Question: Why doesn't Clem have an issue with swearing anymore?
Lol in season 1 Clem was very strict about swearing. Now in season 2 she doesn't have issues with people swearing XD.
Also what if Clem meets up with Nate and he offers her a drink like he did with Russel?
Could the cigarette pack and alcohol choices be foreshadowing that someone could possibly teach her how to do it? In the apocalypse it doesn't matter how old you are. Just as Walter told Clem-'' people are more politic then ever now a days and the law doesn't matter.
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I think she was strict only with Lee XD but if im not mistaken she gets mad with Alvin when they are talking through the window
Everyone knows everyone except Lee is allowed to swear.
Yeah, it's probably because of stress. There are a lot serious things going on in her life. If she wants to swear to vent, then go right ahead.
I personally don't choose the swear options, but if it's scripted, then there's not much to do about that... except say "Swear" then feel bad about it.
Well it was a special thing she had with Lee, she has not known these people for long and if she goes around telling everyone to stop swearing everyone would think she is annoying, I dont choose swear dialogue choices that much it kind of ruins her character for me.
Eleven was around the time I stopped taking issue with it, too. :S
She would tell Alvin to "tone down" his swearing in Ep 1 though.
Because she's eleven not eight. And to be fair she's hardly swearing like everyone else. Swearing in intense situations is pretty normal
I sort of expected swearing as a kid because here in Australia, friends swear. Like, a lot. I don't swear that much but it's a very common thing in Australia.
Well I guess Clem chooses her swear words wisely. We haven't seen her use the f-word yet.
she swears and has no problem with it in episode 2 because it was written by Nick Breckon.
Lol oh same voice actor of Nick . I didn't give you that dislike btw. It was probably a bot lol
It annoyed me they forced her to swear on the bridge, they should have made her say "shit" or "shoot" like in the bathroom in episode 1.
Well she might swear even more on episode 3. Job stuffer's reaction was FUCK!!!!
well cause she is older and does not care anymore?
Well, females tend to mature much earlier then males, so it could be a product of maturity, or the lack of guardian figures prohibiting that language (Like what Lee would do).
Yeah, she's more lenient with some of the milder curse words though she's still sensitive about stronger language being used.
She matured.
I hate it when she swears, too. I'm like grinding my teeth when I hear it, it's just weird. They should have given you a choice.
Its a coming of age during the zombie apocalypse.
It would be pretty funny if Clem comes across kids younger than her in a safe back to norm community like Alexandria and says a swear and have the younger kids call her out on it.
Well, in season one she let Omid swear - it seemed only Lee she had a problem with swearing. If you (as Lee) in season one say 'Shit' when Clem says that the barn on Hershel's farm smells like... (leaves you [Lee] to finish the sentence) then Clem will swear more in season two, because in Season two when she accidentally drops her water - if you said shit as Lee in s1 in the barn she will say 'Shit' when she drops the water, however if you say anything else she will say 'shoot'. So Lee was influential in Clem when it comes to her language, besides, it's the apocalypse. Nick offered her alcohol, and people probably will again in the future (like RosmeryTWDfan says above, telltale seems to be foreshadowing this) so swearing isn't that big of a deal - I mean, in today's society there are M+ ratings on bloody, violent games/tv programmes/movies, and here Clem is, an eleven year old, doing the brain bashing herself. Rules don't seem to apply any more in the apocalypse, and I think Clem is beginning to see that.
I'm sure she has much worse things to worry about than swearing.
"Tone down? You tone down!"
doesn't brian bremer voice nick?
Amen to that!
Though, when thinking like that, you actually start losing the person you once were. When abandoning all ethics and morals from before, you might as well be abandoning your personality, and what becomes of it, isn't the real you. That's whats happening to Clem, she is letting the world change who she is.
No, the writer of the episode.
Inevitable. The psyche is only so resilient. Besides, it's what you do with this new you that matters, and just how much of the best of what you were you can keep. People change and grow all of their lives; you are not exactly the same person you were ten years, or maybe even two years ago.
Is it wrong that I try to get her to swear as much as possible?
It's your game, your Clem, your choices. I don't see why it'd be wrong.
Funny thing to say, because people change all the time. One day you are a communist, the other day you are a member of a white supremacy group. Swearing is connected to growing up and you'll eventually just do it occasionally.
Not inevitable. The psyche is as resilient as the mentality of the individual, while others broke, she kept herself together. I could understand if Lee swore around her a lot before, but on my profile I didn't swear, excluding the cinematic mandatory language. You may not be the same exact person you were ten years ago, but you still have many things that could relate you back to what you were, this is a completely different act, showing no care for the past (most likely due to her being with Christa for two years) and who you once were. That leads to you abandoning hope, and any thought of a possibility of a cure or some way to solve the problem is lost, and slowly you'll begin to question why you are there, probably ending in insanity or suicide.
it's this guy
Maybe because she's in the middle of the zombie apocalypse where apart from rotting corpses trying to eat people there are other psychos still alive, cannibals, rapists, bandits. Everything is gone to hell, literally, she has learned to fight, shoot, kill. She killed so I don't see how swearing could be a problem anymore.
I don't know it depends on influences. When I was that age (or especially 8) I'd probably get slapped for swearing, and so I didn't swear at school either. High School comes around, and I hung around somebody who said fuck every other word, and eventually I started swearing more and more -
Now it's just 0:12
Way I see it, she didn't like Lee swearing because he was her guardian. She called out Rebecca and Alvin on swearing because she didn't like them as people in those moments in time.
I find it funny how the adults have no problem swearing right to her face when it's just calm, one-on-one moments though. Like when Alvin helps you (mooches off you) look for food in the little station house and flat out says "man, fuck Nick." It's a zombie apocalypse, I get it. Still pretty funny how ridiculous it is to feel comfortable dropping an f-bomb to an 11-year old girl.
What...the....hell...? Weirdest comparison ever. Of all time. I just don't like the fact that we missed all of the molding of Clem to this stage, it seems like we missed too much of her life and she's grown into a character that is new and different from the old Clementine, it's just a little hard to get used to, that's all. I saw Clem as a symbol of innocence and being the sort of moral compass of the group, it's just weird seeing her change this way. And since you mentioned Communism, Lenin has something to say...Lenin's Speech
1 Week and they're hoping for a cure.
3 Months and they're trying to keep their humanity pure.
11 Months and grief sets in.
26 Months and Clementine commits her sin.
There was symbolism behind it...but you know, fuck it.
When I was 11 years old and around my friends rather than my parents or teachers, I cussed almost as a point of pride. I don't think that's a gender thing. I think that's a 'look how grown up I am' thing.
And Clementine has basically spent the last several years surrounded by adults who cuss all the time. If she weren't cussing by this point, it would actually feel very strange to me.