Your biggest WTF moment of season 2 so far?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

Mine has to be seeing Kenny alive.



  • Nick shooting Matthew. Followed closely by Pete not cutting his leg off. I wanted him to live, damnit!

  • Kenny shooting Johnny, the sound effect was loud so It made me jump off my chair.

  • Yeah that was very sudden seeing Matthew get shot. But I anticipated that was going to happen. I really liked Pete as well. By the time they got to the vehicle I reckon it may have to late to save him by sawing his leg off.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Nick shooting Matthew. Followed closely by Pete not cutting his leg off. I wanted him to live, damnit!

  • Haha yeah me too. I had earphones in and TV was load. I also jumped when Walter got shot.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    Kenny shooting Johnny, the sound effect was loud so It made me jump off my chair.

  • Omid dying so soon like wtf telltale ¦(

  • Realizing Carlos is a certified doctor.

    I like him, But boy is he dumb.

  • Haha yeah.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Realizing Carlos is a certified doctor. I like him, But boy is he dumb.

  • I know didn't see that coming.

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Omid dying so soon like wtf telltale ¦(

  • When I realized Walt and Matthew were gay..

  • none bigger than Omid's death just yet

  • yes :c

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Omid dying so soon like wtf telltale ¦(

  • I was also surprised at my reaction to seeing Kenny alive. I smiled liked hell and saw the option to hug him so I wasted no time in doing so. I was well happy to see him again.

  • edited April 2014

    Luke: I'll catch you if you fall... probably.

    Clem and I had the same reaction, except mine ended in laughter.

  • Yeah. Was gutted about that. It shows us that Telltale ain't afraid to kill off characters. No one is safe.

    casdow90 posted: »

    none bigger than Omid's death just yet

  • Haha lol

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Luke: I'll catch you if you fall... probably. Clem and I had the same reaction, except mine ended in laughter.

  • Spoiler

    Nick shooting Mathew and then knowing he was Walters partner

  • It's been a series of WTF moments. My biggest one, though, has got to be after Omid's death, where you can see it in Christa's face that she blames Clem for his death. Really? REALLY? You, two grown-ass adults, who didn't bother securing the perimeter, or checking the bathrooms, or doing anything you know, grown-ass adult RESPONSIBLE, decided to go off and fuck without taking care of this child's well-being, which in season 1 episode 5 you voluntarily accepted responsibility for, and you want to blame CLEM for what happened? Sure, she should have kept a hold of her gun, but Christa and Omid should have EVERYTHING ELSE. Like, I don't know, grown-ass adults responsible for a child.

  • edited April 2014

    Seriously guys? no one questions about Christa's baby?

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    When Sam the dog attacked Clem played Frizbee with him for ages and then decided to give him my food. Then Sam attacked Clem certainly WTF moment my mind was full of F***

  • My reaction to this was... "Aww s***".

  • Well said.

    rackahn posted: »

    It's been a series of WTF moments. My biggest one, though, has got to be after Omid's death, where you can see it in Christa's face that she

  • Omid dying.
    Kenny surviving.

  • lol mine too

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    My reaction to this was... "Aww s***".

  • Omid dying.
    Kenny surviving.

  • Even though that dog attacked Clementine I felt sad seeing the dog impaled. I always get saddened by seeing animals in distress.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    When Sam the dog attacked Clem played Frizbee with him for ages and then decided to give him my food. Then Sam attacked Clem certainly WTF moment my mind was full of F***

  • Thanks.

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    Well said.

  • She miscarried. But would be interesting to find out maybe at a later point the exact details.

    Seriously guys? no one questions about Christa's baby?

  • The moment I meant was just the attack nothing else it was so unexpected hence WTF

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    Even though that dog attacked Clementine I felt sad seeing the dog impaled. I always get saddened by seeing animals in distress.

  • Kenny surprised you? People were talking about his comeback for months.

  • Yeah that was. Very intense.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The moment I meant was just the attack nothing else it was so unexpected hence WTF

  • I know. I was just really sucked into the game at that moment and didn't expect it at that point.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Kenny surprised you? People were talking about his comeback for months.

  • When Sam the dog when piranha on Clem. Surprise surprise.

  • You almost had me for a second there, SaltLick. That was a good one.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Realizing Carlos is a certified doctor. I like him, But boy is he dumb.

  • when Alvin got killed by "accident"

  • Alvin didn't die in my play through. Signs don't look for him or Nick in the next episode. I reckon both will be gone by episode 4.

    when Alvin got killed by "accident"

  • well ill keep in touch with you and tell you what happens

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    Alvin didn't die in my play through. Signs don't look for him or Nick in the next episode. I reckon both will be gone by episode 4.

  • I have definitely wondered about the baby, but it's obvious SOMETHING BAD happened. Guess we'll see if Clem can midwife when Rebecca has her baby.

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    She miscarried. But would be interesting to find out maybe at a later point the exact details.

  • Never took you for the grammatical type. But thank you :) haha

  • You're such a smart guy Rock.

    Im proud to call you a friend of mine, More like a bro.

    Rock114 posted: »

    You almost had me for a second there, SaltLick. That was a good one.

  • Yeah. Straight away at the camp fire I saw the bump had gone and thought "damn that sucks". Especially just after hearing Omid and Christa discussing what the name should be.

    rackahn posted: »

    I have definitely wondered about the baby, but it's obvious SOMETHING BAD happened. Guess we'll see if Clem can midwife when Rebecca has her baby.

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