I have to go with the obvious since this is the Telltale website, Lee and Doug from The Walking Dead: Season One and Omid from The Walking Dead: Season Two, definitely. And, even though the death wasn't permanent, Guybrush's death in Tales of Monkey Island (and even Max's death in Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse, even though the death wasn't permanent, and he's died before in the comics, just the way Sam sadly walks along the cityscape after he learns Mama Bosco can't bring Max back). Telltale is really good at pulling at your heart strings.
Outside of Telltale, Lola's death in Grim Fandango chokes me up every time.
'The Boss' in Snake Eater. The fact that Snake (read: Big Boss) is forced to put down the closest thing he had to a mother is sad enough, but revelation that comes afterward makes it much, much worse. If you go into first person during that scene, Snake's vision is blurry. let's just say he wasn't the only one fighting back tears.
Well... Let's see.... Lee from TWD, Trish from Infamous, Cole from infamous 2, Reggie from infamous 2nd son, Jackie from Sleeping Dogs, Sarah from The Last of Us, Herobrine from Minecraft. ): Jackie. WHY THE FUCK?! DID IT HAVE TO BE JACKIE!?
When you write a comment, you tick the box next to "This comment contains spoilers". It will ask you to "give some details". You will be able to choose a category. Select "Other". Then you will be asked to explain. Type in the titles of the games you wrote the spoilers of (I wrote "Here's how" now).
Hmmmm...tough to say honestly. I actually thought MGS2 was pretty good. The post-modern mindscrew of an ending really strikes a chord these days with how much the government tries to control information. On the other hand, it was excruciatingly long-winded.
Honestly, in terms of pure unadulterated 'fun' I'd have to go with MGS3. Loved the '60's spy movie' vibe. Plus I got to beat Ocelot senseless a bunch of times, which is always entertaining.
I loved it when the Colonel orders you to unplug the console...and then he/it starts going nuts.
Colonel: I hear it's amazing when the Purple-stuffed worm in Flap-jaw space, with the tuning fork, does a raw-blink on Hari-kiri Rock! I need scissors! 61!
Me: Go home Colonel, you're drunk. :D
I played through that game the first time when I was thirteen. Oh the nightmares...
I loved it when the Colonel orders you to unplug the console...and then he/it starts going nuts.
Colonel: I hear it's amazing when the … morePurple-stuffed worm in Flap-jaw space, with the tuning fork, does a raw-blink on Hari-kiri Rock! I need scissors! 61!
Me: Go home Colonel, you're drunk. :D
I played through that game the first time when I was thirteen. Oh the nightmares...
Then it gets considerably less funny. When you're about to fight Solidus, the colonel suddenly looks like a monster and says "Our beloved monsters. Enjoy yourselves." in a creepy deadpan voice.
Then it gets considerably less funny. When you're about to fight Solidus, the colonel suddenly looks like a monster and says "Our beloved monsters. Enjoy yourselves." in a creepy deadpan voice.
Some deaths are pretty sad, like Aerith's death in Final Fantasy VII, or Guybrush's death in Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood. But for me, the saddest death of all has to be The Joker's death by Titan poisoning at the end of Batman: Arkham City. I mean, Batman had some bond between them, but after losing the Joker to the disease due to his stabbing the Dark Knight in the arm and causing him to drop the cure just when he was considering saving the Clown Prince of Crime, Batman feels so heartbroken and sad at the loss of his greatest enemy in the aftermath that follows. I felt, and still feel, like crying in that depressing aftermath.
Blackbeard in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. The tone in the end of that mission was really gloomy.
I have to go with the obvious since this is the Telltale website, Lee and Doug from The Walking Dead: Season One and Omid from The Walking Dead: Season Two, definitely. And, even though the death wasn't permanent, Guybrush's death in Tales of Monkey Island (and even Max's death in Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse, even though the death wasn't permanent, and he's died before in the comics, just the way Sam sadly walks along the cityscape after he learns Mama Bosco can't bring Max back). Telltale is really good at pulling at your heart strings.
Outside of Telltale, Lola's death in Grim Fandango chokes me up every time.
When Capt. Fox 'Spooky' Mulder got crit by a thin man in XCOM: EU. Had to just delete the file and start over.
It's been a decade and I'm still kinda bitter about it.
And don't even get me started about EVE or EVA or whatever the hell she was called. That....bitch.
Hope I helped. If you have a question, just ask.
Honestly, in terms of pure unadulterated 'fun' I'd have to go with MGS3. Loved the '60's spy movie' vibe. Plus I got to beat Ocelot senseless a bunch of times, which is always entertaining.
Colonel: I hear it's amazing when the Purple-stuffed worm in Flap-jaw space, with the tuning fork, does a raw-blink on Hari-kiri Rock! I need scissors! 61!
Me: Go home Colonel, you're drunk. :D
I played through that game the first time when I was thirteen. Oh the nightmares...
It's not only a saying, bro. It's a way of life...