Is there a reason why the link between 400 days and S2 seems to have been debunked?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

So When we saw Bonnie was part of Carvers group i thought immediately that the 400 days people were brought to Carvers group as part of the "community" Tavia was talking about, and i saw a lot of people thought the same way, but now it seems that most people think the 400 days camp is separate from Caver's and that Carver will attack that camp in some way in some theories I have seen. Is there something i have missed that made people think that the 400 days Tavia's community is seperate to Carvers camp now?


  • I'm pretty sure Tavia is with Carver.

  • I just don't see that happening, why would people want to leave the camp if it was as good as she said it was.

    Twistee posted: »

    I'm pretty sure Tavia is with Carver.

  • Cuz it wasn't as bad back then?

    lilypad360 posted: »

    I just don't see that happening, why would people want to leave the camp if it was as good as she said it was.

  • She could have been lying about how good it was because Carver wanted numbers. Or, as That1Guy said it may not have been bad back then until the Carver/Rebecca situation happened.

    lilypad360 posted: »

    I just don't see that happening, why would people want to leave the camp if it was as good as she said it was.

  • Cuz she's a dirty dirty Urban and lied to them?

    lilypad360 posted: »

    I just don't see that happening, why would people want to leave the camp if it was as good as she said it was.

  • ...

    Nah, she's a dirty dirty Urban.

    OR maybe Carver was not the leader then, and has only been in charge of the community for a little while?

  • OR maybe Carver was not the leader then, and has only been in charge of the community for a little while?

    Cuz she's a dirty dirty Urban and lied to them?

  • Tavia's COMMUNITY, is Carver's COMMUNITY

  • I think that's why Bonnie always goes with Tavia no matter what. So she could be in Episode 2.

  • That too.

    OR maybe Carver was not the leader then, and has only been in charge of the community for a little while?

  • edited April 2014

    I dunno but if you saw 400 days credits you will see that the radio survivor voice actor is the same guy for Johny, does that suggest that Johny was the Leader and then Carver took over the community? Or johny was in charge of the radio? Or tt just gave that actor another character?

  • "I know... folks are sore over what happened... but let's remember... these are our brothers and sisters... and they all have a vital role to play in this community. They strayed from the flock, yeah... but that don't mean they can't earn their way back into the fold... I don't mean we can't find it in our hearts to forgive them... knowin' full well... those who choose not to accept our love... will surely wish that they had. "

    What are the odds of having 2 different communities? Unlikely. Tavia looked well fed and bathed, as does Carver and the rest. Coincidence? I THINK NOT

  • I think the general theory (or at least the most plausible one) is that Tavia is indeed part of Carver's community (it might be better than it seems or it might have been very good but went bad at some point), and anyone who didn't go with Tavia will have a little camp of their own with each other or just not appear.

  • edited April 2014

    Remember in the comics there are various communities, so having 2 camps is not an impossible thing, i dunno what happens after so dun spoil me xD

    "I know... folks are sore over what happened... but let's remember... these are our brothers and sisters... and they all have a vital role t

  • Need I remind you, Wyatt203 Shel203 Becca203 Russell203 Tavia203 and Vince203

  • Also, i cant tell if your last comment was supposed be racist or not XD

    That too.

  • edited April 2014

    Becca may appear in episode 3? NOOOOOOOOOOO

    Need I remind you, Wyatt203 Shel203 Becca203 Russell203 Tavia203 and Vince203

  • :\ I didn't mind Becca.....

    Becca may appear in episode 3? NOOOOOOOOOOO

  • I have to be one of the few people who actually never had a problem with Becca. Maybe it's because we're around the same age (from 400 days. What was she? 13?) and I understand her behavior a little better than the older fans, who just go, "Eww. Brat."

    Spooch posted: »

    I didn't mind Becca.....

  • I just want E3

    I have to be one of the few people who actually never had a problem with Becca. Maybe it's because we're around the same age (from 400 days.

  • It may still be good for its citizens. In the TV series and Comic, Woodbury didn't become a bad place until the Governor went batshit.

    Thomith posted: »

    She could have been lying about how good it was because Carver wanted numbers. Or, as That1Guy said it may not have been bad back then until the Carver/Rebecca situation happened.

  • I do too. And I like your profile pic. Is that Jodie Holmes?

    I just want E3

  • Sure is :)

    I do too. And I like your profile pic. Is that Jodie Holmes?

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