The link is not working but images won't work and the Mods took away that ability to upload images till site gets updated or something because of trolls :(
**What walking dead character do you look like the most? (pics if you have them) pg 10**
Can't even post the link to where the mod said it but there's the name and the page of the thread the mod says it
Click on the Link and you will see what Gif i used! :D (For some reason it didn't work...)
The link is not working but images won't work and the Mods took away that ability to upload images till site gets updated or something becau… morese of trolls :(
**What walking dead character do you look like the most? (pics if you have them) pg 10**
Can't even post the link to where the mod said it but there's the name and the page of the thread the mod says it
Jennifer Mod says it at the end
Well alright...i just describe the gif then:D
It was a gif of Jim Carrey (In Jim carrey face) saying " i like that alot " from the movie dumb and dumber! (a classic)
Kenny was itching to do something. He ran his tongue over his dry, cracked lips, staring vacantly out of the kitchen window. This wasn't the best place to be with a slowly dying youth. Kenny knew that the wound was extremely fatal and probably infected by this point. And it was doubtlessly causing a ton of pain. Frankly he'd been waiting for Ben's quiet breaths to falter and then die away into silence, but the kid was still fighting for every intake of oxygen, and so far had yet to cut out on Kenny. The sound of fabric scraping against wood roused Kenny from his thoughts, and the older man jolted in his seat as he realized it was coming from the kitchen table. Kenny whirled around, nearly falling out of the chair, causing it to tilt dangerously to the side. He saw Ben's chronically still form, shifting on the table. And Ben was muttering, as if he were being woken from sleep. Kenny was at the teenager's side before even he knew it. "Ben? Can ya hear me?" he demanded, watching intently as Ben's eyelids very faintly fluttered. He was briefly hesitant to touch Ben, for some reason, so he just gripped the edge of the table and waited for the kid to come around on his own.
Slowly, Ben's eyes cracked open. "Uhnn..." he said. Unable to keep from comforting him any longer, Kenny placed his hand over Ben's upper arm, heart beating with hope. "Ben? Ya with me?" Kenny whispered, as suddenly the silence was deafening, and he found he could barely manage to speak over it. "K...K...en...ny?" Ben murmured, staring hazily at the ceiling. His voice was riddled through with acute pain. Kenny swallowed dryly. "Yeah, I'm right here Pal, you with me Ben? " Kenny coached, hoping that Ben could hear what he was saying. Ben's head turned ever so slightly to the side, and his half-clouded eyes met with Kenny's. He hadn't moved his head an inch before his body suddenly seized up. "Can't... move. Hurts..." The teenager panted through clenched teeth, and Kenny noticed that his hands were clenched into white-knuckled fists. "Alright Ben, s'okay if you can't, we're safe," Kenny reassured, glancing over to the kitchen, which was a useless gesture. Nothing there could help ease Ben's agony. "Ben, you just gotta stay with me, okay?" Kenny had no idea what he was doing, what he should be telling Ben to do, but it was better than just sitting around doing nothing...Probably. "Okay..." Ben moaned airily, and his limbs all slowly but surely relaxed until his body was once again limp on the table. Kenny felt himself calm down a little bit along with the teenager. There wasn't anything he could do except wait for Ben to give some other sign that he was okay. Kenny... Where are we?" Ben asked, his voice cracking and giving out in odd places. Kenny slightly tightened his grip on Ben's arm, in a silent demand for him to stop trying to talk. "Somewhere in this goddamn city. I don't know. We lost the others when you fell from the balcony and got yourself shish kabobbed. They probably think we're dead." Kenny toke a quick look at Ben. " Jesus Ben, do you even feel the hole through your fuckin' body?" "S-sort of..." Ben lifted his head and cast a weak glance down at his chest, not even asking where his school sweater's sleeves had gone. "Where is it again?" Kenny shook his head slowly. "I still can't believe you're alive right now, kid. In any case, we should probably leave soon. I was just waiting to see if... you were gonna be stickin' around." Ben's brow furrowed slightly. "Well... I am. I think." The teenager's head fell with a dull thud back onto the table as he said this, his face turning ghostly white. Kenny sighed, a deep, weighed-down sigh. "I really damn hope so boy. Now let's figure a way out'a here and get that little girl!"
**Again wait till done before I give a full review but give a short summary for this chapter**
Wow so deep and beautifully written you keep on surprising me Stache with such beautiful story's and this had great emotional depth the descriptions and the moments perfectly written nearly had me in tears felt every scene like I was in the moment so well written. Tension was high thorough was hooked to every line. Seeing different side to Kenny in desperate attempt to save Ben as hope was slowly dying then his determination to go save Clem really struck a cord with me just beautiful thanks stache can't wait to read the rest just quality.
The Stache and the Shitbird - Part2:
Kenny was itching to do something. He ran his tongue over his dry, cracked lips, staring vacantly … moreout of the kitchen window. This wasn't the best place to be with a slowly dying youth. Kenny knew that the wound was extremely fatal and probably infected by this point. And it was doubtlessly causing a ton of pain. Frankly he'd been waiting for Ben's quiet breaths to falter and then die away into silence, but the kid was still fighting for every intake of oxygen, and so far had yet to cut out on Kenny. The sound of fabric scraping against wood roused Kenny from his thoughts, and the older man jolted in his seat as he realized it was coming from the kitchen table. Kenny whirled around, nearly falling out of the chair, causing it to tilt dangerously to the side. He saw Ben's chronically still form, shifting on the table. And Ben was muttering, as if he were being woken from sleep. Kenny was at the teenager… [view original content]
**Again wait till done before I give a full review but give a short summary for this chapter**
Wow so deep and beautifully written you … morekeep on surprising me Stache with such beautiful story's and this had great emotional depth the descriptions and the moments perfectly written nearly had me in tears felt every scene like I was in the moment so well written. Tension was high thorough was hooked to every line. Seeing different side to Kenny in desperate attempt to save Ben as hope was slowly dying then his determination to go save Clem really struck a cord with me just beautiful thanks stache can't wait to read the rest just quality.
