I agree Survival Instinct is a very good game. Considering how much TWD fandom loves Maryl and Derle you'd think the game would be more popular. It's got some good gameplay mechanics, a decent story, and some RPG elements thrown in. Very good.
OMG i was about to make a comment on dead island being so boring and repetitive and all of those annoying reused Australian accents and va... and that annoying music of that junglish beach bongos replaying while i search around literally doing nothing.
also everything i go to like a beach like area it reminds me of dead island like wtf ugh
Plenty. To name a few: State of Decay, the Dead Rising series (particularly DR2), The Last of Us, and the Resident Evil series (specifically, the remake on the GameCube/Wii, and RE4 is outstanding despite it not being a zombie game).
Rofl I got dead Island for free and only played it for an hour, so it didn't even get repetitive for me. I'm Australian so when i hear fake Australian accents it annoys the crap out of me. Most of the time Australian accents in games are fake, usually they make us sound british but Dead Island makes us sound like Steve Irwin's on crack.
The less said about Steve Blum faking an Australian accent the better.
OMG i was about to make a comment on dead island being so boring and repetitive and all of those annoying reused Australian accents and va..… more. and that annoying music of that junglish beach bongos replaying while i search around literally doing nothing.
also everything i go to like a beach like area it reminds me of dead island like wtf ugh
Lol that made me laugh - how do you think us scots feel - we are not well represented by voice actors or the sterotype roles we get in games/movies. True dead island has a lot of down falls, personally i enjoyed it, even if it's story was terrible i quite liked the weapon customisation, the "killing arena" DLC and just generally running around a beach whacking of a zombies head. For me - a n achievement addict - the added value and main value came from trying to get all the achievements (i almost did it aswell before giving up)
Rofl I got dead Island for free and only played it for an hour, so it didn't even get repetitive for me. I'm Australian so when i hear fake … moreAustralian accents it annoys the crap out of me. Most of the time Australian accents in games are fake, usually they make us sound british but Dead Island makes us sound like Steve Irwin's on crack.
The less said about Steve Blum faking an Australian accent the better.
Give the devs a break, look at GTA V the glitches at release were just plain awful, but gradual updates finally got rid of them. Just like the last of us isn't so bad with glitches now.
Hey scots are awesome, and if it makes you feel better I can tell a fake Scottish accent from a real one as well XD. Unfortunately most media people enjoy in western countries is made by Americans for Americans. So if an accent sounds genuine or not it doesn't matter, most Americans don't care if an accent sounds genuine, as long as it fits the stereotype. And that was a part of my problem with Dead Island I cant get past all the stereotyping.
sound like Steve Irwin's on crack
Lol that made me laugh - how do you think us scots feel - we are not well represented by voice act… moreors or the sterotype roles we get in games/movies. True dead island has a lot of down falls, personally i enjoyed it, even if it's story was terrible i quite liked the weapon customisation, the "killing arena" DLC and just generally running around a beach whacking of a zombies head. For me - a n achievement addict - the added value and main value came from trying to get all the achievements (i almost did it aswell before giving up)
There's a text-based, multiple choice story/game with zombies in, called Zombie Exodus. The full game/story is 750,000 words (might be over, and includes coding). If you like that sort of thing, you might want to give the free trial a look.
Writing one of those games/stories myself, though it has nothing to do with zombies. Anyone can. And they'll sell them for you.
But back on topic, I mentioned State of Decay earlier. One game I've also bought, which I honestly like a lot more, is Project Zomboid. It does have fairly high requirements however, despite it not looking like much. I can run it with a triple core 2.09 processor and 3gb ram though, when it recommends a quad core.
Keep in mind, however, that you're purchasing early access at the minute, so it's in beta/alpha (alpha I think). I've not really noticed any bugs, though.
State of Decay, it's a pretty fun game (not as fun as The Walking Dead, though, lack in the character creation department). But, I can't wait for Dying Light to come out, it looks awesome.
-Resident evil 4 (f*cking balls to the wall amazingness, zombies that are smart as hell with chainsaws and other weapons. any other RE after this one sucks)
-The last of us- (Metal gear + zombies + uncharted+ with some RE elements) I thought it was pretty good not my favorite though. Played it on very hard but you can pretty much get out of any situation by sneaking in the first half of the game then use all your supplies in the second half of the game just going through killing everything you see with all the shiv's you have gathered or just sneak by everything if you are alone.
-Dead rising is ok. Its like a new aged zombie beatm' up
I couldn't even finish the game. I thought the writing was very poor and the way the story constantly jumped from the past and the present felt like an awful mess. And this comes from someone who has the platinum trophy in Heavy Rain. I'll give it another chance someday. Perhaps I was playing it a day I felt rather cynical or something.
I agree Survival Instinct is a very good game. Considering how much TWD fandom loves Maryl and Derle you'd think the game would be more popular. It's got some good gameplay mechanics, a decent story, and some RPG elements thrown in. Very good.
7 days to die
it's a free world zombie game.
Damn shame that's pc only
What's with all these dislikes?
