Who's death affected you most? (excluding Lee)
Mine has to be Carley. I was gutted when she got shot. I replayed the that part over and over and then checked the internet to see if this could be avoided.
Unfortunately not.
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Can we include Kenny? Because if not, then Duck.
Mine was also Carley, I was looking forward to trying and get a relationship with her and try and maintain a relationship during the apocalypse with her, still sad that never was an option.
Alvin (if he dies in Episode 2)
Yeah Kenny could be included as it was implied that he had died. Duck was pretty upsetting and also Katjaa. The events of Long Road Ahead definitely affected me most (apart from Lee).
My thoughts exactly. It seemed inevitable in my playthrough that they would become a couple because of their dialogue. They seemed comfortable yet slightly awkward around each other.
Carley, Omid, "Kenny" then Pete.
Season 1: The many sudden deaths (or losses) that kept piling up including Carley(or Doug), Katjaa and Duck. We practically lost a big snippet of our group.
Season 2: Omid and Pete
Yeah, mine to, seemed like the perfect new love look, I hope we get a chance for something like that later on, a shot at keeping a romance with someone during hard times like these, I would find that very interesting to play.
It wasn't the saddest, but I'd say Larry's death effected me the most. Such a hard decision, and then after he is killed, you take a step and realize "What the serious fuck just happened?". Like, he was just standing up five seconds ago and now he has a saltlick in his brain. I think that's also the point in the series where this became one of my favorite games.
Right, well if we can include Kenny, then Kenny and Ben, definitely, with Duck and Katjaa close behind. And then Carley.
Of the whole series? Duck and Katjaa, easily. The buildup of the situation was brilliant, and made finding them in the forest clearing so much worse/better. Their deaths pretty much destroyed me.
For Season 2 specifically, it would be Pete. I expected him to hack off his leg and survive, but then he threw the saw away and I started to get sad. I was actually tearing up a little bit when he stayed behind to buy Clem time to escape. Pete just reminded me in a couple of ways of my own father, so losing him hit me harder than I expected it to.. Especially as it was so early in the game.
Omid's death. I was really mad when he died, and I still kind of am. It just felt a bit forced to me, I dunno.
Ben's. Just his whole backstory and when I dropped him from the Bell Tower i still felt incredibly sad knowing I just ended a suicidal boy's life
Ben and Omid for different reasons. Valerie and Jackory will tell you why ^. Except that I never dropped Ben.
Definitely the most shocking the first time around was Carley. "Carley will remember this." Thought I had diffused the situation, then BAM!! Absolutely loved it. Had to let it sink in.
Yeah. If Telltale carry on The Walking Dead for a few more series (fingers crossed) then Clementine could be in her late teens and she meets someone and they get together.
This was the moment that indirectly killed Carley. If Larry hadn't died Lilly wouldn't have done what she did.
That was a really nice comment
Mine was Carley's as well. It just came out of nowhere, I was shocked as all hell, I wasn't angry or sad, I was just confused and didn't know what to do. Also Omid, I was more angry at that though. I thought he should've at least lived a bit longer.
Dougs death was something i just... oh god, it happened so fast and that silence afterwards.... horrible.
God it was hard in my first playtrought.
All we can do is wait and see what they bring to us
Yeah hopefully another 10 series after this and the theme of the seasons are how much of a bad as a Clementine becomes. Imagine her going around like Rambo taking out anyone that fucks with her. Haha that'd be cool.
Haha wow, 10 seasons sounds like a far stretch if you ask me haha, but I do hope for another season or two.
Yeah, I do hope we get so far to see her grow into a more older self, but the time to that point is so large, they'd have to time jump so often...
Well one can only hope
Ben and Carley.... I almost threw my computer.
I would have voted for Kenny. But since he is still alive, i will vote for Carley (closely followed by Pete, his death was super sad aswell). Carley's death scene was just such a big suprise and made me finally realize, what a bitch Lilly is/was!
I wanted Pete to teach Clem how to play poker
Other then Lee, (which hit me the hardest and I'm still actually recovering from) I think it was Kenny. When he "died", he was a good guy. I mean, yeah he lost his family because of Ben. I know Ben was trying to help since he thought the bandits had his friend, but he still got Duck bitten which caused Katjaa to commit suicide. I like Ben. But, I'm just saying Ben caused a lot of bad to happen. I respected Kenny, because he had his friends' backs, he was a committed father and husband and I respect that. I really just liked him a lot and it hurt me that he still sacrificed himself to Ben at the end and tried to be a hero. I'm glad he's back.
Yeah they'd have to skip time loads. That's why we should have 10 seasons of this superbly written masterpiece
Omid. I still have a hard time believing he's dead. Ben would be, though, had I dropped him.
But most players of the Walking Dead are boys, and I don't think people want to be in a relationship with a boy in the game... :P
MOD! Edit the title to be less spoilery!
Well those people should be weeded out. They're assholes.
Omid, Ben, and Beatrice.
Omid's death was heartbreaking for me, he was a great character and should've had more screen time. But no, they had to kill him off for shock value.
Ben's death was tragic, I felt really bad for the kid when I found about his family, he was gonna die regardless whether he falls and gets devoured or falls(again), gets shot, then devoured.
Beatrice's death was slow. It was hard to watch (or listen to) if you didn't shoot her(in which I spared her) where she gets chomped bit by bit until she dies.
Strangely enough, Sam.
Just...the whole scene, the look on Clementine's face and the complete heartbroken way she says "I'm sorry, Sam..." bah. I have no emotional fortitude when it comes to dogs.
I just wanted him to live, partially because I liked him and partially because I wanted to see more conflict between him and Nick. I feel that the end of Episode 2 would have been a good time to off him, if he HAD to die, or possibly the beginning of 3.
Mark. God, it was hard to see him with cut off legs.
Same man, Pete's death was too early.
Perhaps that what makes it so sad