Who should take out ******?
Who do you think should take out Carver? Someone from the Cabin group? Ski Lodge group? What would cause that person to kill him?
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Who do you think should take out Carver? Someone from the Cabin group? Ski Lodge group? What would cause that person to kill him?
I would love Clem to kill him, but that'd be too cliche. I'm thinking something more like letting the dead take care of him, sort of representing everyone he's killed coming back to take him with them as revenge. It'd be good if Clem was watching while it happened before looking away in disgust and going to find her group as they break of the gated community.
Guess everyone is just getting desperate for the new episode and has no fun ideas,we'll anyway I hope Clem takes out carver it would be a very cool slow motion scene
I get the feeling it's going to be Clementine.
Seeing her do it would be really fucked up, but...
I don't want Clem to kill him (because like Lee said, killing things changes you) I just want them to like toss him into a hoard of walkers and make sure he was dead before then walking off.
I've completely lost my state of mind, any creativity that I never had to begin with, and just about anything that kept me excited for the new episode.
Tbh Sarah for me it would change depending on whether you taught her how to use a gun if you did them she kills carver (like when Clem killed the stranger kinda coming if age in the ZA)
oh wow. I did not even think about the stranger or Sarah. You're right though, it'd be pretty cool to see Sarah become a little less sheltered.
Maybe he gets bit somewhere that he can't amputate.
That'd be unexpected and interesting.
if he survived, i think it'd be cool if Nick does it in a sort of redemption act.
Maybe it could be like a determinant choice where you could tell (insert random name here) to kill him or leave him for the dead.
That would be some good character development for Clem, stepping up.
In all honesty, I kind of want Alvin to kill him.
He'll do it...
For PETE!!
You could like have a choice to mercy kill him or not
And if Nick doesn't survive then someone like Rebecca, Kenny, Sarita, etc. could kill him in "honor/memory" of Nick
I feel that Carver's the kind of guy that 'won't be taken prisoner' so maybe the first, but the second could also happen, as well.
Has this idea been talked about in that "We need darker themes" thread, because you have some cool ideas.
And to make it better, maybe he'd save Sarita or something who Carver was going to execute.
Then all the 'Ben 2.0' thoughts could cease right there, because he saved Kenny's will to live rather than destroyed it. I do think it'd make Nick an even better character than I already think he is if he really steps up in the end.
That would be pretty interesting to see because the only person in the game to commit suicide (as far as I know) is Irene because of her boyfriend but Carver would have many different reasons to do it.
Pete and Lee will come back and fuck him up and then Lee and Pete will be all buddy buddy.
cough Katjaa cough
I'd buy that DLC.
I feel like Carver would kill himself because of Rebecca and the baby.
I'm so fucking stupid omg
How could I forget Katjaa?! tears up I have failed my people!
That's possible, I mean he tracked the cabin group miles just to get to her.
Unless, maybe he's after her baby, his 'family'.
It should be Christa, but with a bit of a twist. Carver actually becomes a good guy near the end, and Christa has plummeted to the lowest point of her existence due to losing both Omid and Clem. We've seen how horrible she behaves without Omid, even after 16 months. Remember, if Christa is still alive, she'd be all alone while Clem has found a safe group, and Kenny as well.
This whole time, you'd think Carver would be the big bad guy. Finding Christa is one of the highest priorities Clem has assigned herself, and at the end of the game, wouldn't it be great if she found her, and Christa turned out to be evil? Not only that, what if Christa found Rebecca's baby?
I want Rebecca to kill him for revenge even though I don't like Rebecca... I don't want Clementine killing live things unless she has to.
You get to run around as Lee, Pete, Chuck, or Omid and like do things like: fly, go through walls, scare the shit out of living people! Only for $29.95!
What if Alvin is dead. Who else would you pick?
For every system
I can really see Nick stepping up in the near future/next decade.
Rebecca herself, if Alvin is dead then Rebecca will have so much rage against Carver that she might take her chance to kill him.
Carver would probably be the kind of dick to just take the baby and just abandon Bec.
Coming Soon! (and by soon we mean sometime in 2193)
It might be more of a determinant choice. If you want Clem to kill Carver then go for it. If you rather leave him to fate, like we had the option to do as Lee with the St. Johns, then do it.
Good idea
That would eb the biggest plot twist ever, I would love it!
Clem must maintain her innocence (sort of...) and the stranger is the perfect example of when Clem has to kill.
Thank you
if Carver ends up killing Carlos, I'll hold out for an Inigo Montoya scenario.
It may have been used before but the idea of Clem doing something like that would be pretty cool.