We shall bump them on the beaches! We shall bump on the landing grounds! We shall bump in the fields! And on the streets! We shall bump the hills! We shall never surrender!
lol ok Tobi I'm pissed to just finish the story and picture then once we can post again post it but thanks I'm delighted your finished or nearly finished can't wait to see the greatest story ever told and being blinded by the epicness of the pic
lol ok Tobi I'm pissed to just finish the story and picture then once we can post again post it but thanks I'm delighted your finished or nearly finished can't wait to see the greatest story ever told and being blinded by the epicness of the pic
Clementine looked over at the dying fire, watching the last embers rise from the twigs and sticks burning beneath a weasel Christa killed a few hours ago. She had been sitting next to Christa for hours. At least, that's what she thought. It wasn't easy to keep track of time. Clementine walked back over to the log they were using as a makeshift bench and opened up her backpack leaning next to it. She pulled out her gun and placed it right beside her, making sure it was never out of reach. After last time, she wasn't going to let it out of sight while she was alone. She continued going through her pack, pausing momentarily to look at the photo of Lee she had picked up at the drugstore, back when she had just met him. It was times like these when she missed him the most. She took another pause to look at her second to the last thing she drew at the motor inn, a picture of Katjaa, Duck and Kenny. Katjaa had always been kind to her, right from the start. She treated her almost like she was her own kid in a lot of ways. Duck was Duck. He got on her nerves, but he was almost like a brother to her. From everything she had heard, that was part of what siblings did to each other. Kenny was always there for Lee and Clem when they needed him, he was a good man. He kept going on after loosing his family. Just like her. Christa...and Omid had told her that he died trying to save Ben's life, that he forgave him for what happened to Katjaa and Duck. She missed him!
Two years earlyer...
It had taken some time to get Ben to stand upright,and when he finally had gotten on his feet after many attempts, the teenager nearly toppled over onto the ground immediately with a yelp. Kenny caught him under his arms just before he could smash his head on the table. "Don't force yourself, Ben," Kenny said worriedly, letting Ben lean on him until he could stand on his own again. Ben managed to stay on his feet this time, but had to lean very heavily on the kitchen table. His whole body was quivering as if he were cold, but Kenny knew otherwise. The pain must be unbearable, he thought sympathetically. "Guh- God..." Ben spluttered, gripping the edge of the table so hard Kenny could hear the bones in his fingers crack. "Think you can walk?" Kenny asked, uselessly. The answer was obvious. But they had to get out of there, and soon!
Deep in his mind, Kenny knew why he did it. Katjaa...Duck...His family. Kenny was always a family man, providing like a man should so. So when the apocalypse had begun, Kenny only had one goal. Protect his family no matter what. Even if it meant to get blood on his hands, even if it meant to steal from another person, it was all for his family, their safety. Family is all. So when Duck got bit, the guilt instantly stuck with him. The blood on his hands must've been so deep, so stained, that it would now cost him his son to wash it all off. He felt like he had failed. He only had one task, protect his family, his fucking family! And he failed, he failed so miserably...And then when Katjaa just went and killed herself, Kenny could barely believe it. When it came to emotions, Katjaa was usually the stronger one. She knew that she had to keep them check, not Kenny. So when he realized she had pulled the trigger on herself, his whole world started to crumble around him. His son was dead. His wife was dead. His family was gone. What reason was there to go on? The boat... That damn boat...just because Katjaa gave up, didn't mean Kenny did. He wasn't like that, he couldn't be like that... He forgives his wife for giving up, but it didn't make it any more right. You can't just give up. He knew that when he went out of his way to be a hero, it could cost him his life. Yet Kenny accepted it so easily. Was he harbouring some sort of secret death wish? Is that why he was doing this? It seems pretty likely...His whole family was dead. His boat was gone. There was nothing, absolutely nothing left for him. He didn't really have any reason to live any longer...
But what about Lee and Clementine? Kenny was always on their side when they needed him, they are like family to him! He knew that Lee would find her, he had faith in him. Plus, Christa and Omid have his back, so he ain't alone. Plus Lee cut his arm off, which might mean that he won't turn...
It looks like Markd4547 isn't here at the moment, so i just gonna write my own review:
The art, too, is wonderfully realised, both making the world a dangerous but curious place, and giving a great deal of life to the characters. Just look at the characters expressiveness even without words. It plays right into the hands of its comic book counterpart, and leaves the story anything but lifeless. From the very beginning, this cross-over sinks its teeth in and never lets you go. It's a journey in the truest sense of the word, replete with tragedy, heartache, tension, fear, and even brief moments of catharsis. Calling this cross-over a work of entertainment almost seems like a misnomer, considering the heavy tone and general lack of sentimentality in the writing.
But still no match for Tobis comic book series! :D
The Stache and Shitbird - Part3:
Two years later...
