You can sign the petition for Telltale to release weekly updates on but besides that nope. Telltale will continue to disregard their consumers. Absolute disgrace of a company.
Uhhhh, Petitions don't mean anything. Besides, the amount of people who frequent this forum constantly and complain this much are insignifigant. It wouldn't make a single bit of difference. Petitions are not an absolute.
Petition: A formally drawn request, often bearing the names of a number of those making the request, that is addressed to a person or group of persons in authority or power, soliciting some favor, right, mercy, or other benefit.
You can sign the petition for Telltale to release weekly updates on but besides that nope. Telltale will continue to disregard their consumers. Absolute disgrace of a company.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to play 2.5 as well. Mainly so I can experience playing the final mix version of KH2 all over again in HD. After playing Final Mix+, it was really difficult for me to go back playing the vanilla version simply because I loved fighting the data versions of the Organization XIII members.
The should have bring more games out on PS3 Xbox 360 the most people don't know the game anymore and if they want to sell 2.5 realy good sell it on Xbox. I have both consoles but seriously for some fans out there wish you luck.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to play 2.5 as well. Mainly so I can experience playing the final mix version of KH2 all over again in HD. … moreAfter playing Final Mix+, it was really difficult for me to go back playing the vanilla version simply because I loved fighting the data versions of the Organization XIII members.
Same here. I have both a PS3 and Xbox 360. I guess it would make sense that they released both remastered KH games on 360 since KH3 will be multiplat on both the PS4 and the One, but it seems Square-Enix and other Japanese companies have some incentives to sell HD remastered games on PS3.
The should have bring more games out on PS3 Xbox 360 the most people don't know the game anymore and if they want to sell 2.5 realy good sell it on Xbox. I have both consoles but seriously for some fans out there wish you luck.
well there are other tell-tale games you can play when you are waiting for ep3.
I spending time learning how to draw a new style then I usually do, reading and watching movies. I am playing a game one the side of the tell tale games.
Same here. I have both a PS3 and Xbox 360. I guess it would make sense that they released both remastered KH games on 360 since KH3 will be … moremultiplat on both the PS4 and the One, but it seems Square-Enix and other Japanese companies have some incentives to sell HD remastered games on PS3.
I think i'd still play it but I would care less about Craig than I do Clementine. Not trying to be sexist but I can't imagine myself liking another kid the same way I do with Clem-Clem
It is not available in stores because its only the alpha version of the game ( early access ) so there is no other option but to purchase it via steam ( 30 USD ) , Don't know why you don't want to download it though ?
It is not available in stores because its only the alpha version of the game ( early access ) so there is no other option but to purchase it via steam ( 30 USD ) , Don't know why you don't want to download it though ?
I don't know about Oblivion, but the combat in Skyrim is just boring.
The most efficient way to deal with every enemy in the game is to simply hack away with a quick swinging weapon until either it's arms fall off or yours do, drinking health potions and using regeneration like a motherfucker. It's like the lamest game of Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots.
I can't wait for the Morrowind fanboys to downvote you for preferring Oblivion, which is funny because Morrowind got horrible reviews when i… moret was released. I prefer Skyrim just because the combat is more polished and it's much easier to get into. Also, mods. All the mods. The Walking Dead was pretty bad up until recently, it seems Season 4 finally brought it back to being good with the new director.
Same here. I have both a PS3 and Xbox 360. I guess it would make sense that they released both remastered KH games on 360 since KH3 will be … moremultiplat on both the PS4 and the One, but it seems Square-Enix and other Japanese companies have some incentives to sell HD remastered games on PS3.
Who wants more
nah wouldnt work telltale has no one forcing them to do anything, wont really help...Correct me if im wrong
I would be working if my current health allowed it.
Uhhhh, Petitions don't mean anything. Besides, the amount of people who frequent this forum constantly and complain this much are insignifigant. It wouldn't make a single bit of difference. Petitions are not an absolute.
Petition: A formally drawn request, often bearing the names of a number of those making the request, that is addressed to a person or group of persons in authority or power, soliciting some favor, right, mercy, or other benefit.
Emphasis on "request."
Oh, alright. HIGH FIVE MAN!
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to play 2.5 as well. Mainly so I can experience playing the final mix version of KH2 all over again in HD. After playing Final Mix+, it was really difficult for me to go back playing the vanilla version simply because I loved fighting the data versions of the Organization XIII members.
The should have bring more games out on PS3 Xbox 360 the most people don't know the game anymore and if they want to sell 2.5 realy good sell it on Xbox. I have both consoles but seriously for some fans out there wish you luck.
Same here. I have both a PS3 and Xbox 360. I guess it would make sense that they released both remastered KH games on 360 since KH3 will be multiplat on both the PS4 and the One, but it seems Square-Enix and other Japanese companies have some incentives to sell HD remastered games on PS3.
well there are other tell-tale games you can play when you are waiting for ep3.
I spending time learning how to draw a new style then I usually do, reading and watching movies. I am playing a game one the side of the tell tale games.
I was trying to say I found Oblivion better than Skyrim.
exactly thats why it drives everybody crazy waiting for the next episode each time

That's... an interesting euphemism.
Love your pic.
Maybe it will make more time but yeah
I think i'd still play it but I would care less about Craig than I do Clementine. Not trying to be sexist but I can't imagine myself liking another kid the same way I do with Clem-Clem
Where can I buy it? Don't say I can only download it
It is not available in stores because its only the alpha version of the game ( early access ) so there is no other option but to purchase it via steam ( 30 USD ) , Don't know why you don't want to download it though ?
Maybe I don't like it
For how long you've been playing it ?
Sorry I didn't give attention and since when can you sell a downloaded game.
If you want a good game to pass time, try outlast
Oh shit man you picked the most terrifying game ever
Terrifying, but a good story to it. Also the DLC is coming in 10 days so if you don't understand the ending it will be made pretty clear soon
Just sayin...
I'll be playing Gothic 2
Those games are great!
i hope capcom remakes them soon.
I don't know about Oblivion, but the combat in Skyrim is just boring.
The most efficient way to deal with every enemy in the game is to simply hack away with a quick swinging weapon until either it's arms fall off or yours do, drinking health potions and using regeneration like a motherfucker. It's like the lamest game of Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots.
Hell no.
One can dream
I know this is unrelated, but you are a really cool guy.
I replayed Lee's final moments while listening to this, hell. I've cried even worse than the first time i played the episode

Aside from that, I play tekken.
I thought you hated that one...
I can hardly even play other video games after playing TWD..