What's the cause of your demise?



  • edited April 2014

    From your previous posts it might end up being the company you'd seek out, but at least you sound humble, so that may help you more.

    Rigtail posted: »

    I'm not entirely sure to be honest. I can see myself surviving for a long time, but I need someone else to point out my flaws because I can't see them (Survival wise)

  • edited April 2014

    Hard to say, exactly. From the beginning I could see myself just getting clipped by a car because the driver is trying to get out of town while I'm trying to find a good vantage point to see what the hell is going on. If I make it through the initial craziness, I think it might simply be the fact that I don't know anyone else on my street, so no one would be immediately inclined to help me as I pretty much live alone.

    On the other hand, I'm in good shape, have a military background with some survival training and own a few useful weapons, so things might work out for a while. If I last at all, I can still see myself dying at the hands of some well-meaning family man who mistook me for a lone bandit or something.

  • Play your cards right you could find a job starting fires and tying fishing knots. :p

  • I would die from either being executed, or by sacrificing my life for my group

  • edited April 2014

    I am a judgement person. example I believe if a person kills a innocent person then they should die.
    I do have survival skills but what would kill me would be trust. being in a zombie apocalypse I wouldn't trust anyone, even when I really need help (injured, wounded). I don't have much endurance, so its a possibility that zombie would grab me but apart from that it would be trust, but that in itself would help me from the really bad people.

  • edited April 2014

    To everyone that's saying that they probably wouldn't last because of their lack of knowledge, do you think Lee knew how to do any of that survival crap before the apocalypse? Or Kenny? Now me, I would probably die due to my good heart. I would end up putting my life on the line so many times, until I would be dead. Like in the woods with Christa, I made Clem distract the bandits because I couldn't stand not doing anything when I could have. Good heart. It'll kill me.

  • My protective instinct.

  • edited April 2014

    Well, I'm fat... I'm not sure if that's a mindset, but I'm pretty sure it'd get me killed.

    Basically this would happen, but with zombies:

    Alt text

  • edited April 2014

    Best cat gif ever!!

    Is this when the cat turns around, opens the door, and says Ta-da?

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Well, I'm fat... I'm not sure if that's a mindset, but I'm pretty sure it'd get me killed. Basically this would happen, but with zombies:

  • Oh my... Well, at least they wouldn't be able to pull you back out and create a way in for themselves.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Well, I'm fat... I'm not sure if that's a mindset, but I'm pretty sure it'd get me killed. Basically this would happen, but with zombies:

  • But at the same token, you take too long analyzing something and you reach a decision that's too late. Say you're trapped in a burning building and there is only one exit that is covered by a horde of zombies.

    Staying put and trying to analyze the situation would be deadly alongside not taking the risk of charging through the horde or killing them.

    I would actually consider that a good trait in the zombie apocalypse, Seeing you most likely would try and avoid the zombies instead of confronting them and thus most likely making you live longer.

  • My loyalty to the ones that are important to me.

  • Maybe the fact that you change your mind quickly?

  • that's honourable, please take my like as a high-five.

    Alt text

    I would die from either being executed, or by sacrificing my life for my group

  • Fear of other humans.

    When the apocalypse happens I will fear humans more than zombies. To me, our nature is much more devastating and destructive than zombies. I won't trust anyone and therefore I would remain alone unless I still have family. And if something comes across me where I require someone else to survive, I'll be alone and I will die.

  • Were there any characters from TWD you did trust?

    Zinthous posted: »

    Fear of other humans. When the apocalypse happens I will fear humans more than zombies. To me, our nature is much more devastating and de

  • Form a posse of you a d some wild animals!

    Zinthous posted: »

    Fear of other humans. When the apocalypse happens I will fear humans more than zombies. To me, our nature is much more devastating and de

  • Only if you're gentle next time

    that's honourable, please take my like as a high-five.

  • That gif cat is Garfield. This is. Real. Life. Garfield.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Well, I'm fat... I'm not sure if that's a mindset, but I'm pretty sure it'd get me killed. Basically this would happen, but with zombies:

  • My flaw would be that I'm a guy who would overly violent for the bloodlust. Of course, I'd be rational as I can, but I'd probably go too far and either commit suicide or get shot.

  • sorry is this better then??

    Alt text

    Only if you're gentle next time

  • Just shut up & lez hug

    sorry is this better then??

  • Bloodthirsty might do you more good than bad.

    My flaw would be that I'm a guy who would overly violent for the bloodlust. Of course, I'd be rational as I can, but I'd probably go too far and either commit suicide or get shot.

  • oh sorry

    Alt text

    Just shut up & lez hug

  • I'll be fine #denial

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You sure you won't die from being too confident? :P

  • It'd probably be really dark and then I'd eat my own foot,seriously though I am definitely way too trusting and I nice I would risk my own life to save someone else no matter who they were.

  • Sometimes I feel like I'm invincible. That'd be my downfall. Lol

  • I'm not a very smart person. I would be dead in no time.

  • If you actually end up doing that, I strongly recommend you don't just watch videos on the subject and instead try to do it yourself from start to finish after learning how. Demonstrating to yourself from memory alone is probably the best way to make what you've learned stick in your mind and so you'll be very unlikely to forget it.

    Best of all, it's a very easy way to feel confident, even in a small way, and the cool thing about memory is that there's no upper limit, so don't worry about it being a storage problem because it's not.

    Yeah... Well, the other thing is strictly my fault:). Relying too much on technology will do that to you. On a side note, Viva, you may b

  • I have a huge temper, so I'd either put someone in danger and get killed or get thrown out of the group and die. Plus, I'm a whimp.

  • I think that my severe social anxiety or my good heart would screw me over in end somehow.

  • edited April 2014

    Probably psychopathy. (Governor 2.0) I would torture to death all the people I hate right now on the first day lolz. Prob no group would want me around:Dxd

  • Other people would get me killed probably

  • I feel as if I could survive zombies but then I would probably die because of a small thing. Not being able to find shelter or starvation. I feel like my friends would just drag me down with them. Honestly a few already do in real life so how could I trust them even then?

  • My trusting nature would get me killed. I'd be hanging round with psychos and murderers without thinking about it twice.

  • I have a terrible sense of direction. I wouldn't know where the fucking river is.

  • edited April 2014

    I'd be taking a dump and then realize I don't have any toilet paper, then be killed while I waddle around with my pants around my feet trying to find some.

  • So you're basically saying you're glenn

    The thing that would cause my doom would probably be my very high kindness, I would probably put anyones life ahead of my own, and I have a

  • Spoiler

    I'm an idealist, and all the idealists in The Walking Dead seem to die, Walter, Dale, Carley just to name a few. So, yeah, I'd probably die from that.

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