About Bonnie... I liked her in 400 days but she doesn't care one bit when Walter (who gave her lots of food for her group) gets gunned down by Carver. Ungrateful bitch!
* Winston being a bad guy.
* Seeing Roman dead.
* Luke saying he can't tell a dog bite, from a lurker bite, from a mosquito bite (LOL)… more
* Pete getting bit
* Saving Pete was a pointless decision.
* Matthew getting shot.
* Kenny having another girl after Katjaa.
* Kenny yelling "You gotta hearing problem kid? Yeah Michigan." (LOL)
* Kenny also yelling "Listen, Vanilla Ice." (LOL)
* Bonnie being a backstabber.
* Carver not walking upstairs to get Rebecca.
Uh... Bonnie was clearly shocked when Walter died. That is, if you stayed behind. But you gotta admit, after two years in the apocalypse, it gets hard to care about random people's lives.
About Bonnie... I liked her in 400 days but she doesn't care one bit when Walter (who gave her lots of food for her group) gets gunned down by Carver. Ungrateful bitch!
Definitely Omid dying.
Funny considering the only telltale moment to shock me since S1 ..walking dead wise, was Carley's death, that is litterly the first time a game left me speechless and my mouth literately open. It was such a cliche reaction and It just..happend!
Then I thought I had telltale figured out, so not much else shocked me quite as badly.. then episode 1 game.. and it happend again.
Telltale would also do this again with The Wolf Among Us Episode 1.
Guess they get me everytime!
I laughed so hard when she said "oh shit" so nonchalantly while walkers come on the bridge, it's like she was a robot, oh and if you knock on the window while sneaking in the house, if you blackmail Alvin by telling Bec, he says "you motherfucker" Clem says "uh, language".... Seriously Clem >.>
Walt comparing Clem to the girl on the can. Even Clem was like WTF
Also, hearing Clementine say "Shit" for the first time since Season 1 made me facepalm. Oh Clem...
Walter finding out Matthew is dead. how he was holding that knife and kept rolling it and looking at it. for a second when Nick was explaining what happened i really thought Walt was going to jab that knife into Nick...i don't know why.
I wouldn't consider them to be "WTF" moments, but rather "Oh Shit" moments. Omid getting shot, Sam attacking Clem, The bridge scene, Kenny's return and the final 20 minutes of A House Divided.
The whole cabin scene had me sitting on pins and needles, but when Carver beat Clementine to the seek knife...let's just say Clmentine wasn't the only one who jumped a little bit. Well played, George.
Walter finding out Matthew is dead. how he was holding that knife and kept rolling it and looking at it. for a second when Nick was explaining what happened i really thought Walt was going to jab that knife into Nick...i don't know why.
The most shocking moment is a tie between when the dog attacked Clementine and the stitching scene... Makes me shudder thinking about it...
Realizing that the Nick/Pete choice had no lasting effect.
I'm still pretty fucking miffed to this day. Doesn't help that my dog died, like, a week before All that Remains came out.
It has to be Sam, closely followed by Matt's murder.
Winston being a bad guy.
Seeing Roman dead.
Luke saying he can't tell a dog bite, from a lurker bite, from a mosquito bite (LOL)
Pete getting bit
Saving Pete was a pointless decision.
Matthew getting shot.
Kenny having another girl after Katjaa.
Kenny yelling "You gotta hearing problem kid? Yeah Michigan." (LOL)
Kenny also yelling "Listen, Vanilla Ice." (LOL)
Bonnie being a backstabber.
Carver not walking upstairs to get Rebecca.
Good choices
Yeah I know. I always find that scene hard to watch.
About Bonnie... I liked her in 400 days but she doesn't care one bit when Walter (who gave her lots of food for her group) gets gunned down by Carver. Ungrateful bitch!
Uh... Bonnie was clearly shocked when Walter died. That is, if you stayed behind. But you gotta admit, after two years in the apocalypse, it gets hard to care about random people's lives.
I suppose she was.
oops sorry for the double reply...computer froze.
Carver being the dad of bec's baby. I was all like "WTF POOR ALVIN,"
Shortly after we're introduced to Carver I thought he could be the dad seen as he used to be with the group. But still a surprising revelation.
Walt comparing Clem to the girl on the can. Even Clem was like WTF
Also, hearing Clementine say "Shit" for the first time since Season 1 made me facepalm. Oh Clem...
I saw it coming as soon as he raised the rifle but damned if they make it as shocking and ugly as possibly. BANG! Gurglegurglegurgle. Splash.
I just sorta paused there for a second and though "man...fuck Nick. >:("
That darn Dog.
Definitely Omid dying.
Funny considering the only telltale moment to shock me since S1 ..walking dead wise, was Carley's death, that is litterly the first time a game left me speechless and my mouth literately open. It was such a cliche reaction and It just..happend!
Then I thought I had telltale figured out, so not much else shocked me quite as badly.. then episode 1 game.. and it happend again.
Telltale would also do this again with The Wolf Among Us Episode 1.
Guess they get me everytime!
When I went to protect Alvin and Carver hits Clem then holds a gun to her skull... That was just...
I laughed so hard when she said "oh shit" so nonchalantly while walkers come on the bridge, it's like she was a robot, oh and if you knock on the window while sneaking in the house, if you blackmail Alvin by telling Bec, he says "you motherfucker" Clem says "uh, language".... Seriously Clem >.>
The wind turbine. Adults: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Clem: "I got this."
Clem getting pistol whipped in the gut by Carver was pretty horrifying, yet darkly humorous when I imagined what she must have been thinking.
"Remember the Alamo! Long live the juice box! CHAAR- Owww...well this sucks."
Cut to Lee facepalming in the afterlife.
Walter finding out Matthew is dead. how he was holding that knife and kept rolling it and looking at it. for a second when Nick was explaining what happened i really thought Walt was going to jab that knife into Nick...i don't know why.
I think Sam, biting me was the most shocking.
I suspected Omid since seeing the screenshot had young clem in it. With Matthew I was more like... really?
The moment with Sam biting my ass and the moment when Walter learns the truth
Nick shooting Matt and Bonnie being a traitorous bitch, but the biggest one was Sam attacking Clem.
Good chooces.
I wouldn't consider them to be "WTF" moments, but rather "Oh Shit" moments. Omid getting shot, Sam attacking Clem, The bridge scene, Kenny's return and the final 20 minutes of A House Divided.
The whole cabin scene had me sitting on pins and needles, but when Carver beat Clementine to the seek knife...let's just say Clmentine wasn't the only one who jumped a little bit. Well played, George.
Kenny is back bitches
Same here. When Johnny died I jumped on my feet screaming "FUCK YEAH !"
Clem gives you right

I so did NOT expect Omid to die. I was actually expecting Christa to die first.
I can never read what you're saying without hearing Larry's voice
Hearing Kennys voice then seeing him brought tears to my eyes, and I was definitely anti Kenny through season 1.
Is it bad that I was kinda hoping nick would get his? He is too big of an issue to me so far.
Omid's bad case of sequel sudden death syndrome or Sam the Dog going feral for the can of beans.
When Nick shot Matthew.That was fucked up
Look friend that guy I was talking about For A Doctor Who Game is not trying to get my flagged he is trying to be nice and warn me I explain later.