How would you interact with Clementine?

What I'm saying is, what if you found Clementine instead of Lee? Do you think she would like you? Do you think you would be able to take care of her? When will you die? Episode 1,2, 3, 4, 5?
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I don't know if she would like me, but she better. We can go kill walkers and have a good time. I don't know much, but I think I can still teach her a thing or two. I'd probably die early on though. I'd just be myself for the most part.
RIP Rigtail
i would personally hunt down lee and give her to him
We would be best friends. I would protect her no matter what.
I would accept her as my superior.
She would be the one taking care of me, lol.
Best Friends Forever.
I would cook her a huge lobster meal
Grab weapons from the house possible gun upstairs grab and knifes in the draw then kill walker babysitter
Break Walker talkie and talk to Clem calmly and let her approach me when she is ready while telling her why I need to bring her to help her find her parents and what will happen to her here if she doesn't plus promise I'll protect her
Fastforward tell group need to find some supplys with ben bring him out to the forest give him option to leave or I'll shot him in the head saving my fellow camp members lives
Agree to check out farm come up with tactic with Kenny to take over the farm as in our family's best interests take over farm secure environment, food(all home grown) and supplys and electric fences with big house
The happy ending with Clem
Ain't no kids gonna die on my watch.
We would be just fine
Dude WTF. That is SO messed up. That's not funny or trolling at all. Go to hell.
Oh no, another Cluke person? Well, at least you're not the guy down there...I hope..
Nevermind, he's banned.
Pretty sure she hasn't eaten in days when i find her.
Where are you going to find lobster?
I ain't banned brah...
Somewhere, i'll make sure i can find her a god damn lobster that she can enjoy.
Not you.
What if she doesn't like lobsters?
Well for one I would kill the babysitter then I would show the messages her mother left on the answering machine so that she knows from day one that her parents are dead and I would try to comfort her on her loss. Then like Lee I would promise to take care of her.
Who the hell doesn't like lobsters in this world?. It's the apocalypse anyways, she'll eat it no matter what and she'll be happy with it.
What if she already has apples?
how can you not like lobster? it's teh best! Well my sister was afraid of lobsters at 8 so...
Lee should of done that.
Hugs, hugs, and more hugs
Then who was u talkin to ur talking about NickIsAGoodGuy?
No, just forget it. It was some sicko posting a disturbing pic, but mods took care of it.
Well duh, I'd actually know how to take care of her.
But are you good with children?
I think she'll think that you're a rapist or she would just hug you back.
If real life children were more like Clem, yes.
I wouldn't be the best companion. I would make it my goal to find clementine a family because she deserves that. and teach her to shoot.
Do you know how to shoot?
I would make a tee party with her, in her treehouse!
No Walkers (and boys) allowed!
I would treat Clem like the little sister I never had...
I don't know if she would like me. I am a dreamer, she might think I am too naïve. but I like books, music and films so there is things we could talk about.
I have cousins in Texas (I'm from California) and when I visit we sometimes go to a shooting range. I'm obviously not the best but I know the basics.