Who's better, Kenny or Luke?
I'm not saying who's your favorite, I'm asking who's more of a leader.
Kenny is a monster, no doubt about that, his actions such as letting Beatrice suffer, trying to kill Larry or leaving innocent people behind during the first stages of the apocalypse suggests more towards him being a leader like.. well.. Carver. Even Sarita states that he's different, leading me to believe that he's more killer then a savior. On the other hand, Kenny does seem to care for the people that he likes... such as Clementine or Sarita.
Luke is kind of the opposite of Kenny. He shows a LOT more humanity, and I feel like he would do the opposite of everything Kenny has done. Luke is no monster, but I don't think he's leader martial as well due to his reluctance to kill anything, dog or man.
In conclusion, I have no idea who is better.. Do you?
Kenny is a monster, no doubt about that, his actions such as letting Beatrice suffer, trying to kill Larry or leaving innocent people behind during the first stages of the apocalypse suggests more towards him being a leader like.. well.. Carver. Even Sarita states that he's different, leading me to believe that he's more killer then a savior. On the other hand, Kenny does seem to care for the people that he likes... such as Clementine or Sarita.
Luke is kind of the opposite of Kenny. He shows a LOT more humanity, and I feel like he would do the opposite of everything Kenny has done. Luke is no monster, but I don't think he's leader martial as well due to his reluctance to kill anything, dog or man.
In conclusion, I have no idea who is better.. Do you?
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Kenny's actions rely too much on his emotions. He lets his emotions run its course and that's dangerous. He's just so rash and don't seem to think of consequences. I knows he cares for Clem but he doesn't seem to give a shit to people he doesn't like. He would've taken the risk of Alvin's life even when he himself admitted it was a hard shot to kill Carver. He didn't really give a shit about anyone in the S1 group apart from his wife and kid and sometimes Lee, but ONLY if Lee had sided with him.
Luke, well, we don't know him that well yet. But he does seem like a good leader. He didn't abandon his group when they were taken in by Carver (and let's remember Kenny almost left Lilly behind in episode 3 of season 1 although I guess that if he did, it would've granted a better outcome... but still). Plus he at least showed some reluctance when suggesting they leave Kenny behind.
I don't know. I don't think either of them is a great leader but I do think Luke is a better one. But it's also best if both of them are there.
"To kill a monster, you must become one".
And there are lots of monsters in Walking Dead universe!
Kenny's not a monster...
And for me it looks like he does care about Clementine (and the other group members duh) a little more than Kenny who almost seems to act like Clem's older than she actually is
I know it's just a game but a lot of you guys seem to care about the humanity and stuff so I'd say that Luke's much more considerable in this one than Kenny
Luke is alot more sneaky and plans alot
Kenny is ruthless guy who I like by my side against other people
If both find a way to work together they would be nearly unstopable Luke organises the sneak/quiet situation's while Kenny takes The more Ruthless/killing humans problems
But to answer the question I say Luke more of a leader
Kenny is ready to make hard descisions and pull the trigger if necessary unlike Luke, who hesitates to shoot Carver and whines about killing a dog ;__;
Imo Kenny is better because humanity is dead.
inb4 this thread turns into a flame war
Kenny never thinks his plans through, as the quote above demonstrates. The only thing that plan had going for it was that it was so colossally stupid that nobody with more than two brain cells would have expected him to do something so dumb. While I prefer Kenny over Luke, I'd feel safer following through with one of Luke's plans.
Luke I feel is more willing to talk and listen to the people around him. He's also more willing to plan things out rather than jumping right into action. Sometimes this makes him seem indecisive, though.
Overall, I prefer Luke as a leader, but he's still not ideal.
- Kenny drove around innocent people who needed help during the first stage of the apocalypse.
- Kenny didn't help Shawn for no reason.
- Kenny argued with Larry about throwing out Duck, even though he killed Larry when there was a chance he was alive.
- Kenny wanted a girl to suffer, for bait.
- Kenny lied to Katjaa about what happened during the locker thing.
- Kenny refused to believe that Duck would die, when it was obvious.
- Kenny let KATJAA SHOOT DUCK (I mean, I think..) because she committed suicide with the gun, so she was suppose to shoot Duck with the gun..
- Kenny went drunk. Which would hurt the group more then help.
- Kenny wanted Ben dead.
