Yeah, it wasn't really his plan...



  • Careful now, you don't want to get on Kenny's blind side

    *Eye* see what you did there. :P

  • tell him man.
    Regi_ posted: »

    Here comes a long ass post. Sorry but I have to call you out on your bullshit here. 1. Kenny was helping his kid, he tried to help his

  • edited May 2014
    It was 3 minutes. Kenny didn't cave Carver's skull in right away. First he argued with the group that he was going to do it then he walked around letting Carver talk a bunch of nonsense then he started to wail on Carver until his whole face was gone. There were walkers everywhere, from all sides. The group definitely would have been fine crossing open ground because Carver's people weren't even on the roof yet until after the group was in the herd. If you watch a playthrough, you'll see that when they cover themselves in guts and there were lurkers infiltrating the camp, they still weren't shooting at any lurkers (probably because they weren't at the roof yet). You're saying that the lurkers can cross open grounds and infiltrate the camp before there were any gunshots, but when we get a 3 minute head start, we get shot?
    Rock114 posted: »

    There is no way that was three minutes. It doesn't take three minutes to cave in a man's skull (not speaking from experience). Kenny wailed

  • edited May 2014
    "He got lucky. Real lucky."

    On a serious note, we still don't know how Kenny got away, but he at least could still run. Carver had both of his kneecaps shot out. Nowadays, you would need surgery and you'll be lucky to walk, but in a zombie apocalypse with no hospitals and no doctor (R.I.P. Carlos), Carver would never be able to walk again if he miraculously survives. The worst thing that could happen is Carver surviving and chasing us in his motor scooter.
    Rock114 posted: »

    During No Time Left, Kenny was out of ammunition, surrounded from all sides, and never made a dent in the herd. How did that turn out?

  • I thought the plan was great. I even predicted this happening judging by the trailer. The plan only sucked because Carver's people started shooting. Lee would have approved of this plan after what him and Clem did at The Marsh House
  • No, Tavia was already on the roof before Clem got to the stockroom. You can see her there right after Clem turns on the PA system, so who's to say the other guards weren't right behind her? They may have been waiting for orders from Carver before they decided to begin shooting anyway, but what if they saw all of their prisoners making a break for the herd? They sure as hell would have opened fire then and killed everyone. The group wouldn't have been fine at all. I find it hard to blame Kenny for bashing Carver's face in, given everything that the man did. Carver deserved it. He probably deserved worse. Carver killed Kenny's friend, forced him into slavery at gunpoint, and blinded him in one of his eyes. How can you not understand Kenny being so angry after all of that? Kenny could have done much worse and taken much longer. The rest of the group was perfectly fine with letting him do that, too. Someone could just as easily have shot Carver and ended it quickly, but instead the group elected to let Kenny have that time to bash Carver's face in.

    It was 3 minutes. Kenny didn't cave Carver's skull in right away. First he argued with the group that he was going to do it then he walked a

  • Kenny idea wasn't good. but his ideas always seem more fantasy then realistic. At the start of ep3 Kenny untied himself, seeing the others trying to stay relax as wanting to go home. he doesn't try to untie anyone else for backup and ignoring people telling him once the door will be open there will be more then one person and they would most likely have guns. he thinks he will be a hero by beating down more then one person and not count how fast a bullet flies from a gun.

    "I'm gonna punch the first sonuvabitch I see. Then I'm gonna take his gun and use it to shoot the next sonuvabitch I see."

    seriously if you go with the I think we should wait for a better plan Kenny says its ok and acts that Clementine is crazy. geez thanks Kenny.
  • The worst thing that could have happened was Troy coming in, seeing his boss wounded on the ground, then carrying him to the truck and driving away. Followed by hunting down the group and killing them all, of course. The fact is, if they actually had left Carver there then he would have survived and continued to hunt them down.

    "He got lucky. Real lucky." On a serious note, we still don't know how Kenny got away, but he at least could still run. Carver had both

  • Dad...why don't you go help Mark with the wall?

    Oh wait, they're all dead.
    skoothz posted: »

    Are you kidding me? My girl's got more balls than all of you combined!

  • Mark seems kind of upset. What's eating him?
    ComingSoon posted: »

    Dad...why don't you go help Mark with the wall? Oh wait, they're all dead.

