S2 Ep 3 Release Date Discussion: Out Now for PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Vita/Android



  • You know, that pic is from the most funny movie of all time...

    It is in Germany 1am, that is

  • If TTG can't consistently adhere to their own episode release schedule, I think it's time for them to either hire a few additional employees to work on TWD episodes or stop giving customers overly optimistic release dates. On one hand, they deliver good content. On the other hand, it tarnishes their reputation by consistently failing to meeting their deadlines. Don't get me wrong, I would rather wait and get a better product, but I also hate being strung along for weeks at a time time waiting for a prepaid product to be delivered. They should just come out say they were wrong on the "every 4-6 weeks schedule" and give a more realistic schedule like every 8-12 weeks. I know in my job I would be fired if I consistently missed my deadlines by several weeks for every project I work on.

  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail IS my fav movie of all time! :) Love all the Monty Python movies/tv show!

    Bob Page posted: »

    You know, that pic is from the most funny movie of all time...

  • Your mother was a hamster.

    It is in Germany 1am, that is

  • and your father smelt of elderberries!

    Runnin_Mike posted: »

    Your mother was a hamster.

  • edited April 2014

    I'm getting bad vibes about the may 6th release... The episode hasn't been classified and i don't think we've ever seen a release 1 week after classification, it's always 2 weeks.

    I'm sorry guys... :(

  • Sigh, it would not surprise me. Job only said "first peek", after all. They usually begin hyping it up two weeks before with screenshots and soons, followed by trailer week, and then release week. Hope it's worth it, and hope we're wrong about this.

    I'm getting bad vibes about the may 6th release... The episode hasn't been classified and i don't think we've ever seen a release 1 week after classification, it's always 2 weeks. I'm sorry guys...

  • Welcome to the eighth week; manage your expectations.

  • hate to break it to you but no news today/ Monday. Go on and continue with your lives. No sense in putting faith in Telltale. Check back in a week or 2.

  • edited April 2014

    I still have my hopes up for May 6th because A House Divided was classified on February 24th (A Monday), and the episode release was the following week of March 4th (Tuesday). So there is still a chance of May 6th as long as it gets classified early this week.

    I'm getting bad vibes about the may 6th release... The episode hasn't been classified and i don't think we've ever seen a release 1 week after classification, it's always 2 weeks. I'm sorry guys...

  • I don't want to say I told you so.... so I won't. With any luck, we could still get it May 6 if it gets classified tomorrow or Tuesday.

    I'm getting bad vibes about the may 6th release... The episode hasn't been classified and i don't think we've ever seen a release 1 week after classification, it's always 2 weeks. I'm sorry guys...

  • Episode 2. Starving for News.

    Episode 3. The Long Wait Ahead

  • Haha! Episode 4. Around The Corner and Episode 5. No Patience Left

    Episode 2. Starving for News. Episode 3. The Long Wait Ahead

  • Month 2:

    Episode 1. Soon That Remains

    Episode 2. A Episode Delayed

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Haha! Episode 4. Around The Corner and Episode 5. No Patience Left

  • Episode 3: In Telltale's soon.

    It's all been done before.

    Month 2: Episode 1. Soon That Remains Episode 2. A Episode Delayed

  • Episode 3. In Cliffhanger's Way

    Episode 4. Amid The Delays

    Episode 5. Not Waiting Again

    Month 2: Episode 1. Soon That Remains Episode 2. A Episode Delayed

  • Alt text

    It's already Monday in Australia so if they classified it today over there then it should show up on Monday for us.

  • Next time on: The Waiting Dead.

    Kenny: The waiting woulda killed Walt no matter what we did. But I ain't going out like that, not without a fight.

    Carver: I know, folks are sore after the delay...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Episode 3. In Cliffhanger's Way Episode 4. Amid The Delays Episode 5. Not Waiting Again

  • edited April 2014

    Lmao, you're funny. OR..! Orr, Kenny would say "I don't know if we coulda saved Walt from waiting, but I know one of us didn't just give up!"

    Next time on: The Waiting Dead. Kenny: The waiting woulda killed Walt no matter what we did. But I ain't going out like that, not without a fight. Carver: I know, folks are sore after the delay...

  • No you don't.

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail IS my fav movie of all time! Love all the Monty Python movies/tv show!

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    I actually DON'T want episode 3 to get released soon. I'll be (hopefully) getting my new xbox soon. I don't want to miss it :{

  • edited April 2014

    Oh gawd.... the forbidden word! WAAHHHHHH!!!! [RUNS AWAY]

  • edited April 2014

    Even Kenny is using that dreaded word.
    Alt text

  • This has now become worse than the episode 2 wait for me.. The hype and the seemingly long wait is killing me.

  • Omg. I just cannot wait. Gimme the episode.

  • No. MACON!!! (Throws Ben out of the bell tower)

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • Customers can and should be given information on when they can expect a product they have paid for. They can and should be told if the expected date of delivery has changed. This is not about players begging for release dates, It’s a matter of principle

  • Looks like May 13th it is....

  • edited April 2014

    I'll dare to be bold: April 29th. I've got unwarranted belief that Telltale will surprise us. Just remember, you heard it here first. (Unless someone said that date on a previous page, too lazy to look. In that case, just remember, you heard it from the guy that claims you heard it from him first.)

    -- me, on April 4th.

    I was hoping to quote this and be like "HA, told you so, what a call by me!!!" Instead, everyone just point and laugh at the asshole who put wayyyyy too much faith in Telltale!!!

  • edited April 2014

    Yeah.... I'm not gonna laugh. and I'm not gonna post my quote Either. I'm too sad.

    sos4prez posted: »

    I'll dare to be bold: April 29th. I've got unwarranted belief that Telltale will surprise us. Just remember, you heard it here first. (Unles

  • If it will be May 6th or May 13th, I'm pretty sure that psn Europe users won't have the privilege to play it on said date. It would be nice if I'd be told wrong, but besides the actual game, TTG does nothing but disappoint!

  • I hope Episode 3 will not be released next week. We need more time to discuss different topics.

  • i really hope so, im hoping atleast the trailer for episode 3 comes out this week.

    May 6 anybody?

  • lol, we've run out of things to discuss.

    Striker707 posted: »

    WTF?? You want more time to wait? Are you ok? Maybe you are sick? What does it mean, we need to discuss different topics?

  • WTF?? You want more time to wait? Are you ok? Maybe you are sick? What does it mean, we need to discuss different topics?

    BenPaul posted: »

    I hope Episode 3 will not be released next week. We need more time to discuss different topics.

  • Please, delete him anyone

    Striker707 posted: »

    WTF?? You want more time to wait? Are you ok? Maybe you are sick? What does it mean, we need to discuss different topics?

  • yeah i agree

    BenPaul posted: »

    I hope Episode 3 will not be released next week. We need more time to discuss different topics.

  • damn.. sorry it was very bad that i say like that, i.. i just can't wait more... please understand me

    Striker707 posted: »

    WTF?? You want more time to wait? Are you ok? Maybe you are sick? What does it mean, we need to discuss different topics?

  • edited April 2014

    Telltale game just posted on their Facebook about being on the cover of New York Times because of their game of thrones game. The implied message of this is

    "Hey loyal fans that are the reason we are here today and so successful! We know you are pissed and angry about our lack of communication and the seeming delays regarding Episode 3 but heres a story about us and how amazing we are and how were going to make a Game of Thrones game! Also, Episode 3 is coming SOON!" - Telltale

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