Episode 4 Achievement Trophy Icons



  • It's Sarah all right.

    I managed to zoom in on the icon for "A Heavy Burden" and this is what I got http://gyazo.com/8269575a91f339862391370a93a86b5a

  • What if Rebecca survives and she dies escaping and only her baby lives through that(well clem,baby,and possibly Sarah,but you get the idea)

    Zyphon posted: »

    I do remember the name paper, but my guess is that Carver will kill Alvin(if he's still alive), and Rebecca will die giving birth or somethi

  • Damn just when i started to like Carlos, now im more sure Clementine will take care of that baby :l

    "On Foot" Carrying a baby?! I guess the baby does survive. As for the "Heavy Burden" pic, it sorta looks like a dude to me, but honestly the pic is too small for me to tell.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Don't forget that we're getting our first peak at episode 3 tomorrow.

    cassada posted: »


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Another good idea. I'm excited for these next two episodes.

    Her face isn't visible. Lost an eye.

  • People have been saying Kenny might lose an eye, seeing as one of the achievements is an eye, and it's for the "got beat down" one, Not in Nottingham. One would assume that's the same scene where Kenny is also "beat down".

    Her face isn't visible. Lost an eye.

  • edited April 2014

    He can die in Episode 2 so i think he will die in episode 3 no matter what.
    Same thing with Alvin.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    At least I still have Nick to mimic the accent.... if he survives episode 3.

  • Hm? I don't understand the situation that you're trying to propose.

    What if Rebecca survives and she dies escaping and only her baby lives through that(well clem,baby,and possibly Sarah,but you get the idea)

  • edited May 2014

    i bet clementine and sarah well be stuck with each other and sarah cant do anyhting useful, kinda like beth.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'm still trying to keep up hope... I'd really like them to be alive.

    gd3232 posted: »

    He can die in Episode 2 so i think he will die in episode 3 no matter what. Same thing with Alvin.

  • I will Bro, I will.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Don't forget that we're getting our first peak at episode 3 tomorrow.

  • Can we talk about beyond the trees?? It looks like a cemetery. I'm worried. D:

  • What if they release episode 4 2 weeks after episode 3? It'll be like Christmas.

  • Ya, I see the cross on that structure o:

    henrytuck posted: »

    Can we talk about beyond the trees?? It looks like a cemetery. I'm worried.

  • edited April 2014

    I was thinking church, but either way, a cemetery doesn't necessarily increase a character's chance to die, does it? Though, if Carlos does die, then we'll probably be able to expect some kind of sad remembrance of him at the end before they move on north.

    henrytuck posted: »

    Can we talk about beyond the trees?? It looks like a cemetery. I'm worried.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    So she goes from being separated from the group, going to a museum then to a church/cemetery. Seems to be a lot of progress. Maybe the episode will end with all of them inside the church?

    henrytuck posted: »

    Can we talk about beyond the trees?? It looks like a cemetery. I'm worried.

  • Well... I wouldn't be that hopeful. I'd say them being on schedule for Episode 4 is hopeful enough.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    What if they release episode 4 2 weeks after episode 3? It'll be like Christmas.

  • I hope Clem doesnt have to deal with the baby. Also Clem keeps her hat :D

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited April 2014

    At least at the beginning. Who knows what will happen after that?

    I hope Clem doesnt have to deal with the baby. Also Clem keeps her hat

  • She could lost her hat in the attack later in the episode. That would be sad.

  • Looks like walkers to me

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    No, if you zoom in, there's a crowd. Maybe Carver's camp citizens?

  • Yeah, bro. Hmm, I can't tell who it is in the pic, but Clem might have some help with the baby.

    darky07 posted: »

    Damn just when i started to like Carlos, now im more sure Clementine will take care of that baby :l

  • edited April 2014

    Walter: Jesus. I, uh...I don't feel good.

    Where the hell is Carlos?!?

  • Oh man! What if in Ep. 3 Carlos gets bitten? That'd be horrible!

    He'd have to lock himself in the shed! D:

    Zeruis posted: »

    Walter: Jesus. I, uh...I don't feel good. Where the hell is Carlos?!?

  • She will get help bro, at least we know the baby will live, Rebbecca i dunno, i hope she makes it, if Carlos dies another option for a parent would be Ken cos he knows how to be a dad, also if Christa lives she could adopt the baby, damn so many things in my head right now, im assuming Alvin died btw if he survives the baby goes with him and that will be Carver's reason to follow them again to wellington

    Yeah, bro. Hmm, I can't tell who it is in the pic, but Clem might have some help with the baby.