Clementine looked over at the dying fire, watching the last embers rise from … morethe twigs and sticks burning beneath a weasel Christa killed a few hours ago. She had been sitting next to Christa for hours. At least, that's what she thought. It wasn't easy to keep track of time. Clementine walked back over to the log they were using as a makeshift bench and opened up her backpack leaning next to it. She pulled out her gun and placed it right beside her, making sure it was never out of reach. After last time, she wasn't going to let it out of sight while she was alone. She continued going through her pack, pausing momentarily to look at the photo of Lee she had picked up at the drugstore, back when she had just met him. It was times like these when she missed him the most. She took another pause to look at her second to the last thing she drew at the motor inn, a picture of Katjaa, Duc… [view original content]
But not done yet so do short summary instead of a full review
This character concentrated more on character depth then action and violence yet you still made it interesting and was fascinated to read what happens next something I taught was impossible. Loved Clem section was well written very sweet and added more depth to the story seeing different events than Kennys. You definitely have a great talent at writing story's with a lot of heart and you have unique writing style so cool. Overall think was another quality chapter looks like your best story yet each chapter getting better and better can't wait see what happens thanks the share stache.
The Stache and Shitbird - Part3:
Two years later...
Clementine looked over at the dying fire, watching the last embers rise from … morethe twigs and sticks burning beneath a weasel Christa killed a few hours ago. She had been sitting next to Christa for hours. At least, that's what she thought. It wasn't easy to keep track of time. Clementine walked back over to the log they were using as a makeshift bench and opened up her backpack leaning next to it. She pulled out her gun and placed it right beside her, making sure it was never out of reach. After last time, she wasn't going to let it out of sight while she was alone. She continued going through her pack, pausing momentarily to look at the photo of Lee she had picked up at the drugstore, back when she had just met him. It was times like these when she missed him the most. She took another pause to look at her second to the last thing she drew at the motor inn, a picture of Katjaa, Duc… [view original content]
First agree with your copy and paste review lol
But not done yet so do short summary instead of a full review
This character conce… morentrated more on character depth then action and violence yet you still made it interesting and was fascinated to read what happens next something I taught was impossible. Loved Clem section was well written very sweet and added more depth to the story seeing different events than Kennys. You definitely have a great talent at writing story's with a lot of heart and you have unique writing style so cool. Overall think was another quality chapter looks like your best story yet each chapter getting better and better can't wait see what happens thanks the share stache.
I really enjoy writting this story and thanks for another nice response!
The next part of The Stache and the Shitbird will be finished " super soon " and is " just around the corner ". (Not Telltale time:)
Kenny took the first few steps out the kitchen door, and Ben stumbled along next to him at a more halting pace. They made their way down the alley without any problems. Kenny kept Ben close to the building wall, in case the teenager would need extra support, and also to keep the pair of them more hidden and out of plain view. They stopped where the wall ended and the side of the road began. Kenny released Ben, who quickly caught his fall on the wall, sliding down it shakily. Kenny peered around the corner. To his relief, the street was virtually vacant, excepting some walkers in the near distance to the right, but they hadn't seen Kenny or Ben at all. Kenny turned back to Ben, who was glaring hotly up at him. Kenny got Ben back onto his feet, ignoring the look, and they began their shuffle down the side of the road, being careful to stay quiet and out of sight. Ben was panting rather loudly, but it wasn't a noise loud enough to draw attention. Cold sweat shone on the teenager's pale, narrow face, which was drawn tight with discomfort. He looked exhausted, Kenny thought sympathetically. So was he. But there was no stopping now. There was no denying that they needed to find help, and fast, or Ben really was going to die...
"Kenny.." Ben called in a pained whisper, and when Kenny turned his head to look at Ben, he saw that the there were tears collecting at the corners of Ben's light gray eyes. It took the older man a moment to realize they were tears of anguish. "What's the matter?" he asked, trying to meet Ben's clouded eyes. "It fucking hurts." Ben said in a deadpan voice. He seemed a lot more comfortable sitting than walking. "Kenny, you... you should just leave me here. Find Lee and them. I honestly don't see how you're going to be able to get me out of the city alive. You could make it on your own." Ben looked up pleadingly at Kenny, who gave a small shake of his head. "Oh, it's crossed my mind I'll assure you," Kenny said casually, sliding to a sit next to Ben. He gave a dry smirk. "I didn't even think you were gonna live through the day. But..." He glanced over at Ben, who was watching Kenny with a tiny, contemplative frown, but still the redhead remained attentive as Kenny continued. "Ben, I... you know I can't do that. We've been through too much shit together. You're... I... I just can't leave you to die here! Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay! " Ben's small frown turned into an equally small smile. Kenny smiled silently in return, then lightly shoved Ben's shoulder. "Alright, enough of this sappy shit. And wipe that stupid smirk off your face. We've still got a ways to go. " Ben looked surprised for a moment, but managed to school his grin into a neutral expression, turning his gaze to the long road ahead.
They had to stop three more times after that. Ben was drenched in sweat by the time the two of them can catch a glimpse the edge of the city, which leads out to a less sheltered area. It pains Kenny to push Ben along like this, but they have to keep moving while there's daylight. During their travel from the center of the city to the edge of it, they had searched for any possible ways to get to the rooftops again. Unfortunately there was no way they could try without making too much noise and drawing unwanted, undead attention. The two of them glanced at each other. Kenny euphoric and Ben tiredly. The two of them went on trudging somberly along. They had begun to cross a street when a walker lurched towards them from the shadows, latching its bony fingers around Ben's upper arm and yanking the teenager out of Kenny's grasp with surprising strength. Ben screamed, landing hard on his wounded side. The walked, also laying on the ground, began to crawl towards Ben, its bulging white eyes focused determinedly on Ben. Kenny, who had been standing numbly in momentary shock, lunged at the walker, tackling it away from Ben in a moment of pure adrenaline. The walker struggled with Kenny until it was looming over him, mouth agape. Kenny could see down its disgusting throat as it leaned in for his shoulder. Kenny kept it at bay, pushing at it with all of his strength, letting out strained grunts. KENNY! Push it to the side!" Kenny vaguely heard Ben's frantic shout. He focused all his energy towards one of the walker's shoulders, then swung his fist at it, effectively knocking the undead man onto its side, where it continued to reach for him. Kenny rolled away at the same time as Ben brought the heel of his foot down hard, landing it squarely in the center of the walker's temple. There was a wet, sickening crunch, and the walker was a dead corpse once again. Kenny struggled to his feet, breathing hard, heart pounding painfully.