- Kenny hated Lee for not wanting to kill a man. (Determined.)
- Kenny tried to start a another family in the zombie apocalypse.
- Kenny got beat up by a bunch of old people. (Determined.)
- Kenny shot Carver when Alvin was a hostage, but didn't when Clementine and Sarita were.
- Kenny got beat up by a truck.
- Kenny wanted to "improvise."
OK, that's pretty much all I can remember. I might have got some wrong.. But anyway, this just shows that Kenny is not the best leader, he's certainly not the worst, but you do have to talk about his bad points too. You don't have to lose your humanity to become a great leader.
Yup, Kenny is a real monster I totally forgot about that scene lol.
I don't trust Kenny as a leader, because the way his speaks of his plan of going to Wellington, makes me think of the Motor Inn and how determined he was to get to the coast even once Katjaa and Duck were dead that it got almost obsessive. And the end of the recent episode 3 pretty much showed the reason why I didn't pick him to look out for Clem at the end of the last season. Kenny means well, but he gets reckless and jumps to conclusions too quickly. That's not the sort of guy I'd want leading a group. But on the plus, I'd know at least with Kenny he would take a threat like Carver out and prevent him coming back to get them in the future, where as Luke might be too weak in not wanting to kill human beings, and probably wouldn't do so unless he really didn't have a choice.
But even with Luke, even though he thinks things out much better than Kenny and tries to go for the less violent approach around stuff, I'd worry he'd still be too young to take on such a role permanently, just because...well he sucked at that whiskey business he and Nick did, or whatever the hell it was. Seriously boy, you should be ashamed of yourself XD That and he pushed himself way too hard in Episode 3, when he should've rested up, chased a crow for some food and come back another day [and seriously, there must've been some buildings he could've just hidden in for a little while away from walkers and slept a few hours without them knowing he was there. So there's a flaw right there in the guy, he cares too much on the wellbeing of others and disregarded himself completely that it worked against his favor].
Kenny's too violent, Luke's too nice, but i'd prefer nice over 'violent smashing in of some living skulls' anyday o_o
Luke, in all honesty, never gave me the "leadership" vibe even from the get-go. I was surprised when Carver singled him out as their leader in episode 2. I was like, "Really? They followed him?" Not as a negative. Just genuine surprise. While Luke has been the main supporting character for Clem (until Kenny showed up), I never got the inkling that his opinion trumped anyone else's or that others were looking to him for guidance. In fact, in the first episode, his opinion was largely unheard when the group decided to throw Clem in the shed. So yes, he's kind, compassionate, and likes to plan ahead before taking action. But he could easily be walked all over by more imposing, dominating personalities. Heh.
Hell, Clementine should just usurp the throne and take over. Maybe by the end of episode 5, she will be the leader. LOL.
Nick top tier here guys.
That's not to say Luke doesn't have his flaws, of course. Kenny called him a flake, and that's part-true; I don't like how Luke has a habit of vanishing when he's most needed, or going along with the majority when said majority makes a highly questionable decision (the infamous shed business). But an outright coward wouldn't track his friends day and night through walker-infested territory without getting so much as five minutes' worth of sleep. It's hard to get a fix on him.
-he brought his son back to a safe place first
-Well, Duck wasn't confirmed yet, but Larry could have reanimated any second without adrenaline
-she was already bitten and would have died either way, so why not use her death to get more supplies for your own group
-Katjaa didn't even like guns and couldn't cope with things very well
-no, Katjaa suggested to bring Duck in the woods so that either Lee or Kenny could kill him
-after losing everything in your life, alcohol is more than acceptable
-And Ben didn't tell him about the bandits he supplied, which got in turn Kenny's family killed
-not necessarily, if you always take his side otherwise, you might still have a good relationship
-and that is wrong?
-They had guns n stuff
-he didn't care about Alvin since he wanted the group to get out anyway
-he just improvised
-that is part of his personality and does not always go wrong, sometimes his plans actually work out
Luke at least showed reluctance to suggest leaving Kenny behind and considered other options when risks ere in play. Kenny never cared if he had to risk everyone (unless its Clem or Sarita). WHAT KIND OF LEADER IS THAT?
I'd trust Clem with Kenny, but I won't trust Kenny to be a capable leader. NEVER.
Now I don't want to start a flame war, because you had your good points too, maybe we can compare and contrast.. I don't know...