  • That could be it, too.

    Looks like walkers to me

  • Carlito is not going to get bitten

    Oh man! What if in Ep. 3 Carlos gets bitten? That'd be horrible! He'd have to lock himself in the shed!

  • I think Rebecca will probably die giving birth. Alvin will most likely die, Carlos will probably live until EP4. Yeah, if Christa returns I can see her taking care of the baby. I know, man. Can't wait until we get to play this!

    darky07 posted: »

    She will get help bro, at least we know the baby will live, Rebbecca i dunno, i hope she makes it, if Carlos dies another option for a paren

  • I wouldn't be able to handle that.

    Besides Clem, he's my favorite character.

    Oh man! What if in Ep. 3 Carlos gets bitten? That'd be horrible! He'd have to lock himself in the shed!

  • edited April 2014

    I honest to god hope not! The whole reason I surrendered to Carver in Ep. 2 was to save him, because at that point I only really cared about him, Sarah, Nick, and Kenny.

    And Walter, of course. :)

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Carlito is not going to get bitten

  • Anyone else get the feeling that the last 2 episodes will just be a big setup for a season 3? Nothing really big seems to be happening plot-wise in episode 4 maybe just a couple of deaths here and there.

  • Let's hope we play soon and w8ing for Ep 4 is shorter x3 maybe double realease? waiting is really making me crazy u-u

    I think Rebecca will probably die giving birth. Alvin will most likely die, Carlos will probably live until EP4. Yeah, if Christa returns I can see her taking care of the baby. I know, man. Can't wait until we get to play this!

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited April 2014

    The only way I want to see Carlito die is saving Sarah in a heroic way.

    I honest to god hope not! The whole reason I surrendered to Carver in Ep. 2 was to save him, because at that point I only really cared about him, Sarah, Nick, and Kenny. And Walter, of course.

  • Haha, don't get your hopes up, but I do hope the wait for EP4 will be shorter.

    darky07 posted: »

    Let's hope we play soon and w8ing for Ep 4 is shorter x3 maybe double realease? waiting is really making me crazy u-u

  • Carlos reminds me of Lee in a way. Doing whatever he can to protect Sarah. And I think that's what's so appealing about his character. He's like Lee only he's not protecting Clementine.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The only way I want to see Carlito die is saving Sarah in a heroic way.

  • edited April 2014

    Definitely, Episode 3 will be our big conflict with Carver, ending in Clem and co.'s heroic escape, with Episode 4 and 5 being them on the road to Wellington, the obvious focus for Season 3.

    I suspect that we'll have our final showdown with Carver in the last episode as he ambushes them on the road, some major death, they continue on to Wellington, possibly some zoom out to see how close they are, cut to black.

    Episode 4, well, the name seems to fit from the achievements. After what happens in Episode 3, they'll be having to deal with everything "amid the ruins", the(possible) death of Carlos, Carver following them, the(possibly) orphaned baby/Omid Jr./Lee the Second, etc, etc. Episode 5 will be them ending the Carver story, couple more deaths, make us cry, lead in to Season 3.

    Anyone else get the feeling that the last 2 episodes will just be a big setup for a season 3? Nothing really big seems to be happening plot-wise in episode 4 maybe just a couple of deaths here and there.

  • baby Carlos

    Alt text

    Thanks man, needed the laugh.

    WOW LOL spoiling Sarah lives are we? Nice i'm glad she doesn't die in Episode 3 at least lol. She seems the most interesting of the cain group to me. sucks about my baby Carlos.

  • Yes, let's hope.

    Haha, don't get your hopes up, but I do hope the wait for EP4 will be shorter.

  • I won't lol, hopefully we get a picture tomorrow :D bro if this is making us crazy imagine what will S3 waiting will do to us :x

    Haha, don't get your hopes up, but I do hope the wait for EP4 will be shorter.

  • Oh yeah! I heard we might get something tomorrow, a image or trailer idc as long as we get something, bro. Sheeeeesh if there is going to be a S3 damn. Hell yeah all this waiting has us talking about so much random things, lol.

    darky07 posted: »

    I won't lol, hopefully we get a picture tomorrow bro if this is making us crazy imagine what will S3 waiting will do to us :x

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