" A little to close, don't ya think? " Kenny said as he looked up at Ben, who was staring down at the gory scene he had created, eyes wide. Slowly, the teenager looked up at Kenny. Then he fell to his knees, and more, less audible crunching was heard as a piece of skull was flattened under Ben's knee. "Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck..." Ben moaned, rocking his body from side to side, trying to stabilize the pain. Kenny grabbed onto his shoulders, squeezing tight. He stared down at Ben concernedly. "Ben, it's okay, just walk it off, walk it off." "Yeah, I'm okay..." Ben took a deep breath, his body going still again. Kenny felt his shoulders automatically relax. They stayed like that for a few moments, Kenny letting Ben recuperate. "... Thanks. You saved my ass back there kid. " Kenny said. Ben nodded faintly. "Least I could do," he replied. Kenny smirked, but gave Ben's shoulder a friendly pat. "You okay to go now?" Ben sat up, wincing all the while. "Fuck... Have I got a choice?" "Not really. But I can help you up. " Kenny offered Ben a hand, but Ben wasn't looking at him. His eyes were focused on something behind Kenny, and his face was slowly melding into terror!
Mixed it up again loved this built the tension slowly with the first few chapters focusing on character development so sudden action moment with the walker was completely unexpected and had me on the edge of my seat it was so violent and graphic love it. Loved whole dialogue between Ben and Kenny seeing them forming a close relationship but in a realistic fashion making the reader connect more with the characters as adds to the realism so they can relate very heartbreaking genius writing. Whole story again entertained no grammar mistakes and the descriptions were perfect felt in the moment.
Another quality chapter your a real talented writer stache and left it on a cliffhanger so need to see more just superb MOAR please
The Stache and the Shitbird - Part4:
Kenny took the first few steps out the kitchen door, and Ben stumbled along next to him at a more … morehalting pace. They made their way down the alley without any problems. Kenny kept Ben close to the building wall, in case the teenager would need extra support, and also to keep the pair of them more hidden and out of plain view. They stopped where the wall ended and the side of the road began. Kenny released Ben, who quickly caught his fall on the wall, sliding down it shakily. Kenny peered around the corner. To his relief, the street was virtually vacant, excepting some walkers in the near distance to the right, but they hadn't seen Kenny or Ben at all. Kenny turned back to Ben, who was glaring hotly up at him. Kenny got Ben back onto his feet, ignoring the look, and they began their shuffle down the side of the road, being careful to stay quiet and out of sight. Ben was panting rather loudly, but it wa… [view original content]
Mixed it up again loved this built the tension slowly with the first few chapters focusing on character development so sudden a… morection moment with the walker was completely unexpected and had me on the edge of my seat it was so violent and graphic love it. Loved whole dialogue between Ben and Kenny seeing them forming a close relationship but in a realistic fashion making the reader connect more with the characters as adds to the realism so they can relate very heartbreaking genius writing. Whole story again entertained no grammar mistakes and the descriptions were perfect felt in the moment.
Another quality chapter your a real talented writer stache and left it on a cliffhanger so need to see more just superb MOAR please
MOAR cliffhangers made the ending so epic as for telltale you got inspired by them but you made your own story all credit to the mighty stache and his incredible stories
That gliffhanger at the end! :D
Alright that's enough for one day...i will continue the stroy with part 5 tommorow. I hope you enjoyed it so far! (Because i certainly did!)
Hi all! I figured I may as well contribute to Mark's story thread here, since he has greatly contributed to mine back on the TWAU forums. So… more, before I begin: note that this particular story of mine will follow an entire set of new characters of my own, but will take place after the events of season 1, when Savannah got overrun and all that. I hope you enjoy!
'The Woeful Pair', by: DragonButter (work in progress!)
Chapter 1: An Angel in the Premises
"Shit, of course there'd be no supplies here, those signs out on the roads were a lie, a goddamn lie." He groaned to himself. "Fuckin' scavengers."
"Well, time to move on like I always do, I suppose." Slowly opening the gas station door, he got his cleaver at the ready, and walked out.
Walking along a lonesome rural Georgia road once again, he had always pondered about how life was normal, way before the outbreak started. He had missed playing his video games, reading his Fables comi… [view original content]
This will be the second chapter to my story, you can view the first chapter on the page before this, if you haven't seen it already! Enjoy!
Chapter 2: A Girl's Night Out
"...And here is where you'll be sharing bunks with me, Max. Not the best of places to sleep, but it's comfy at the very least." She then climbed the ladder to the top bunk, took the sword strap off from around her hips and placed it under her pillow. The sword itself, however, she stuck it into the wall next to her. Max was surprised.
"You never know when walkers will attack, kid. I keep 'Slasher' handy whenever I need her."
"'Slasher'? Is that what you call your sword?"
Laughing, Rayne laid her back on the mattress and crossed her legs. "Yep, helped me plenty of times when I first found her off of a movie set, I think."
Max chuckled. "Really?" He sat in a chair next to the bunk, eagerly awaiting to hear the rest of Rayne's story.
"Haha, yes, it was actually a movie prop, believe it or not. The damn thing is just as deadly though."
"What about you, Max? Got a name for your cleaver there, did you kill any with it?" She looked down at him from above.
