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  • *Guess who's the first country to be overtaken by zombies?

    Azlyn posted: »

    USA! USA! USA! I wish our place would have the brains. But nooooo. Guess who's the first country to be overtaken by zombies? Well, probably Albania, but hey.

  • Yeah? The government are going to value the outbreak and spread to other countries/ cites more than survivors.
    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    yeah lets nuke the country with thousands of survivours

  • But a virus like the one in TWD would have to evolve, adapt, grow to be able to fly undercover into a population.

    that's kinda doubt full. if it were to be world wide, then people would die fast considering the fact of how many people die in one day.

  • If there was anything. ANYTHING like a zombie virus, I believe it would come into the form of induced comas, due to a virus of kinds.

    ya, im not saying it would be like the movies, and stuff. but a virus making the dead have alive characteristics and have the erge to eat, possibly.

  • edited May 2014
    Pentagon: Here we have this detailed plan of dealing with a ZA
    Kenny: Boat!
    Pentagon:Give this man a medal.
  • I don't think so, the closest form of zombies on Earth is created by a fungus Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis. when taking over the ants body, the fungi doesn't have the motor skills of a normal ant, causing it to move slower, in a drunk-like motion, and not faster. I've never watched 28 Days Later, but I have seen clips on youtube from it on how fast the zombies move. So, it is probably more likely, that if a zombie apocalypse were to happen, they wouldn't move as quickly as they do in in 28 Days Later.

    If there is a zombie apocalypse, i think its gonna be something like 28 Days Later.

  • edited May 2014
    All the virus would need to do is become airborne, then we're all fucked.
    Talimancer posted: »

    But a virus like the one in TWD would have to evolve, adapt, grow to be able to fly undercover into a population.

  • The governments of most countries wouldn't nuke that quickly, but eventually, they would resort to nuclear bombings, napalm bombing and most likely guided-missile strikes.
    Talimancer posted: »

    Yeah? The government are going to value the outbreak and spread to other countries/ cites more than survivors.

  • Pimp detective Lee?! That is too much amazingness to comprehend.
  • No, Mozambique.
    Syracuse posted: »

    *Guess who's the first country to be overtaken by zombies? Ukraine?

  • Ah yeah man, i forgot about Cordyceps, and yeah the zombies in 28 days later run freakishly fast XD
    Lets just hope that Cordyceps does not spread to humans.

    I don't think so, the closest form of zombies on Earth is created by a fungus Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis. when taking over the ants body, t

  • Paying taxes? Don't be silly.
  • ya, like that.
    Talimancer posted: »

    If there was anything. ANYTHING like a zombie virus, I believe it would come into the form of induced comas, due to a virus of kinds.

  • 'That's fucking stupid, Pentagon.'

    Gov. agencies sometimes do stuff like this if they have money left over and are afraid hat their budgets will be cut if they show an end-of-year surplus. Still, seems like a waste of time and resources
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