link is to a record audio files website. I want to believe this but it could be anyone's voice, unless someone conferm that this person who said this works for tell tale I am going see this trolling. very well set up trolling but trolling still.
The ducks are clumsy and have a theocracy. The Geese are majestic and have a democratic monarchy. Also, we honk and produce higher quality bread and our beaks are orange-er.
link is to a record audio files website. I want to believe this but it could be anyone's voice, unless someone conferm that this person who said this works for tell tale I am going see this trolling. very well set up trolling but trolling still.
I'm the Goose King. We do have free speech and Geese can vote, but ultimately it's my decision as to what happens. I often go with the majority. Luckily, most referendums involve increasing the amount of bread. I always agree.
or just troll...
nah im just messing around, I just wake up and check (its april 25th here) and still nothing, might be coming out later than i thought.
Sorry 'bout that.
I also noticed how they do little things with the movement of Clem's hair. Seriously, her hair has a mind of it's own.
Well we got the episode 2 trailer in the playing dead episode right before the release... so... we might get a trailer Saturday?
link is to a record audio files website. I want to believe this but it could be anyone's voice, unless someone conferm that this person who said this works for tell tale I am going see this trolling. very well set up trolling but trolling still.
I believe that "democratic monarchy" is an oxymoron.
No, it's not fake. Joystiq did a livestream on TWAU. Job Stauffer was there, here is the link:
I see what you did there.
thank you. you can't blame me not question this.
I believe that 'democratic monarchy' implies the taxpayers are paying for a family that has no reason to be getting paid for by taxpayers.
I'm the Goose King. We do have free speech and Geese can vote, but ultimately it's my decision as to what happens. I often go with the majority. Luckily, most referendums involve increasing the amount of bread. I always agree.
We don't have taxes. Everyone works for free as long as they get bread and a cushion on which to relax. Each Goose also gets a small home.
Hopefully they mean 'shaping up' as in 'putting all the pieces together for the final product' rather than 'we still have to make a lot of stuff'.