"Err, no, I never really thought up a name for it, and yeah, I have. Why?"
Rayne shrugged. "Oh, no specific reason." Yawning, she laid her head on her pillow again and looked up at the ceiling. "Well, good night Max, you should get some sleep yourself. Blow out the candle by the window too while you're at it."
Max agreed, got up from the chair, and blew the candlestick out. After that, he couldn't help but hear the numerous zombies that were walking around in the forest behind the mansion. Trying to block the noises out, he went to the lower bunk bed, and closed his eyes.
He tossed and turned, attempting to sleep, but Max couldn't bear in doing so with all the racket outside.
Rubbing his head, he decided to go back down to the first floor to unwind.
Max knew it was pitch-black downstairs, after Rayne and him blew out all of the candles earlier, he didn't care. He had memorized the layout of the house pretty well after Rayne had given him a tour from before.
Proceeding down the stairs slowly, to avoid tripping down the steps, Max heard a faint noise. He stopped, took out his cleaver, and walked cautiously in the dark, towards the living room.
As he walked closer and closer, he felt an arm wrap around his neck, catching him completely off-guard, while the other arm seemingly held some weapon dangerously close to his face.
"Who are you?" Another female voice whispered.
"Please. Whoever you are. I'm Max. I'm gonna assume that you've mistaken me for a trespassing bandit, believe me though, I'm not one, I promise."
"Promise? She laughed. "I should kill you right now, nobody's going to rob my best friend, no one." Max sensed the weapon getting closer and closer.
"NO, STOP! Is it your best friend Rayne, by any chance!?" If so, she took me in as a guest! That's all! Please don't kill me!"
Max felt the weapon lower and her arm unwrapping around his neck. He let out a relieved sigh, kneeling down on the creaky floor.
The mysterious figure behind him sighed. "I'm sorry, whoever you are, don-"
"Just what in the fuck is going on here, Max?" Max and the mysterious woman looked to the side and saw Rayne walk down the stairwell with a lit candlestick in her left hand, and 'Slasher' in her right.
The mysterious woman's tone changed drastically. "Rayne, is that you?"
"M-molly? Am I fucking dreaming or what?" Rayne quickly went downstairs and held the candle to her face. "Oh my God, it is you!" Both of them hugged each other tight as they dropped their weapons on the floor.
Max knelt in silence, confused and still disoriented from the 'interrogation'. Though, he had felt happy that Rayne reunited with this 'Molly', from what he gathered from the situation. First things first though, the three of them needed a good night's rest. Tomorrow will be a new day.
Loved this you have a great imagination dragon really interesting read. This chapter again kept the mystery element so I enjoyed reading the whole thing as I never knew what was going to happen next but was also dying to found out brilliant writing. The grammar spotted no mistakes, the descriptions always felt in the moment and never got lost in the story. I'm really looking forward to see what happens next thanks for quality story dragon
This will be the second chapter to my story, you can view the first chapter on the page before this, if you haven't seen it already! Enjoy!
… more
Chapter 2: A Girl's Night Out
"...And here is where you'll be sharing bunks with me, Max. Not the best of places to sleep, but it's comfy at the very least." She then climbed the ladder to the top bunk, took the sword strap off from around her hips and placed it under her pillow. The sword itself, however, she stuck it into the wall next to her. Max was surprised.
"You never know when walkers will attack, kid. I keep 'Slasher' handy whenever I need her."
"'Slasher'? Is that what you call your sword?"
Laughing, Rayne laid her back on the mattress and crossed her legs. "Yep, helped me plenty of times when I first found her off of a movie set, I think."
Max chuckled. "Really?" He sat in a chair next to the bunk, eagerly awaiting to hear the rest of Rayne's story.
"Haha, yes… [view original content]
I'm not one for writing,I suck at it,but has anyone made a story that follows a walker? It could be interesting if someone could pull it off,I haven't looked through the whole thread to see so if it has been done then sorry.
**What walking dead character do you look like the most? (pics if you have them) pg 10**
Can't even post the link to where the mod said it but there's the name and the page of the thread the mod says it
Jennifer Mod says it at the end
It was a gif of Jim Carrey (In Jim carrey face) saying " i like that alot " from the movie dumb and dumber! (a classic)
Kenny was itching to do something. He ran his tongue over his dry, cracked lips, staring vacantly out of the kitchen window. This wasn't the best place to be with a slowly dying youth. Kenny knew that the wound was extremely fatal and probably infected by this point. And it was doubtlessly causing a ton of pain. Frankly he'd been waiting for Ben's quiet breaths to falter and then die away into silence, but the kid was still fighting for every intake of oxygen, and so far had yet to cut out on Kenny. The sound of fabric scraping against wood roused Kenny from his thoughts, and the older man jolted in his seat as he realized it was coming from the kitchen table. Kenny whirled around, nearly falling out of the chair, causing it to tilt dangerously to the side. He saw Ben's chronically still form, shifting on the table. And Ben was muttering, as if he were being woken from sleep. Kenny was at the teenager's side before even he knew it. "Ben? Can ya hear me?" he demanded, watching intently as Ben's eyelids very faintly fluttered. He was briefly hesitant to touch Ben, for some reason, so he just gripped the edge of the table and waited for the kid to come around on his own.