  • Luke has been imprisoned by Carver way longer. Carver has killed Luke's friends or people who Luke cares about have died trying to escape Carver, and he abused Luke yet Luke was willing to put that aside to be the better man. Not to stoop down to his level and beat him to death. I love how Kenny is fine with Clem staying if she chooses to. Lee would not have wanted that (Depending on your Lee). Every moral chose Lee has done was to keep Clem's humanity which could be undone by Kenny at that very moment.

    So they're waiting for Carver's order to shoot lurkers that are breaching there camp, (they shoot anyways so that can't be the case) but they would shoot the prisoners escaping? I don't think so because they know that Carver is all about welcoming escapees with open arms and they think that Carver would just track them back down. Also they know how much Rebecca means to Carver so they would be scared shitless to even attempt to shoot at them because they fear Carver and after what they saw him do to Kenny, (he probably sets examples all the time) I highly doubt they would shoot the prisoners that Carver is trying to reform.
    Rock114 posted: »

    No, Tavia was already on the roof before Clem got to the stockroom. You can see her there right after Clem turns on the PA system, so who's

  • edited May 2014
    Carver wouldn't leave his community behind. He would want to stay to fight the hoard before hunting the group down because from what we heard in the conversation between Tavia and one of Carver's henchmen was that Carver underestimates lurker hoards and has been proven that he failed to fight one off before. Luke said that this hoard was nothing Carver has seen before and Carver thinking that they're always ready, would try to fight them off and fail miserably.
    Rock114 posted: »

    The worst thing that could have happened was Troy coming in, seeing his boss wounded on the ground, then carrying him to the truck and drivi

  • edited May 2014
    I think the point here is that Kenny came up with the plan BEFORE he knew about the walker guts and before Bonnie defected.

    It's like if his plan was "detonate a bomb in the camp, then somehow escape", and then someone ELSE came up with the more important parts of the plan later, such as "how the hell will we survive the explosion?" or "where will we get a freaking bomb?" or "how exactly will we escape?" or "how will we get past the heavily armed guards who weren't killed in the explosion?"

    Sure, I guess Kenny deserves credit for coming up with the basic outline of the plan. But he shouldn't be hailed as the mastermind who made it all work, especially since he basically contributed nothing towards it besides a vague outline.
  • Luke just isn't cut out to do some of the harder things that need to be done. Like killing Carver. Carver had to die or even more group members would have been killed by him. I'm sure Luke would love to hold himself above Carver and say that he's the better man while standing on a pile of his friends' corpses, because not finishing Carver off would have resulted in far more deaths. Kenny didn't stoop down to Carver's level by beating him to death, he simply eliminated a very dangerous threat. Kenny even says that Clem should leave before he begins beating Carver and tells her that she doesn't need to see it. If Clem stays, it's not because Kenny asks her to. It's because Clem wants to, despite being told directly by Kenny to leave and that it's going to be messy. That's all on Clem and the player, not Kenny.

    Carver welcomes escapees? I'm sure Sarah felt very welcome after Carver forced her father to hit her. And how much can Carver really care for Rebecca? I don't suppose you heard that tiny little line in the stockroom where Carver threatens to shoot both her and her unborn child just to keep her from leaving again? Yeah, Carver sure sounds like Father of the Year material, doesn't he?

    Luke has been imprisoned by Carver way longer. Carver has killed Luke's friends or people who Luke cares about have died trying to escape Ca

  • Of course he would leave his community behind when it became apparent that it couldn't be saved. I doubt he thinks he can take on an entire horde with nothing but his fists and his determination while he has a bullet in each knee. He would have left with Troy's help, then hunted down the group and murdered them all slowly in revenge for them destroying his community. Leaving him may make you feel good about yourself, but that good feeling wouldn't last long once Carver catches up to you and begins pulling out your fingernails.

    Carver wouldn't leave his community behind. He would want to stay to fight the hoard before hunting the group down because from what we hear

  • edited May 2014
    I consider what Kenny came up with more of a suggestion than a plan. A plan is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something (yes I got that off of google). Kenny didn't go into details, all he said was, "Draw hoard here, shoot our way out". Not much of a plan. If anything, I think it should be contributed evenly since most people contributed useful information or ideas to the plan.