I would say give Dead Island a try, but for me personally, those fake Australian accents kill me.
indeed. Tis' most strange, don't worry though i gave you a up vote
. The tides are turning.
Let's do a like giveaway, to make other people happy
Sports Games = Console
That's why consoles will never die, which is a good thing. The pc master race will always be around as well
I agree Survival Instinct is a very good game. Considering how much TWD fandom loves Maryl and Derle you'd think the game would be more popular. It's got some good gameplay mechanics, a decent story, and some RPG elements thrown in. Very good.
OMG i was about to make a comment on dead island being so boring and repetitive and all of those annoying reused Australian accents and va... and that annoying music of that junglish beach bongos replaying while i search around literally doing nothing.
also everything i go to like a beach like area it reminds me of dead island like wtf ugh
not exactly a zombie game, but you can make it one. I can never play vanilla skyrim ever again, over 200 mods installed :P
Last of us deserves an award for most glitches.
Dead Rising Trilogy + DLC
I can't play Skyrim unless it's on a PC. That's the only way to mod out the GIANT FUCKING SPIDERS. Us arachnophobes got screwed with that game.
Plenty. To name a few: State of Decay, the Dead Rising series (particularly DR2), The Last of Us, and the Resident Evil series (specifically, the remake on the GameCube/Wii, and RE4 is outstanding despite it not being a zombie game).
Rofl I got dead Island for free and only played it for an hour, so it didn't even get repetitive for me. I'm Australian so when i hear fake Australian accents it annoys the crap out of me. Most of the time Australian accents in games are fake, usually they make us sound british but Dead Island makes us sound like Steve Irwin's on crack.
The less said about Steve Blum faking an Australian accent the better.
Lol that made me laugh - how do you think us scots feel - we are not well represented by voice actors or the sterotype roles we get in games/movies. True dead island has a lot of down falls, personally i enjoyed it, even if it's story was terrible i quite liked the weapon customisation, the "killing arena" DLC and just generally running around a beach whacking of a zombies head. For me - a n achievement addict - the added value and main value came from trying to get all the achievements (i almost did it aswell before giving up)
Give the devs a break, look at GTA V the glitches at release were just plain awful, but gradual updates finally got rid of them. Just like the last of us isn't so bad with glitches now.
I bought State of Decay yesterday myself. Enjoyed what I played of it. Should give me something to do while waiting for The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3.
State of Decay!
Hey scots are awesome, and if it makes you feel better I can tell a fake Scottish accent from a real one as well XD. Unfortunately most media people enjoy in western countries is made by Americans for Americans. So if an accent sounds genuine or not it doesn't matter, most Americans don't care if an accent sounds genuine, as long as it fits the stereotype. And that was a part of my problem with Dead Island I cant get past all the stereotyping.
I just wanted to throw this out there.
There's a text-based, multiple choice story/game with zombies in, called Zombie Exodus. The full game/story is 750,000 words (might be over, and includes coding). If you like that sort of thing, you might want to give the free trial a look.
Writing one of those games/stories myself, though it has nothing to do with zombies. Anyone can.
And they'll sell them for you.
But back on topic, I mentioned State of Decay earlier. One game I've also bought, which I honestly like a lot more, is Project Zomboid. It does have fairly high requirements however, despite it not looking like much. I can run it with a triple core 2.09 processor and 3gb ram though, when it recommends a quad core.
Keep in mind, however, that you're purchasing early access at the minute, so it's in beta/alpha (alpha I think). I've not really noticed any bugs, though.
Not really zombie, but I find it awesome, if you have a PS3, Beyond: Two Souls
We're talking about zombie games here
south park stick of truth
I didn't realize you can tell me what not to post....
Still a great game
State of Decay, it's a pretty fun game (not as fun as The Walking Dead, though, lack in the character creation department). But, I can't wait for Dying Light to come out, it looks awesome.
-Resident evil 4 (f*cking balls to the wall amazingness, zombies that are smart as hell with chainsaws and other weapons. any other RE after this one sucks)
-The last of us- (Metal gear + zombies + uncharted+ with some RE elements) I thought it was pretty good not my favorite though. Played it on very hard but you can pretty much get out of any situation by sneaking in the first half of the game then use all your supplies in the second half of the game just going through killing everything you see with all the shiv's you have gathered or just sneak by everything if you are alone.
-Dead rising is ok. Its like a new aged zombie beatm' up
I didn't mean to do that,sorry
I know how you feel, man. Fuck spiders!
None that will ever be better than the walking dead.
The old Resident Evil games are good
Resident Evil 2 and Dead Rising 1 are two of my favourite zombie games ever.
Oh, and Undead Nightmare. The expansion to Red Dead Redemption that turned the old west into a world full of zombies. And it was glorious.
I couldn't even finish the game. I thought the writing was very poor and the way the story constantly jumped from the past and the present felt like an awful mess. And this comes from someone who has the platinum trophy in Heavy Rain. I'll give it another chance someday. Perhaps I was playing it a day I felt rather cynical or something.