangerous there's really no win unless its 100% kill like a gun directly pressed to the head. Even at that maybe my Clem is a coward but I still don't want her to kill anyone directly. I hope TTG still gives us that choice. No matter how bad to me all life matters
I'd spare him. I'd like to keep blood off Clem's hands as long as I can. Lee killed the Stranger himself for me, so Clem hasn't directly killed someone yet.
That would definitely be cool. Didn't kill the stranger + kill Carver = she takes it really hard. Did kill the stranger + kill Carver = she takes it moderately hard. Also, I'm not saying it won't affect her at all, just that by us pushing the button it's her making the decision, we aren't forcing her to choose to kill Carver, it's just the way that clementine would view the situation. You know? It's kind of hard to explain.
I figured the situation entailed he was defeated. Like Andy St John, and it was up to you to either end him or let him live. If the way you see the situation playing out (more like Kenny's situation) then I'd say it's dependant on the situation itself. Probability and all that.
Well. Your last post is interesting. You wouldn't last long in an apocalypse situation
(Neither would I, but for different reasons than cowardice(as you said Clem may be) or reverence of life). I feel Clem's life and the lives of the people she is with/cares for come before the life of a maniacal overlord. It's like how I view ruthless dictators, fuck 'em.
If you leave them in a situation where you know they're going to die, is it really sparing them?
Why do I feel like I'm showing my age with this gif?
My rule of thumb - if they're a near threat, kill them. I didn't think of the bear trap, but I killed Danny because I wanted my back clear, but I left Andy.
Then again, depending on how episode 3 goes, it looks like Carver is too smart and too ruthless to let live. (Even if something were to happen to the baby, I imagine he'd still pursue out of revenge).
I agree! Mace Windu said it best "He's too dangerous to be left alive!"
I wouldn't say I wouldn't last long in the apocalypse just because Im a coward for not wanting to kill Carver. I spared the St. John's bros as Lee but I did strangle the stranger since it was direct self-defense with no negotiation with only 1 way to save Clem.The Carver situation is very different in its self.
Caver is pretty much eye for an eye and then some. If Kenny never shot in the hostage situation at the ski lodge no one would of died if he just gave himself up. I also dont think Carver would of broke Carlos's fingers if Carlos never spit in his face that did not give him the right to break his fingers though.
Carver is no doubt a ruthless dictator who gets his power like most dictators from the harm he can cause to the people close to you. If this is the case if you attack and try to kill Carver or kill anyone in his circle and fail to kill him he will take out someone close to you. Basically if Carver is a dictator if you go for carver you'll risk everyone's life on your side. This could also serve as the greater wedge between Kenny (who wants to fight carver) vs. Luke (who just wants to escape from Carver.) The only other safe way to take out a dictator would be to turn all or as many of his people against him and even that is risky. You may lose all the people your trying to protect and care for.
I doubt they would make his death scenario the same as the St john's scenario and if it is the St. John scenario again why would you kill him when you could just leave him for the walkers? It would be more interesting if they give you chances to kill him with possible repercussions to the people close to you.
Personally I dont think one simply kills Carver. We may just be forced to work for him if we dont anyone to get hurt. How to solve the Carver situation if he is a dictator? (shrug) how do you solve the situation in North Korea?
I wouldn't say you wouldn't last long in the apocalypse because you don't want to kill Carver. I say that because "No matter how bad to me all life matters." The St Johns are a good example. Andy could have scrapped himself up, hunted you down, and shot you in the face. Pre-self-defense-self-defense is the hard to do but necessary actions which, by negating, would get you killed.
I doubt they will make it exactly the same also, that's just the situation I thought we were going with in this hypothetical. Though leaving him for the walkers doesn't mean he would die ( just like in the St Johns scenario)