    I think the point here is that Kenny came up with the plan BEFORE he knew about the walker guts and before Bonnie defected. It's like

  • Some people at a farm, or something...Not that important to the plot...
    skoothz posted: »

    Mark seems kind of upset. What's eating him?

  • One of Kenny's traits is coming up with suggestions without thinking them through. Like the boat plan, trying to help everyone at the lodge, then trying to escape from the truck being other prominent examples. The guy means well, but he seriously needs to use his head every once in a while.

    I consider what Kenny came up with more of a suggestion than a plan. A plan is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something (yes I g

  • I hope you don't the wrong idea, I love Kenny. He was my favorite character in Season 1 behind Lee and Clem of course, but he doesn't have the best "plans" in the world.
    Rock114 posted: »

    One of Kenny's traits is coming up with suggestions without thinking them through. Like the boat plan, trying to help everyone at the lodge,

  • edited May 2014
    Carver won't be able to walk again ever in his life if he miraculously does get away before the hoard engulfs his camp and him. What's wrong with my alternative? Instead of Kenny shooting his kneecaps when Luke was pointing a gun at him, why couldn't Kenny just put a bullet in his head and we haul ass out of there? 3 minute head start. Mission success. Carver's dead and those unfortunate events I stated earlier wouldn't have happened. It's a win-win situation.
    Rock114 posted: »

    Of course he would leave his community behind when it became apparent that it couldn't be saved. I doubt he thinks he can take on an entire

  • "Some plan, some fucking plan" (Nick to Clem about the past)
  • Like I said, Kenny could have shot him in the head. Clementine wouldn't have to see the brutality of caving a man's face in with a crowbar and all of them get out of there in one piece.

    Carver actually does, when the cabin group escaped the first time, they got away, but Reggie fell and got caught which means that they couldn't have been that far behind with AK-47s. They had every right to kill Reggie right then and there, but they didn't because of Carver. Granted that Carver kills him later on, but that's when he finds him weak-willed.
    Rock114 posted: »

    Luke just isn't cut out to do some of the harder things that need to be done. Like killing Carver. Carver had to die or even more group memb

  • I suppose Kenny could have. I admit that I would have very much preferred shooting him to bashing in his head, but I simply find it hard to blame Kenny for what he did, given that Carver had done much worse to others and did terrible things to Kenny himself. I'm not the type of guy who likes to see people die like Carver did. I'm not about vengeance, I'm just pragmatic. I wasn't crazy about Kenny taking his time about the whole situation either, but I don't feel that he was responsible for everything going wrong. It was a stray bullet, a randomly fired piece of lead that zipped through the wrong area at the wrong time that killed Carlos.

    Like I said, Kenny could have shot him in the head. Clementine wouldn't have to see the brutality of caving a man's face in with a crowbar a

  • I love Kenny's character, but he's a hot-headed dumbass. Guy couldn't just play along even back in the van he was already trying to screw things up for everybody.
  • Nothing is wrong with your alternative. In fact, it's what I wanted to do most of all. I just can't blame Kenny for losing it like that after everything that happened between him and Carver. It might have turned out differently and everyone might have lived, or it might have been even worse and everyone may have died. Without knowing that I'm unwilling to point the finger at anyone who didn't directly cause any of what went wrong.

    Carver won't be able to walk again ever in his life if he miraculously does get away before the hoard engulfs his camp and him. What's wrong

  • No, I get it. I love Kenny too, but even though he's one of my favorite characters I can admit that he's an asshole at times and that he has a tendency not to think things through. His plan to escape the truck in the beginning would have at the very least gotten him killed, and at the very most gotten everyone killed. The only thing I liked about it was how hilariously stupid it was, and how he banged his head on the wall when the truck stopped. Pure comedy.

    I hope you don't the wrong idea, I love Kenny. He was my favorite character in Season 1 behind Lee and Clem of course, but he doesn't have the best "plans" in the world.