Slowly, Ben's eyes cracked open. "Uhnn..." he said. Unable to keep from comforting him any longer, Kenny placed his hand over Ben's upper arm, heart beating with hope. "Ben? Ya with me?" Kenny whispered, as suddenly the silence was deafening, and he found he could barely manage to speak over it. "K...K...en...ny?" Ben murmured, staring hazily at the ceiling. His voice was riddled through with acute pain. Kenny swallowed dryly. "Yeah, I'm right here Pal, you with me Ben? " Kenny coached, hoping that Ben could hear what he was saying. Ben's head turned ever so slightly to the side, and his half-clouded eyes met with Kenny's. He hadn't moved his head an inch before his body suddenly seized up. "Can't... move. Hurts..." The teenager panted through clenched teeth, and Kenny noticed that his hands were clenched into white-knuckled fists. "Alright Ben, s'okay if you can't, we're safe," Kenny reassured, glancing over to the kitchen, which was a useless gesture. Nothing there could help ease Ben's agony. "Ben, you just gotta stay with me, okay?" Kenny had no idea what he was doing, what he should be telling Ben to do, but it was better than just sitting around doing nothing...Probably. "Okay..." Ben moaned airily, and his limbs all slowly but surely relaxed until his body was once again limp on the table. Kenny felt himself calm down a little bit along with the teenager. There wasn't anything he could do except wait for Ben to give some other sign that he was okay. Kenny... Where are we?" Ben asked, his voice cracking and giving out in odd places. Kenny slightly tightened his grip on Ben's arm, in a silent demand for him to stop trying to talk. "Somewhere in this goddamn city. I don't know. We lost the others when you fell from the balcony and got yourself shish kabobbed. They probably think we're dead." Kenny toke a quick look at Ben. " Jesus Ben, do you even feel the hole through your fuckin' body?" "S-sort of..." Ben lifted his head and cast a weak glance down at his chest, not even asking where his school sweater's sleeves had gone. "Where is it again?" Kenny shook his head slowly. "I still can't believe you're alive right now, kid. In any case, we should probably leave soon. I was just waiting to see if... you were gonna be stickin' around." Ben's brow furrowed slightly. "Well... I am. I think." The teenager's head fell with a dull thud back onto the table as he said this, his face turning ghostly white. Kenny sighed, a deep, weighed-down sigh. "I really damn hope so boy. Now let's figure a way out'a here and get that little girl!"
Wow so deep and beautifully written you keep on surprising me Stache with such beautiful story's and this had great emotional depth the descriptions and the moments perfectly written nearly had me in tears felt every scene like I was in the moment so well written. Tension was high thorough was hooked to every line. Seeing different side to Kenny in desperate attempt to save Ben as hope was slowly dying then his determination to go save Clem really struck a cord with me just beautiful thanks stache can't wait to read the rest just quality.
I can longer be able to post my story and your prize Markd. I'M SO SORRY. THERE'S NO WAY NOW!
Two years later...
Clementine looked over at the dying fire, watching the last embers rise from the twigs and sticks burning beneath a weasel Christa killed a few hours ago. She had been sitting next to Christa for hours. At least, that's what she thought. It wasn't easy to keep track of time. Clementine walked back over to the log they were using as a makeshift bench and opened up her backpack leaning next to it. She pulled out her gun and placed it right beside her, making sure it was never out of reach. After last time, she wasn't going to let it out of sight while she was alone. She continued going through her pack, pausing momentarily to look at the photo of Lee she had picked up at the drugstore, back when she had just met him. It was times like these when she missed him the most. She took another pause to look at her second to the last thing she drew at the motor inn, a picture of Katjaa, Duck and Kenny. Katjaa had always been kind to her, right from the start. She treated her almost like she was her own kid in a lot of ways. Duck was Duck. He got on her nerves, but he was almost like a brother to her. From everything she had heard, that was part of what siblings did to each other. Kenny was always there for Lee and Clem when they needed him, he was a good man. He kept going on after loosing his family. Just like her. Christa...and Omid had told her that he died trying to save Ben's life, that he forgave him for what happened to Katjaa and Duck. She missed him!
Two years earlyer...
It had taken some time to get Ben to stand upright,and when he finally had gotten on his feet after many attempts, the teenager nearly toppled over onto the ground immediately with a yelp. Kenny caught him under his arms just before he could smash his head on the table. "Don't force yourself, Ben," Kenny said worriedly, letting Ben lean on him until he could stand on his own again. Ben managed to stay on his feet this time, but had to lean very heavily on the kitchen table. His whole body was quivering as if he were cold, but Kenny knew otherwise. The pain must be unbearable, he thought sympathetically. "Guh- God..." Ben spluttered, gripping the edge of the table so hard Kenny could hear the bones in his fingers crack. "Think you can walk?" Kenny asked, uselessly. The answer was obvious. But they had to get out of there, and soon!
Deep in his mind, Kenny knew why he did it. Katjaa...Duck...His family. Kenny was always a family man, providing like a man should so. So when the apocalypse had begun, Kenny only had one goal. Protect his family no matter what. Even if it meant to get blood on his hands, even if it meant to steal from another person, it was all for his family, their safety. Family is all. So when Duck got bit, the guilt instantly stuck with him. The blood on his hands must've been so deep, so stained, that it would now cost him his son to wash it all off. He felt like he had failed. He only had one task, protect his family, his fucking family! And he failed, he failed so miserably...And then when Katjaa just went and killed herself, Kenny could barely believe it. When it came to emotions, Katjaa was usually the stronger one. She knew that she had to keep them check, not Kenny. So when he realized she had pulled the trigger on herself, his whole world started to crumble around him. His son was dead. His wife was dead. His family was gone. What reason was there to go on? The boat... That damn boat...just because Katjaa gave up, didn't mean Kenny did. He wasn't like that, he couldn't be like that... He forgives his wife for giving up, but it didn't make it any more right. You can't just give up. He knew that when he went out of his way to be a hero, it could cost him his life. Yet Kenny accepted it so easily. Was he harbouring some sort of secret death wish? Is that why he was doing this? It seems pretty likely...His whole family was dead. His boat was gone. There was nothing, absolutely nothing left for him. He didn't really have any reason to live any longer...