  • edited May 2014
    The thing is, I'm not bothered that Kenny killed Carver. Hell, I didn't really care that he bashed his face in, but what bothered me was when my Clem said "We don't have time for this", Kenny responds "I'm making time". Kenny was willing to put the whole group in danger just to fulfill his own bloodlust, his need for vengeance, and guess what? People either died, were hurt, were put in unnecessary danger, or were separated which could have been avoided if it wasn't for Kenny's need for revenge. That's what bothers me. I'm pragmatic too, but I care about my group and I'm willing to do anything to protect everyone in it. Kenny obviously doesn't feel the same (except for Clem).
    Rock114 posted: »

    I suppose Kenny could have. I admit that I would have very much preferred shooting him to bashing in his head, but I simply find it hard to

  • I'm sure that Kenny feels the same, he just thinks emotionally at times. That was one of those times. He let his emotions get the better of him, like we've seen before, and acted on those feelings. It's not one of his better traits, admittedly, but in that situation, looking down at the man who had taken so much from him, I can't say for certain if I would have been able to control myself. I still maintain that it was straight up bad luck that killed Carlos and ruined the whole plan. Out of all the walkers in that herd, out of all the thousands of targets to pick from, one of those 4 or 5 people up on the wall picked the spot where Carlos was to shoot. Unless they (somehow) knew that they were shooting at one of the prisoners and not just another walker, I can't blame Kenny for what, in my mind , amounts to simple misfortune.

    The thing is, I'm not bothered that Kenny killed Carver. Hell, I didn't really care that he bashed his face in, but what bothered me was whe

  • edited May 2014
    What Carlos said earlier in the episode is relevant to this situation. Regardless of intent, rash actions have consequences and Carlos died because of it which is foreshadowing and ironic.
    Rock114 posted: »

    I'm sure that Kenny feels the same, he just thinks emotionally at times. That was one of those times. He let his emotions get the better of

  • Kenny is not known for coming up with good plans, but I still love him like a bro.
  • I think the "actions have consequences" line was foreshadowing Kenny getting his eye beating in. He decided to call Carver a fucker (his action) and then lost his eye and nearly died (the consequences).

    What Carlos said earlier in the episode is relevant to this situation. Regardless of intent, rash actions have consequences and Carlos died because of it which is foreshadowing and ironic.

  • edited May 2014
    If that's why Kenny lost his eye then why is everyone saying that it's all Luke's fault? I'm just curious. I know Luke got caught, but if Kenny didn't taunt Carver then he wouldn't have gotten a beatdown.
    Rock114 posted: »

    I think the "actions have consequences" line was foreshadowing Kenny getting his eye beating in. He decided to call Carver a fucker (his action) and then lost his eye and nearly died (the consequences).

  • I disagree with it being Luke's fault as well. If it were Luke's fault, then it wouldn't be one of Kenny's heroic acts it would be one of Luke's dumber acts. Kenny willingly took the radio from Clem, knowing what might happen but doing it anyway. That's what makes it heroic, and also the fulfillment of Carlos's words. He lost his eye because of that and his taunting Carver, and I'd like to think that his attitude after he wakes up is because he remembers Carlos's words in the truck and realizes that it was his actions that resulted in the loss of his eye, not Luke's, Clem's, or anyone else's.

    If that's why Kenny lost his eye then why is everyone saying that it's all Luke's fault? I'm just curious. I know Luke got caught, but if Kenny didn't taunt Carver then he wouldn't have gotten a beatdown.

  • I have to admit. My respect for Kenny rose substantially when he did that. Anyways, you could say that it could apply to both situations, but that's up for interpretation.
    Rock114 posted: »

    I disagree with it being Luke's fault as well. If it were Luke's fault, then it wouldn't be one of Kenny's heroic acts it would be one of Lu

  • Lol 25 guards? I think I saw 5 at most.
    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Kenny's plan was the equivalent of setting a huge fire in the compound and then improvising a way out. Yes, a fire certainly would have dist

  • When he said "Kenneth" he mean't it in a "Ha, you have a posh name." kind of way, not hard to understand.

    Yeah, me too :D It isn't even confirmed it's his real name, as Carver probably just took a guess, Kenny could also be Kennedy, or simply Kenny all along. But I still love that name

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    When Kenny said "get some guns and shoot our way out." I thought... Now I know for sure that Duck is truely Kenny's son and not that Katjaa did it with somebody els
  • Yeah, that's the thing about Kenny: his plans often aren't thought through properly. But I do respect him for what he did for Clem.
  • Kenny is a guy who thinks about the present and not the future. That what makes him scary to be around (im not saying he is unreliable). His attiude also sucks. I don't care what you all say but there was no reason for kenny to be a dickhead to mike or luke.
  • Could've been worse. He could've wanted to get a boat. In a market.
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