But what about Lee and Clementine? Kenny was always on their side when they needed him, they are like family to him! He knew that Lee would find her, he had faith in him. Plus, Christa and Omid have his back, so he ain't alone. Plus Lee cut his arm off, which might mean that he won't turn...
It might...
The art, too, is wonderfully realised, both making the world a dangerous but curious place, and giving a great deal of life to the characters. Just look at the characters expressiveness even without words. It plays right into the hands of its comic book counterpart, and leaves the story anything but lifeless. From the very beginning, this cross-over sinks its teeth in and never lets you go. It's a journey in the truest sense of the word, replete with tragedy, heartache, tension, fear, and even brief moments of catharsis. Calling this cross-over a work of entertainment almost seems like a misnomer, considering the heavy tone and general lack of sentimentality in the writing.
But still no match for Tobis comic book series! :D

Damnit...Posting picture's still isn't working it seems! :D (I was trolling myself, with some funny Jiraiya pics.)
Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump.
But not done yet so do short summary instead of a full review
This character concentrated more on character depth then action and violence yet you still made it interesting and was fascinated to read what happens next something I taught was impossible. Loved Clem section was well written very sweet and added more depth to the story seeing different events than Kennys. You definitely have a great talent at writing story's with a lot of heart and you have unique writing style so cool. Overall think was another quality chapter looks like your best story yet each chapter getting better and better can't wait see what happens thanks the share stache.
YES!!! can't wait to read rest of your masterpieces of chapters this is going to be epic
The next part of The Stache and the Shitbird will be finished " super soon " and is " just around the corner ". (Not Telltale time:)
Kenny took the first few steps out the kitchen door, and Ben stumbled along next to him at a more halting pace. They made their way down the alley without any problems. Kenny kept Ben close to the building wall, in case the teenager would need extra support, and also to keep the pair of them more hidden and out of plain view. They stopped where the wall ended and the side of the road began. Kenny released Ben, who quickly caught his fall on the wall, sliding down it shakily. Kenny peered around the corner. To his relief, the street was virtually vacant, excepting some walkers in the near distance to the right, but they hadn't seen Kenny or Ben at all. Kenny turned back to Ben, who was glaring hotly up at him. Kenny got Ben back onto his feet, ignoring the look, and they began their shuffle down the side of the road, being careful to stay quiet and out of sight. Ben was panting rather loudly, but it wasn't a noise loud enough to draw attention. Cold sweat shone on the teenager's pale, narrow face, which was drawn tight with discomfort. He looked exhausted, Kenny thought sympathetically. So was he. But there was no stopping now. There was no denying that they needed to find help, and fast, or Ben really was going to die...
"Kenny.." Ben called in a pained whisper, and when Kenny turned his head to look at Ben, he saw that the there were tears collecting at the corners of Ben's light gray eyes. It took the older man a moment to realize they were tears of anguish. "What's the matter?" he asked, trying to meet Ben's clouded eyes. "It fucking hurts." Ben said in a deadpan voice. He seemed a lot more comfortable sitting than walking. "Kenny, you... you should just leave me here. Find Lee and them. I honestly don't see how you're going to be able to get me out of the city alive. You could make it on your own." Ben looked up pleadingly at Kenny, who gave a small shake of his head. "Oh, it's crossed my mind I'll assure you," Kenny said casually, sliding to a sit next to Ben. He gave a dry smirk. "I didn't even think you were gonna live through the day. But..." He glanced over at Ben, who was watching Kenny with a tiny, contemplative frown, but still the redhead remained attentive as Kenny continued. "Ben, I... you know I can't do that. We've been through too much shit together. You're... I... I just can't leave you to die here! Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay! " Ben's small frown turned into an equally small smile. Kenny smiled silently in return, then lightly shoved Ben's shoulder. "Alright, enough of this sappy shit. And wipe that stupid smirk off your face. We've still got a ways to go. " Ben looked surprised for a moment, but managed to school his grin into a neutral expression, turning his gaze to the long road ahead.
They had to stop three more times after that. Ben was drenched in sweat by the time the two of them can catch a glimpse the edge of the city, which leads out to a less sheltered area. It pains Kenny to push Ben along like this, but they have to keep moving while there's daylight. During their travel from the center of the city to the edge of it, they had searched for any possible ways to get to the rooftops again. Unfortunately there was no way they could try without making too much noise and drawing unwanted, undead attention. The two of them glanced at each other. Kenny euphoric and Ben tiredly. The two of them went on trudging somberly along. They had begun to cross a street when a walker lurched towards them from the shadows, latching its bony fingers around Ben's upper arm and yanking the teenager out of Kenny's grasp with surprising strength. Ben screamed, landing hard on his wounded side. The walked, also laying on the ground, began to crawl towards Ben, its bulging white eyes focused determinedly on Ben. Kenny, who had been standing numbly in momentary shock, lunged at the walker, tackling it away from Ben in a moment of pure adrenaline. The walker struggled with Kenny until it was looming over him, mouth agape. Kenny could see down its disgusting throat as it leaned in for his shoulder. Kenny kept it at bay, pushing at it with all of his strength, letting out strained grunts. KENNY! Push it to the side!" Kenny vaguely heard Ben's frantic shout. He focused all his energy towards one of the walker's shoulders, then swung his fist at it, effectively knocking the undead man onto its side, where it continued to reach for him. Kenny rolled away at the same time as Ben brought the heel of his foot down hard, landing it squarely in the center of the walker's temple. There was a wet, sickening crunch, and the walker was a dead corpse once again. Kenny struggled to his feet, breathing hard, heart pounding painfully.
" A little to close, don't ya think? " Kenny said as he looked up at Ben, who was staring down at the gory scene he had created, eyes wide. Slowly, the teenager looked up at Kenny. Then he fell to his knees, and more, less audible crunching was heard as a piece of skull was flattened under Ben's knee. "Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck..." Ben moaned, rocking his body from side to side, trying to stabilize the pain. Kenny grabbed onto his shoulders, squeezing tight. He stared down at Ben concernedly. "Ben, it's okay, just walk it off, walk it off." "Yeah, I'm okay..." Ben took a deep breath, his body going still again. Kenny felt his shoulders automatically relax. They stayed like that for a few moments, Kenny letting Ben recuperate. "... Thanks. You saved my ass back there kid. " Kenny said. Ben nodded faintly. "Least I could do," he replied. Kenny smirked, but gave Ben's shoulder a friendly pat. "You okay to go now?" Ben sat up, wincing all the while. "Fuck... Have I got a choice?" "Not really. But I can help you up. " Kenny offered Ben a hand, but Ben wasn't looking at him. His eyes were focused on something behind Kenny, and his face was slowly melding into terror!
Alright that's enough for one day...i will continue the stroy with part 5 tommorow. I hope you enjoyed it so far! (Because i certainly did!)
Mixed it up again loved this built the tension slowly with the first few chapters focusing on character development so sudden action moment with the walker was completely unexpected and had me on the edge of my seat it was so violent and graphic love it. Loved whole dialogue between Ben and Kenny seeing them forming a close relationship but in a realistic fashion making the reader connect more with the characters as adds to the realism so they can relate very heartbreaking genius writing. Whole story again entertained no grammar mistakes and the descriptions were perfect felt in the moment.
Another quality chapter your a real talented writer stache and left it on a cliffhanger so need to see more just superb MOAR please
Telltale taught me well! :D
Chapter 2: A Girl's Night Out
"...And here is where you'll be sharing bunks with me, Max. Not the best of places to sleep, but it's comfy at the very least." She then climbed the ladder to the top bunk, took the sword strap off from around her hips and placed it under her pillow. The sword itself, however, she stuck it into the wall next to her. Max was surprised.
"You never know when walkers will attack, kid. I keep 'Slasher' handy whenever I need her."
"'Slasher'? Is that what you call your sword?"
Laughing, Rayne laid her back on the mattress and crossed her legs. "Yep, helped me plenty of times when I first found her off of a movie set, I think."
Max chuckled. "Really?" He sat in a chair next to the bunk, eagerly awaiting to hear the rest of Rayne's story.
"Haha, yes, it was actually a movie prop, believe it or not. The damn thing is just as deadly though."
"What about you, Max? Got a name for your cleaver there, did you kill any with it?" She looked down at him from above.
"Err, no, I never really thought up a name for it, and yeah, I have. Why?"
Rayne shrugged. "Oh, no specific reason." Yawning, she laid her head on her pillow again and looked up at the ceiling. "Well, good night Max, you should get some sleep yourself. Blow out the candle by the window too while you're at it."
Max agreed, got up from the chair, and blew the candlestick out. After that, he couldn't help but hear the numerous zombies that were walking around in the forest behind the mansion. Trying to block the noises out, he went to the lower bunk bed, and closed his eyes.
He tossed and turned, attempting to sleep, but Max couldn't bear in doing so with all the racket outside.
Rubbing his head, he decided to go back down to the first floor to unwind.
Max knew it was pitch-black downstairs, after Rayne and him blew out all of the candles earlier, he didn't care. He had memorized the layout of the house pretty well after Rayne had given him a tour from before.
Proceeding down the stairs slowly, to avoid tripping down the steps, Max heard a faint noise. He stopped, took out his cleaver, and walked cautiously in the dark, towards the living room.
As he walked closer and closer, he felt an arm wrap around his neck, catching him completely off-guard, while the other arm seemingly held some weapon dangerously close to his face.
"Who are you?" Another female voice whispered.
"Please. Whoever you are. I'm Max. I'm gonna assume that you've mistaken me for a trespassing bandit, believe me though, I'm not one, I promise."
"Promise? She laughed. "I should kill you right now, nobody's going to rob my best friend, no one." Max sensed the weapon getting closer and closer.
"NO, STOP! Is it your best friend Rayne, by any chance!?" If so, she took me in as a guest! That's all! Please don't kill me!"
Max felt the weapon lower and her arm unwrapping around his neck. He let out a relieved sigh, kneeling down on the creaky floor.
The mysterious figure behind him sighed. "I'm sorry, whoever you are, don-"
"Just what in the fuck is going on here, Max?" Max and the mysterious woman looked to the side and saw Rayne walk down the stairwell with a lit candlestick in her left hand, and 'Slasher' in her right.
The mysterious woman's tone changed drastically. "Rayne, is that you?"
"M-molly? Am I fucking dreaming or what?" Rayne quickly went downstairs and held the candle to her face. "Oh my God, it is you!" Both of them hugged each other tight as they dropped their weapons on the floor.
Max knelt in silence, confused and still disoriented from the 'interrogation'. Though, he had felt happy that Rayne reunited with this 'Molly', from what he gathered from the situation. First things first though, the three of them needed a good night's rest. Tomorrow will be a new day.
END, of Chapter 2.
Loved this you have a great imagination dragon really interesting read. This chapter again kept the mystery element so I enjoyed reading the whole thing as I never knew what was going to happen next but was also dying to found out brilliant writing. The grammar spotted no mistakes, the descriptions always felt in the moment and never got lost in the story. I'm really looking forward to see what happens next thanks for quality story dragon